hey man, the texture wasnt made by duke. if you knew who the hell was making the stuff etc, youd first of all know who to complain to.
and about demanding what you wanna see get fixed etc, does it really matter if it gets fixed or not? i dont think that many people are gonna come here, download the M16A4 then go - "oooooh look there are way too many rails on that flattop reciever"

and dukes got a lot of work to do ok? hes up to his neck with the amount of coding our weapons mod team has put on him. remember that other thread a while back where all these funky model renders got posted?? well i can tell you that there are upwards of 10 models that got displayed and guess what? dukes gotta code them all. then when his stuff finally gets released, seeing from all the other weapon muts that have released, people here give about 2-3 posts that show some appreciation as to how much time and effort. then the rest are people bitching about "nooo i want this this that that" want proof? take a look at the rest of this thread. coming here reading this thread was frustrating after something like the 3rd day the M16 came out. im sorry but please, since duke is the only real weapons coder we have here, spare a little time to think about what hes doing - using up HIS time to get something to YOU. there used to be the argument back in the days of 2.86 where id say to people who threw tantrums to try speed up the SS team releasing 2.87 'the SS team owe you nothing, so stop demanding 2.87 (now 2.9)'. that applies even more here. dukes not even part of the team. hes meant to one of us - the community! yes, hes not some far away developer who works for valve shut in his room, hes a guy who you can talk to here on the forums and he listens to what you say and replies. just spend about half a second to think about what hes doing and try to ask, not put up statements that sound like demands.
now, with the bonus pack coming out, i think that its pretty clear duke did the coding for those weapons. if youre crying like this now over the M16, i really dont wanna think about the five 'i wanna cry about XXX weapon' threads that are gonna emerge as the pack gets released.
i dont wanna sound like a tosser, but how about you guys start to do some ****ing appreciating instead of bitching for a change?!
EDIT: hey my 287th post has some meaning to it
