Islam's Prophet Mohammed + Cartoon

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arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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the problem is not islam , its muslims. a good minority of muslims are middle age barbarics.

and a good majority of muslims are normal people, who yet Agree silently the middle age barbarics, and blame the west. its so easier.

about the muslims being discriminated in france. thats what the media pro left say. thats what i thought (brainwashed) before seing the reality. the reality is other. the medias dont know real france, they live in a bubble and will say you that us french (white) are to blame for everything, and are racist who discriminate all the time. Well they should go in the real france.

muslims and arabs are doing well economicaly. many of them are doing better than Maaany white people. im looking for internship atm and i have been interviewed and send offers to "discriminated muslims" who are here sitting in the office thinking about wich person they will take and wich they wont . i gave my CV to "discriminated blacks" because they have connections in the corporate world.

then you got the ghetto muslims who say they are discriminated. well considering they cant speack , they are violent, dont respect people when they talk, are school drop outs because its more fun to stay outside doing nothing. yet they complain they have no jobs so its discrimination. thats Bull****. considering how hard it is for White people or muslim people -I know- to get a good job WITH a good diploma, and a good presentation, its no surprise its harder for them, and thats not always discrimination.

end of rant


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Okay, one more then. Lemon, I would never join any extremist or racist group on either side of the fence. That's just not me. I try my damndest to avoid using any sort of violence unless my life is in danger and even then I will try to talk myself out of it. I'm not going to sink to the same level as extremists and/or terrorists unless there is no other option.

Oct 28, 2003
France, Cannes
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I think this way Almost, if i need to defend myself i will fight too. :)

Don said:
the problem is not islam , its muslims. a good minority of muslims are middle age barbarics.
and a good majority of muslims are normal people, who yet Agree silently the middle age barbarics, and blame the west. its so easier.

A bit true, like also its often easier for Westerners to confuse the minority with the majority of muslims :D

Don said:
about the muslims being discriminated in france. thats what the media pro left say. thats what i thought (brainwashed) before seing the reality. the reality is other. the medias dont know real france, they live in a bubble and will say you that us french (white) are to blame for everything, and are racist who discriminate all the time. Well they should go in the real france.
You sure you don't exaggerate ? Seriously ??? :eek:

Don said:
muslims and arabs are doing well economicaly. many of them are doing better than Maaany white people. im looking for internship atm and i have been interviewed and send offers to "discriminated muslims" who are here sitting in the office thinking about wich person they will take and wich they wont . i gave my CV to "discriminated blacks" because they have connections in the corporate world.

Yes, its hard for most people to find a job even you (sorry)...still harder for them.
Edit: Majority of french bosses are white and a minority of them are racist or i should say: believe they are.
Edit2: I never understood racism because it does not carry any logic imo...I knew a ton of french racists and each time they talk about the same thing: Ghettos blahblahraaaaaaabla, and it's not racism, racism is about races (like Nazis did).

Don said:
then you got the ghetto muslims who say they are discriminated. well considering they cant speack , they are violent, dont respect people when they talk, are school drop outs because its more fun to stay outside doing nothing. yet they complain they have no jobs so its discrimination.

You said it: Ghettos (and all things that come with)
Thats what we left for them. Because our government never wanted to look seriously at it, thats what we should assume.

Don, read yourself, you talk in the absolute or answer like i did that way.
And yes, it really seems you felt responsable for all these things, who brainwashed you ? The good old judeo christian moral ? Medias ? (i can't believe that)
I never felt responsable for their problems, i try to be conscious of things around me and not to ignore the annoying facts.

Im not muslim.I don't trust any god or devil.
I'm white and my name is a good old frenchy name.
In my country i'm not rich at all at all, but i dont feel bad in France which is one of the most rich countries.
The first thing i learnt in this world is that each human carry the power to do the best like the worst, and noticed that a good critic comes after autocritic (else you play ping pong and waste your time ;) ).
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arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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lemon, watch the medias, they always imply that white french are the bad ones who discriminate all the time. its not said like that but thats the message.
so because we are "french" we have a natural propention to be racist and we must fight against our own propention to be racist. thats what the media always imply.

its the typical media representation of the paternalist white who dominates everything and discriminate immigrants.
so 'the society' in the medias, is naturaly racist.

that view is biaised towards non "french" too who are described as little people with no power ,who need our help to success. AKA childs.

as for ghetto , by ghetto i described their behaviour. thats slang. "someone is ghetto" means he acts like a racaille, or with a real antisocial behaviour. generaly someone like that is fun to watch. but immigrants from poor area can get jobs. not the "ghetto" ones.

i dont agree with rostam criminalisation of the entire society, " muslims are segregated so understand they rebell and hate our society".

in france, whatever is your race, if you have no education and no presentation, you will never get a job. these type of people feeling discriminated, you have to live them to understand. the normal people from immigrant origin get inside of the working world normaly. unless maybe in villages or in countryside .

Oct 28, 2003
France, Cannes
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Dear Don,
I don't really trust medias. I prefer geopolitic* (looks more honnest IMO).

Sincerly, i don't find that kind of message in our medias, what would motivate them ? Medias serve themselves, politic and then money, where is their interest doing this ? Give me some facts i could check by myself. Really that's the first time i hear someone talking about it.
But maybe... "Because we are french we have a natural propention to be racist"
Of course there is a propension to be racist, like in all countries, and more in countries that used immigration as work force to finaly to let them live in modern ghettos the job done. Who's responsable ? Economy, the opportuny to make more money. Now we have "delocalisation", another good opportunity .
I knew in my life tons of frenchs guy that say they are racists, and when you ask them why they are, the answer is never, i repeat NEVER: "because i simply hate their skin color." But always "look at the ghettos, they sh!t in our faces", i blame this "french racism", because it's not racism, it's ignorance. If it's what you talk about, then yes i'm up to fight this "racism" too.

Don, that should not surprise anyone, but actualy :
Powerful countries rule the poors countries. And powerful countries are white.
And this, doesn't mean whites are racists, they make money :D
So when they blame the west im not really surprised...Are we gonna assume this like with french ghettos ? :)

* There is a good/rare TV program on the french/german channel ARTE, its named: "Le dessous des cartes" - "Mit offenen karten" and i recommand it.
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Oct 28, 2003
France, Cannes
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lol, if it is about our english, trust me, i took lot of time to translate many words :lol: and few times i was about to write french but after all, it forces me to learn more english, cool isn't it ? I won't feel hurt if someone correct my sentences, on the contrary, i would appreciate :)
So i vote for an english classroom thread, should be funner than those topic :p

the real pacman

Gwen's my hoe
Sep 1, 2000
Holy man, that was a feat to find my old password. I figured though I'd dig it up to respond to such a thread. Clearly as we can all see this seems to be a vile topic for not only the muslims. Factly I'd say that the white race of the world (no racism intended I assure you) seem to have more disposition to these comics than the muslims themselves. Sure they are offended and sure they're pissed. But anyone would be, and sadly the only thing people can think of doing instead of allowing them to express their large amounts of displeasure from a malicious act of blaphemy is to censor it. Now you alllllllll know what mojo would think about this and you allll know what I'm gonna say.

Why censor them? Why remove the comics?

You're all living in an age with freedom of speech, and most people enjoy exercising this. However the sad part is that there's a large difference in fredom of speech/thought versus the good ole propaghanda. So I think that instead of asking what the problem is with the comics, ask yourself if its a movement of freedom of speech, or if its a movement of propaghanda, or hate litterature.

If you decide to yourself it is hate litterature (or cartoons, whatever I think you follow my point) then by all means, be upset about it, but do not attack a muslim community for sticking up for themselves.

Instead, get off your ass and write a letter to the editor of the paper whom published the piece, express to them your amount of displeasure with THEIR PUBLISH.

Cause seriously guys, I try daily to respect the USA, but then someone writes a comic, someone gets offended and your best solution is to censor it.

Stuff a sock in their mouth, break their fingers, stop the comics and our embassies wont burn.

Sorry man, lightening will strike your embassies and they'll still burn, the fact muslims are doing it because you're pulled one of those last straws (when you're already participating in an unlawful war but we wont go there).

Put yourself in their shoes is all I'm saying, they're euqally entitled to express their own disposition against these pieces, and you have the ability to stop them from being published, you're all just too damn lazy to do anything but rant against towel heads.

You people are pathetic.

P.S. Miss ya OICW


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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These cartoons weren't created by U.S. cartoonists. Nor were they published in U.S. papers (originally, not sure if they are now).

Please direct your complaints to Denmark.

Sorry to shit all over your rant...


the real pacman

Gwen's my hoe
Sep 1, 2000
Perhaps you misread my statements. I never once said they were published there, I said you're the one kicking up the biggest stink. Try not to be so hostile...