Incredible hidden easter egg in DM-Peak

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laughing out loud !
Jan 24, 2001
Boston MA
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talk about coincidences ... ugh ... lol ...

i've only been checking out these forums for a few weeks now , and i see this easter egg post with all the responses , so im like 'thats got to be some cool easter egg' and so i drop in , and then of course the retching and the gagging begin - i just dont like gross things , im not uptight i just am one of those neatness and cleaning freaks :) never heard any of these wonderful terms before 'hot carl' , 'steaming love bombs' , whatever the hell else ... never heard any of them a single time (and i was doing just fine without them) :)

BUT THEN !!! as im reading the thread , in the background on the radio they are having a contest (someone verify this please its just too damn funny) wfnx in boston at about 7:35 this morning , and the question you have to call in and answer is '30,000 people are killed by this each year?' or something very close to that maybe it was 50,000 or maybe it was seriously injured whatever .... and some wingnut calls in at just about the exact time i am seeing the words 'hot carl' for the first time and offers his answer of 'hot carls?' ... sweet riverdancin' jesus !! is that a freakin coincidence or what !! so then it turns into a big discussion and they got people calling in to email them 'the poopsex lovers dictionary' and they say that the 'cleveland steamers' are a new xfl team , and oh man its a good thing i work part-time at a pharmacy because im gonna need some drugs today ...

i cant believe i just contributed to this mess , but it was too wild not to share , if anybody wants this post to stay here you better quote it soon because i guarantee you im deleting when i get in from work , apparently my conscience is still snoozing ... shirk ... god i hope my mother doesnt see this :)


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Re: talk about coincidences ... ugh ... lol ...

Originally posted by shirker|MyU
i've only been checking out these forums for a few weeks now , and i see this easter egg post with all the responses , so im like 'thats got to be some cool easter egg' and so i drop in , and then of course the retching and the gagging begin - i just dont like gross things , im not uptight i just am one of those neatness and cleaning freaks :) never heard any of these wonderful terms before 'hot carl' , 'steaming love bombs' , whatever the hell else ... never heard any of them a single time (and i was doing just fine without them) :)

BUT THEN !!! as im reading the thread , in the background on the radio they are having a contest (someone verify this please its just too damn funny) wfnx in boston at about 7:35 this morning , and the question you have to call in and answer is '30,000 people are killed by this each year?' or something very close to that maybe it was 50,000 or maybe it was seriously injured whatever .... and some wingnut calls in at just about the exact time i am seeing the words 'hot carl' for the first time and offers his answer of 'hot carls?' ... sweet riverdancin' jesus !! is that a freakin coincidence or what !! so then it turns into a big discussion and they got people calling in to email them 'the poopsex lovers dictionary' and they say that the 'cleveland steamers' are a new xfl team , and oh man its a good thing i work part-time at a pharmacy because im gonna need some drugs today ...

i cant believe i just contributed to this mess , but it was too wild not to share , if anybody wants this post to stay here you better quote it soon because i guarantee you im deleting when i get in from work , apparently my conscience is still snoozing ... shirk ... god i hope my mother doesnt see this :)
whatever dude:)


New Member
Feb 15, 2000
That's a damn good question.
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SHOCK! SHOCK AND DISMAY!! The revered "Incredible Easter Egg thread in DM-Peak" rates only a mere 4 out of 5 stars???

The thread that defines PuF????

/me passes out Taco Bell fueled hot carls to all who rated this thread at anything less than 5 out of 5!!


Random thought: is a "hot karl" the socialist equivalent?


New Member
Apr 29, 2000
Originally posted by Danger_Dude
SHOCK! SHOCK AND DISMAY!! The revered "Incredible Easter Egg thread in DM-Peak" rates only a mere 4 out of 5 stars???

The thread that defines PuF????

/me passes out Taco Bell fueled hot carls to all who rated this thread at anything less than 5 out of 5!!


Random thought: is a "hot karl" the socialist equivalent?
Exactly what I ventured into this thread to rant about! Who didn't give it a 5!! Identify yourself, and ye shalt be maimed!

/me votes 5 1234223 times futily hoping to bring it back to glory status


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Shirker, that's f'n hilarious!

Whoever rated this less than five, be warned...

I'm about to go into the background files and find out WHO be-rated this artful thread. Not only will I publish your name and vote, I will have your postcount put back to zero, and you will have to log on with a new name as I'll ban your previous name. I will also give you a custom avatar that will NOT be to your liking, and you will not be able to change it. Same goes for the custom status, which will read "I think hot carls are soooo yummy".


*too bad I don't have the power of an admin!

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Confucius say.....

Man who fart in church sit in own pew.


* ]LoL[Wolf`mIRC 8)'s @ jenny
* jentaii`fuck 8)@wolfie
<]LoL[Wolf`mIRC> =)
<BladeRadius> Jen that didnt look right




The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Insane, not-to-be-believed Easter Egg in DM Deck 16

Originally posted by Lunatic
I couldn't believe my eyes! I was barreling down the main catwalk of Deck16][, dodging rockets and madly dispensing hot spinning flak when all of a sudden I heard the familiar whoosh of air that signals a redeemer launch. I tried to dodge out of the way, but before I could fully react the redeemer exploded into a hot ball of flame and tossed me unceremoniously off the side of the catwalk and into the churning pit of green slime below. I splashed into the slime like a hot crap into the porcelain poop pot and promptly sunk like a rock. Before my health expired, however, I let loose a secondary flak shell into the side wall of the slime pit, and to my surprise a secret wall slid open! With the last of my health slipping away I managed to gain entry, only to be teleported away...
What followed was a complete and relentless assault on every sense God has seen fit to equip my fragile mortal frame. I was standing in a steamy atrium with poorly aligned textures and gaudy, unsourced lighting. Far off in the corner there was a sickly nali war cow, obviously suffering from the late stage effects of mad war-cow disease. Standing directly behind him was a half-breed Skaarj in a tight leather skirt, fishnets and f***-me pumps slowly pushing the business end of a sniper rifle into the poop chute of the cow. Underneath the cow was a heavily pierced Nali with all 4 of hands furiously occupied, twisting, slapping, pinching, tweaking and pumping away with total abandon. "Habouji, habojui!" he screamed.... The Skaarj's eyes rolled back in his head as he throatily replied, "Hold this position...Hold this position..."
I turned away in disgust, only to be hit with a face full of what at first I mistook to be dripping green load. I fell to the floor expecting the bio-sludge to explode and burn, but instead it dripped down my face and into my nose and mouth. One salty taste and I knew this was not fired from a sludge cannon...
On my feet, I rapidly tried to assess my surroundings so I could beat a hasty retreat. Behind me, the source of the salty emission taunted me from atop a pile of festering gibs. It was a burly bot with his pants at half-mast and his fleshy impact hammer reared back and shaking with excitement. I knew one hit would spell my doom, not to mention utter and abysmal disgust. He stood there momentarily, simultaneously thrusting his hips and saluting me in a sickening display of his adept taunting abilities. "Yeah bitch," he growled in pleasure. "Proceed according to operational parameters."
That was enough for me. With one hand shielding my genitals and the other fingering the safety on my flak cannon, I took off full tilt in the opposite direction of my would-be violator. I tried not to look at the blatant debauchery taking place everywhere around me, but it was impossible to avoid. Off in the distance, leaning over a stack of crates was a helpless Nali, all of his appendages tied back, with his legs spread open. A few feet behind him a group of bots were loading a greased potato into a redeemer and aiming it towards the Nali's one-eyed winking brown hole. I ran harder, looking desperately for some exit. Behind me I could hear the other bot in hot pursuit. I could hear his bio cannon loading up a steaming helping of man-chowder, which only made me run faster. Just as I heard it let loose with a thunderous pop, I rounded a corner and stepped into the swirling blue energy ribbons of a teleporter.
So astonished was I, I nearly forgot I was playing a game. I landed in the redeemer room of Deck16][, only to be hastily dispatched by an impact hammer-camper. I stepped back from my keyboard and finally let myself breath. Anyhow, I forgot to snap off a screenshot. I think the secret room is detailed in the gaming guide that shipped with UT game of the year edition. Anyone else run into this Easter egg?



You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Man, you locked it? I had a whole tirade about how fabulous it would be to have 4 arms and a spare cow at your disposal, and you locked the damn thing. Well...pbththttt to that. I'm going back to practicing backside mudslides on unwed midgets in bad wigs.


i am teh <img src="
Feb 2, 2000
Buahahaha, this thread came up in conversation over in EverQuest land today. :D
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