Man, this thing gets bumped, and all people can do is thank Boom?
Well, to get back on topic...
Ya know what would really be cool? an Iced Margarita Rimmins. Crush some ice, get a funnel, and pour it down the recipient's arse. Then get the salt, and have a go! Yay! Freezing fun for everyone!
Some other variations on the Rimmins:
Cool Jazz: Iced Margarita Rimmins + Rusty Trombone (RT= reaching around and jerking off the guy while tossing his salad)
Hot Rimmins: p00ping in the mouth of the person eating the Rimmins
Surfin Safari: Slapping the ass to create waves and riding those waves right to the hole for that oh so wonderful taste. (works best on fat asses)
Salt mining: get the ass sweaty, so the salt dissolves, and goes into the hole. Then you gotta go feeling around inside to find it.
I could come up with a thousand of these
Man, if this doesn't get it re-locked, I dunno what will