To some extent, crac I agree with you. _but_ it's more complicated than you try to expose it. First of all, one has to understand (and i'm sure you do) that it is impossible to respond positively to every request that are made here. This could be for many different reasons all the way from technical to political.
You must also agree that a lot of stuff that has been asked wasn't asked properly. When you put long hours working on something that you are kind enough to release in a community there are a few things difficult to digest. People who come here and post like they know everything better than every one else is one of them. Many here seem they have a problem making the difference bettween a feeling, an opinion and a fact.
Then there are the repetitive request. You can continue to hammer on the nail when it's all the way in the 2x4... but sooner or later, the 2x4 will crack. Maybe we should do a roundup of all the request we've seen... let's see what comes in mind first...
1) Mag 7 sound. Some asked to check out the distant sound and the pump action sound. Guess what... we are looking at it (I guess we are not deaf after all).
2) M4A1 suppressor sound. This point was taken the first day the pack was released... again we are looking at what can be done.
3) M4A1 being an uberweapon. no comment on this one really. It's hardly a uberweapon. If you always get killed with it, that's because everyone uses it. If everyone uses it, it's because it's cool and new. Taking the problem the other way around can be missleading (e.g. I get killed a lot by it because it's an uberweapon and that's why everyone uses it). Logic has never been very strong around here. nothing new there.
4) M4A1 animations. First everyone whines that the weapon are switching too fast, now you whine that it's too slow. Making up your mind should be a good idea. I understand that the other weapons don't have this "feature". Well I guess there is a first to everything. We took note of the comment even during beta testing, but decided to keep it so. I though the community was ready for some innovative stuff... maybe not and for that I am personnaly disapointed. Sure it's an handicap... but somehow it doesn't make people any worse with the rifle.
5) recoil of the weapons. The reacoil isn't a problem with the weapon pack... it's a problem with Infiltration. We modeled the recoil so that a shot
without interfearing with the mouse give about the recoil of a shot in real life. The problem with infiltration is that it's too easy to compensate recoil with the mouse. Sentry studios deicided to give unrealistically high recoils to counter the fact you can compensate this easily. IMO it's a cheap hack to solve a problem the wrong way around. By making the recoil realistic, we did not use SS's way to bypass the recoil correction problem, thus making it seem smaller to a player correcting for recoil. I don't know if i'm clear about this, but in brief, if you want realistic recoils there isn't much that can be done about it without modifing the game much more considerably.
6) M93R skin with wood. The m93r _is_ like that. If we wanted _another_ black gun, we whould have modelled something else. This is the m93r...
7) Priority bug. well how many time have I heared about this one! even myself found it anoying. Guess what... we found a quick fix for it. Not yet perfect? doesn't work for the uzi with 30rnds mag? well guess what again... we are working on it and we found a fix.
8) camo for the mp5a4. Some disliked it... well we made different camos, including a plain, every-other-inf-weapon-like-black skin following those comments, which were reasonable, especially considering the early developpement stage of the weapon. We will try to find a way to have a choice of camo. happy?
9) M4A1 with m203. Ah! I don't know how often I've seen this one... First let's start by noting that in Infiltration, the combat range is always bellow 500 m (I'm not even sure RtK is an exception to this). What's the difference in "performance" and "handling" between the m4a1 and m16a4 at those ranges? Now what happens if both the m16a4 and m4a1 have an m203? Or again, ask yourselves... if you have an m203 for the m16a4 AND the m16a2... do we really need an m203 for the m4a1?
To this last question my personnal opinion is no. If you cosider all the time it needs to create a whole new weapon class set for the m203 and the time it would take to animate it, it's even worse. Maybe not everyone has a good idea how hard it is to animate those rifles.... I had no idea before i got to it. And we decided to keep the number of attachements to a minimum of many technical reasons and to save time. None essential ones where not included.
So, that's all pretty clear uh? Then why continously ask for the m203? No we are not going to do it... but that doesn't imply that we don't care at all about your opinion. But when we have a good reason not to do something and you keep hammering down your request, at some point we are going to be tired of giving the same awnser. Soon or later, you'll get a big and nice "
fuck off". I'm sure you'd do the same.
And then, finaly but not the least, there is the way things are asked around it. Reporting a problem doesn't mean you need to says that somethings sucks. Saying that you would like to see somethings more with a things doesn't mean you have to say that it's a useless piece of ****. If you say things that way, whether it's for something relative to this weapon pack or anything else, be assured that people are going to be much less receptive. I don't think I've seen one single complaint with a good technical description of the problem, testing result and real life facts as a comparison. I said facts here... that does't include opinion of feelings. If you feel that something is not correct, that doesn't make it incorrect. You cannot prove something on feelings or opinions. A good comparison fact could be, for example, a 3 round burst on target at 100 m in INF and in RL with the same weapon or a recorded sound. If you come with something like that and it's obvious it's totally off, of course we will consider fixing it. Sadly most of the input we recieved here is not only useless, but irritating in it's arrogance.
If things are asked nicely and are reasonable, nothing is said that we wouldn't look into it. I don't understand why you think we give no credit to the opinions delivered by the community. If we don't anwser your little requests, for your little person cracwhore, it doesn't mean that we don't care or that we don't listen.
EDIT: damn ecale... that font is huge! I think your post is even longer than mine