And now they are burning churches in Nigeria. 11 in total. 16 people killed.
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but the first Norwegian political party who put withdrawel of the billions we give in aid to these countries every year into their program gets my vote. Why should I, as a taxpayer, give my money to these morons.
Yes, I'm generalizing. It has become an issue of "us" and "them". The reason for that is, as I stated earlier in this thread, I don't see any muslims taking a stand against the stupidity. From what I can tell, so called "moderate" muslims (if there is such a thing) around the world are sitting on their hands, silently agreeing with what's going on. That, in my opinion, doesn't make them any better than those doing the actual burning and killing. Well, unless they are afraid to speak up, of course. Nah, who could possibly belong to a religion where they would be afraid of their fellow believers. Doesn't make much sense, so I guess muslims simply agree with their fellow fanatics.
I'd love for someone to prove me wrong tho'. Norwegians in general are very tolerant and laidback about religions and beliefs. People are left to believe and worship whatever they want, anything from Buddah to norse mythology goes. If you want to worship your grandma's undies, that's fine too. However, things are changing. These days, muslims in general are by more and more Norwegians seen as dangerous fanatics. And honestly, I don't see any muslims trying to correct that. Again, I'd love to be proved wrong. Because if this continues, I'm afraid Norwegians here in Norway will start burning things too and that's a road I don't want to travel on.