My good friend Acceleration...

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Feb 18, 2000
Redwood City, CA USA
Wait a sec, If you have accelleration turned on for the Winbloze desktop, its also applied to your game? And if you also have it turned on in the game, do you get multiplied acceleration?


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
You have the choice of keeping it enabled or disabled for games/applications with the mx510's driver/control panel.

All I know is with it turned on "low" in my settings i hardly have to pick my mouse up, no longer lose opponents scooting past me quickly, and can at least hitscan/combo reasonably well still... which is exactly what I was looking for :)

Just gotta stop my "spaz" shots now... so used to having to throw the mouse cross' the desktop for hitscans I keep overshooting the target, LOL.

Gently we move the mouse... gently...


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Yea, if you turn it on in the logtiech mouseware, it affects it in game... I'm not sure if you can do both and they are cumulative or not. The logitech stuff was always enough for me.

Newer mousewares versions, I believe, have the check box option for it to be disabled in games.

I guess technically, I'm a low sens user, because my sens is set to 3, but I think the cpl sesitivity is reflected in game as well... I just don't feel like I'm low sens, because my pov is all over the place when I play.


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
For some strange reason though.. when you check "disable aceleration in games" in the logitech control panel... it doesn't for UT2004. It's the only game that still uses the acc. when I play it with the option checked.
Wierd eh?

I also tried that logitech "advanced mouseware" thingie Edhe..
When I set it to windws acceleration, which I'm assuming is the "OS Implementation" choice as opposed to "Mouseware Implementation" in the speed and acceleration section, it made it seem slow and unresponsive to me.
I likes the way the mouseware implementation feels better. Makes it nice and quickity-quick. But hey that's just me :)
Also are you using an mx510 or a different Logitech mouse. I ask only because they have a special set of mouse drivers for the mx510 specifically which seems to already have the options the advanced user thingie does.
Normal version mouse drivers are 9.7x sumthing and the mx510 specific-driver is 9.80.

My hitscan twitch/flick shots are getting better... I was never good at "tracking" shots anyways. Still having combo problems since my movement is so much faster now but I'll adjust to it. Don't mind trying to 're-learn" it while the rest of my game is "comfortable" again. :)

Thanx for all the help, info, and tips from everyone. :tup:

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Bit of a bump, yes, but for the curious I managed to obtain a really cheap (And crappy) Digital camera, to show you my hand position.



Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Dark Pulse said:
Bit of a bump, yes, but for the curious I managed to obtain a really cheap (And crappy) Digital camera, to show you my hand position.
So that's how a hand of an arrow-player looks like.
No offence, Dark Pulse, but I already expected something like that. I hope you didn't bought a camera just for this one shot


Rainbow Brite
May 20, 2001
Chula Vista, CA
Dark Pulse said:
Bit of a bump, yes, but for the curious I managed to obtain a really cheap (And crappy) Digital camera, to show you my hand position.

[ image ]
I can see a new thread forming...
The sequel of the "Picture of You" Thread (which I still have to post to again this year)...

"Picture of your Hand" Thread!


・ ω ・
Apr 15, 2003
Dark Pulse and JohnDoe, you gs have a weird setup. Well, Dark Pulse's I can make sense of, but JD, yours is quite strange to me. I find it amazing that you play so well.

Mine comes from the days when I played Half-Life (which was the first game to introduce me to WASD). I use E for use, and both Shift and Ctrl are bound to duck. Space, of course, is jump.

I tend to use the mouse wheel to switch weapons, but I do use Q (xloc) and 1-4 quite often, while occasionally using 5 through 0. I have "throw weapon" bound to semicolon, but I should change that, since I find myself throwing weapons a lot.

I'm going to experiment with the extra buttons on my MX510.

Good ideas and thread :):tup:


・ ω ・
Apr 15, 2003
Damn, do I enter these threads late.
JohnDoe641 said:
It may sound strange but I've been using this basic setup since I used my first scroll setup for Duke3d.
Good thing you're not using A/Z for jump/crouch :p


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Actually, the only thing I started to use as "foward" was the scroll wheels button. The rest of the setup I've been using since Doom. :D

I purchased an mx510 the day of my last fragBU and since the scroll wheel was quite firm and wasn't easy to press in like my Intellimouse Explorer 3.0, I wasn't able to move foward and dodge when I wanted to. You may have noticed that in those matches I would just stop going fowards quite often for no reason at all. I quickly bound fowards to a keyboard key but I couldn't use it. The old setup was so ingrained in my mind that I couldn't use any other setup.

I suppose anyone can become good at anything with enough time. I don't think I could get used to any other setup without atleast a year of using it. :c


・ ω ・
Apr 15, 2003
Alright, I changed the button config so that the two side buttons on my mouse are piped weapon switches, and the bottom-most one of the extra middle buttons is Throw Weapon.