My good friend Acceleration...

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Jan 3, 2004
I think I am one of the few people out there that acctually has gone from low sense to a higher after playing for a while. Just last week I changed it from very low to ...just low. When I started out playing I had a high sense, then as I learned the game I keept lowering it. And lowering it. And lowering it. In the end it was just too low. Sure, I could use hitscans when people were midair and land nice liftjumping comboes BUT as soon as people started dodging like crazy my mouse was too slow so I couldn't hit them at all :( And my movement was...less than fluid. In those close up fights I could just as well roll over and die cause it would be less painfull :D. So now I'm trying to relearn how to use a mouse that can do a 360 on 30 cm instead of a 180. Fun thing is, I can still do the midair hitscans, my "dogfighting skills" has gone up, I hit more comboes than ever and the only thing that is hard to relearn is acctually not to overshot those flip-rocket-shots. So my suicide rate is up.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Dark Pulse said:
I must be some genitalactic freak of nature then. I use Mousewheel and arrows - in fact, some call my setup something odd, but it works for me and I usually have my tools at my disposal when I need them. I've learned to pretty much count my mousewheel clicks to know how fast I have to get to a particular weapon.

And yet I still kick ass, even with what most people consider a vastly inferior setup. So yeah, the rule of thumb is use what's good for you, not what's good for most people, or even all people.
I still use the mouse wheel for weapons changing, but I also use the same wheels click function as my foward movement.

It may sound strange but I've been using this basic setup since I used my first scroll setup for Duke3d.

If it wasn't for the wheel I'd probably still be using my old Doom setup. :c


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
"DP, you mo," as Raffi would say. :p

My suicide rate is always high. Didn't think my 3.5 sensitivity had anything to do with it, though. I seem to misjudge rocket shots a lot. For example, in trying to be tricky and use a pillar for cover before I shoot, I'll shoot the pillar instead. :rolleyes:

I do need to try out acceleration though, as I have a "lazy wrist" if you will. I always have it resting on something, so my mouse movement is pretty much limited to the four inches I can easily reach horizontally and two or so I can reach vertically. At least, I think. Maybe I move it around more subconciously when I'm playing...

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
JohnDoe641 said:
I still use the mouse wheel for weapons changing, but I also use the same wheels click function as my foward movement.

It may sound strange but I've been using this basic setup since I used my first scroll setup for Duke3d.

If it wasn't for the wheel I'd probably still be using my old Doom setup. :c
Allow me to calrify more weirdness on my setup:

/ = Crouch
Shift = Walk
Ctrl = Jump
Enter = Vehicle Enter/Exit

If I had a digital camera of some sort, I'd show where my hands are positioned, but alas, I don't. So I'll try to describe it as best I can:

My Left Pinky usually rests on Shift, despite the fact I don't walk much. Middle Finger is holding foward (As, after all, you usually are moving foward) and Index finger taps Backwards when I need it. Left thumb is Strafe/dodge left, with Pointer finger being Strafe/Dodge Right usually, unless I'm moving backwards at the time, in which case, my middle finger is holding down down arrow, Left thumb dodge/strafe left, pointer dodge/strafe right.

Odd? Maybe. It induces cramps in some people, so I hear. But it works with me.

Turns2Ashes said:
"DP, you mo," as Raffi would say. :p

My suicide rate is always high. Didn't think my 3.5 sensitivity had anything to do with it, though. I seem to misjudge rocket shots a lot. For example, in trying to be tricky and use a pillar for cover before I shoot, I'll shoot the pillar instead. :rolleyes:

I do need to try out acceleration though, as I have a "lazy wrist" if you will. I always have it resting on something, so my mouse movement is pretty much limited to the four inches I can easily reach horizontally and two or so I can reach vertically. At least, I think. Maybe I move it around more subconciously when I'm playing...

Yes, he would say that. He's good at saying that. But oh well. :D

Your Sensitivity has nothing to do with your suicides; you're simply mistiming when the rockets will fire. Learn to play by sound. Each Rocket you fire will have a "Ch-chiiiiiiiishthunk" sound. You need to be AWAY from that pillar before it reaches "Shthunk." Well away.

I also tend to rest my wrist on my desk, but my scope and movement range is excellent. I don't move my wrist though - I tend to move my whole arm synchronously with my wrist. Gives me lots of room to move the mouse, and it's probably a prime reason as to why I have no Carpal Tunnel. :p
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Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Dark Pulse said:
Allow me to calrify more weirdness on my setup:

/ = Crouch
Shift = Walk
Ctrl = Jump
Enter = Vehicle Enter/Exit

If I had a digital camera of some sort, I'd show where my hands are positioned, but alas, I don't. So I'll try to describe it as best I can:

My Left Pinky usually rests on Shift, despite the fact I don't walk much. Middle Finger is holding foward (As, after all, you usually are moving foward) and Index finger taps Backwards when I need it. Left thumb is Strafe/dodge left, with Pointer finger being Strafe/Dodge Right usually, unless I'm moving backwards at the time, in which case, my middle finger is holding down down arrow, Left thumb dodge/strafe left, pointer dodge/strafe right.

Odd? Maybe. It induces cramps in some people, so I hear. But it works with me.
My setup is:

/ = backpedal
< = strafe left
> = strafe right
m = duck
enter = enter/exit vehicles/use
" = toss weapon
\ = t/l
Middle mouse click = foward
Middle mouse scroll up/down = weapons up/down
Left bottom side button = shock/LtG


Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Well, I do have some things bound to my mouse. My old crappy one had two side buttons:

Left Side = XLoc
Right Side = Last Weapon

The MX500 Warden gave me (Bless his heart) allowed me to expand it a bit -

Left side now has both thumb buttons. These are still XLoc and Last Weapon.

The three extra middle buttons: Top is my "EFC is here!" bind, Middle is "Under Heavy Attack!" Bind, Bottom is bound to the SG, since I play ONS a lot and usually have to make quick midair exits out of Raptors. Saves my ass sometimes... ;)


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Thanx boog... It's a choice, so I try not to expect recognition for it, but sometimes it really amazes me when I think about the fact that I have any hitscan game what-so-ever.

Yeah, and those setups are just silly. The displacing of any movement key from the other 3 is so foreign to me. I knew a guy once that used WSER for his movement, and that screwed with my head just trying to think about it. I actually played Doom wasd as well... I was a bit "ahead of my time" I think... other then the fact that I was using the numpad for look, but hey...

Your style of play can have a lot to do with what point to control setup works for you too. I notice when I play against people, if they have really good hitscan, and I start to notice they prolly play low sens, I find I can get in close, and rock them. Litterally, just keep them spinning. With a Tball (or even a mouse and big pad) on high sens, you can be so aware as to see when your opponenet picks up his mouse, which is one of the funniest things ever. Accell may screw you up severely if you like to take time and aim, or trace hard, or what have you.

Most of my histcan game is more a 2 axis turn and shoot. I rarely trace, so high sens and accell is great because I never turn short, and rarely miss by alot. If your no good at that, you may need low sens for your aim, and have to rely on other aspects of your game for preventing, or serviving close quarters encounters that make your head spin.


Jun 12, 2000
Different tweaks for different peeps.

Personally i couldn't live without acceleration :)

I can track fine and reflex fire just peachy, the vid that sav released of that showed so :) couple of main shots:
1- tracked a shot of an FC on spidercrossings
2- tracked an xloccer on progressive steel and flicked back to his head on landing
3- campercrossings @ 100 shield vs korosif i hit him with r0x on descent, he got shield and i flicked a 180 and nailed him with flak..

It works for me., it might work for you :) I have a very low sense that helps stop me from over correcting with a threshold that kicks in quickly but not too quickly, allowing me to still xloc about like a numpty.
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The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
It's nice to know there's really good players out there who use acceleration. Gives me more confidence in using it. :)

Just a question for all you "right side of the keyboard" users...

DO you have a huge desk where you can push your keyboard way over? I wouldn't be able to use the right half of my keyboard as my main controls just because then my arm wouldn't exactly be in it's "natural" position. I can see however how DP could manage with the way he fingers his keys...
(wait a sec.. that sounded nasty)
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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
JohnDoe641 said:
My setup is:

/ = backpedal
< = strafe left
> = strafe right
m = duck
enter = enter/exit vehicles/use
" = toss weapon
\ = t/l
Middle mouse click = foward
Middle mouse scroll up/down = weapons up/down
Left bottom side button = shock/LtG

Also congrats, John. That is by far the weirdest setup I've ever heard. It's even impossible if you have a European keyboard (prob different than yours): <, > and \ are bound to the same buttons over here (that key next to left shift). < is the default action, > is with shift added and \ is alt gr + the key. Oh, and / is shift + that key directly above the alt gr button, or on the numeric keyboard. Even 'm' is at a different position over here (next to 'L')

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
BooGiTyBoY said:
It's nice to know there's really good players out there who use acceleration. Gives me more confidence in using it. :)

Just a question for all you "right side of the keyboard" users...

DO you have a huge desk where you can push your keyboard way over? I wouldn't be able to use the right half of my keyboard as my main controls just because then my arm wouldn't exactly be in it's "natural" position. I can see however how DP could manage with the way he fingers his keys...
(wait a sec.. that sounded nasty)

Yes Boog... yes it did. :lol:

I actually have a true computer desk; my Keyboard is on a little platform that rolls in and out. It's about 4 inches under my mouse, but as I said, it's on a platform, so my position is hardly unnatural as I play.


Jun 12, 2000
I have a full size office desk from Ikea :) It supports my 13Kg case, a 22", a 17" and satellites aswell as other things, but i use a standard fUncpad 1030 for me mouse.


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
After reading this thread I've
a) put my weapon to invisible, and
b) decreased my mouse sensitivity from 2.10 to it's ages since I've tinkered with settings, this thread has inspired me to have a play. Just had a quick play on DM-TheLongestYard (for me it's a good map to practice rocket and flak aim as everyone is perpetually flying between jump-pads and it's open so if you move in a straight line for a second you get hit). i actually got way more kills and fewer deaths than I normally do (against Adept bots admittedly, but hey, I never claimed to be any good :) ).

Interesting, I think I'll stick with this experiment and see how it works online in ONS.

Good thread, nice to have my ass kicked into changing something.
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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Israphel said:
After reading this thread I've
a) put my weapon to invisible, and
b) decreased my mouse sensitivity from 2.10 to it's ages since I've tinkered with settings, this thread has inspired me to have a play. Just had a quick play on DM-TheLongestYard (for me it's a good map to practice rocket and flak aim as everyone is perpetually flying between jump-pads and it's open so if you move in a straight line for a second you get hit). i actually got way more kills and fewer deaths than I normally do (against Adept bots admittedly, but hey, I never claimed to be any good :) ).

Interesting, I think I'll stick with this experiment and see how it works online in ONS.

Good thread, nice to have my ass kicked into changing something.
Posts like this make me wanna write another guide again...
Unfortunately, my grasp on the ideas is too limited to show others the right way :( (prob. because there is no "right way" on many settings).

I don't understand how Dark Pulse can be so good with everything out of reach of his hand, and I don't understand how JohnDoe can pwn so hard with a setup that complex. I don't know why so many players in this thread can't play without treshold/acceleration, while some guide says different (hey, Boogity: throw me a link, will ya?).
*sigh* I don't even really see the difference between the two kinds of comfortable with's.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Taleweaver said:
*sigh* I don't even really see the difference between the two kinds of comfortable with's.
Don't worry. Ren's post didn't make too much sense to me either. :)

Maybe you can write a guide about not strictly adhering to guides... ( :lol: ) And how it's a good thing to try everything for yourself before decided which you like best.
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Dead but not gone.
Jan 4, 2004
I use right side of the keyboard

Up is forward, down is back, left is left, right is right. Unlike dp I move my middle finger back to backpedal. The setup was hard at first because my small finger rests on the Ctrl key which is jump for me, and I kept double jumping in combat. I broke that habit as fast as possible. :p
The only thing I dont like in that \ is my throw weapon key, and anyone who has ever seen me spawn will tell you about me and the assault rifle. :p

Im really not much for binds though.. they can be handy, but overall I dont think much of them.


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Back on the topic of acceleration.. can anyone easily (if possible) describe how the threshold setting in UT2004 works? The numbers mean absolutely nothing to me, and therefore I don't understand why they go up in multiples of 5...

If it helps any... on my logitech mx510 I have the motion slider bar in my settings over 2 bars from the left, acceleration is on low, and my mouse sens is like 1.25...


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
I only use Win2k accelleration. My mouse speed settings are all default, but I would like to know what exactly they mean too... if it's a pixel measure, or multiplyer, or what.

The only way to express it, I could think of, would be the same way you express normal accelleration with one number... like Pixels/s/s maybe. Distance divided by time, divided by time...