Map Scaling
I usually build everything in ADT at normal scale and export to ASE's. I had the same scaling problem when we made our first map. We figured that a drawscale of 2 works good if you build things in Max or ADT. That allows you to get through a normal door. As for the scalemap utility in Runtime, you have to have everything selected for it to work. It took me a few tries to do this. Our office map is at a drawscale of 4 because I originally made it a DM and CTF map and made it more fun. We decided to keep it at that scale because it makes everything more grandoise and feels more cinematic. It also makes the user move through the map slower and you get more out of the experience. We should have the map available for download by Tuesday. I am still working on an intro Matinee sequence so we can make a small video. I will post the URL when it is up and running.
Have fun.
Here's a couple of screenshots of the office.
I usually build everything in ADT at normal scale and export to ASE's. I had the same scaling problem when we made our first map. We figured that a drawscale of 2 works good if you build things in Max or ADT. That allows you to get through a normal door. As for the scalemap utility in Runtime, you have to have everything selected for it to work. It took me a few tries to do this. Our office map is at a drawscale of 4 because I originally made it a DM and CTF map and made it more fun. We decided to keep it at that scale because it makes everything more grandoise and feels more cinematic. It also makes the user move through the map slower and you get more out of the experience. We should have the map available for download by Tuesday. I am still working on an intro Matinee sequence so we can make a small video. I will post the URL when it is up and running.
Have fun.
Here's a couple of screenshots of the office.