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just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
The biggest problem there is that INF is not newbie friendly. Simply that.
Now after playing inf for some years I don't know where the problem is, but if I watch someone new playing it ...
I showed INF my older brother and there were so many things which I forgot to tell him because they are normal for me. And if you know all the weapon-modes, the moving ... you still don't know the maps and don't tell me there is a compass, a compass helps much against possible ambush-positions ...

The only way he played it a bit was TDM and less DTAS. These are the userfriendliest modes (btw. I want Kosovo in DTAS :) ). If someone doesn't have anybody he won't stick long to inf (my brother doesn't play it now, but maybe I'll get him ;) ), only a few will.

So we can't hope for new inf players. Only few came and even less will come.

My suggestions here is to make a poll:
I am NA and prefer EAS over DTAS and TDM
I am NA and prefer DTAS over EAS and TDM
I am Europe ....
(or witch checkboxes ...)

Then we will see how many eas fanatics are there and if the only problem is that some of them just don't try to play.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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one obvious problem with EAS:

its way more sensitive to the balance between mapsize and teamsize, i.e. 3 vs 3 on Iraq just doesn't rock, whereas most TDM maps can be played with any amount of players.

I've seen it quite often: after mapcycle in EAS some leave and if no one joins soon, players gonna fade out and the server is empty... :(


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
That is why server admins need to be quiteselective about what maps they put on the server. Personally I'd like to see more smaller servers for 8 to 12 people, just running smaller EAS maps. Let's face it, playing Ruin or Frozen with 20 people isn't really fun.

With TDM it gets even worse, on small maps with lots of players, many people tend to nade spam (although Yurch's nades do help reduce this by getting rid of the annoying bouncy shrapnel). DTAS is a bit more tricky as it has a minimum player limit, but again generally on small maps with lots of players, it just becomes TDM and the nade spamming begins.


Mar 13, 2004
I dont know about others but for me the only reason not to always be on EAS or DTAS is the maps. Most of the maps i would like to see on
DTAS simply arent there. Maybe if the map lists were changed, the crappy ones cycled out more people would come over to DTAS.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Hurin said:
I dont know about others but for me the only reason not to always be on EAS or DTAS is the maps. Most of the maps i would like to see on
DTAS simply arent there. Maybe if the map lists were changed, the crappy ones cycled out more people would come over to DTAS.

Then why don't you take the time to suggest a map rotation... that's fuggin easy to fix mang. What are you waiting for!

The only map I don't want to see really is Sayaspawncampposs. other then that i'm happy with the rotation


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Nukeproof said:
one obvious problem with EAS:

its way more sensitive to the balance between mapsize and teamsize, i.e. 3 vs 3 on Iraq just doesn't rock, whereas most TDM maps can be played with any amount of players.

I've seen it quite often: after mapcycle in EAS some leave and if no one joins soon, players gonna fade out and the server is empty... :(

Well I played EAS for about 8-9 hours straight last night (~6pm - 3am) with a bunch of folks sticking to the game for hours too or even comming back later on again. New folks dropped in and played for a long time too. Not only claners. I guess we had more folks without a clan in their name than with. It was a blast to play with around 12-16 players ... even 8-10 for the last two hours.
Many euros but also some folks from the other side of the planet.

And to the 3vs3 argument... sure, but for this case the players can simply vote for another map. We did that last night too while we had matches with 4vs4.
Last edited:


arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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i love TDM , and i love DTAS. theire is no gameplay superior to the other.
people play TDM just for fun , not to win it. when i jump on a TDM server its to put my brain off and just kill kill kill. its fun ! its a relaxing game after some hard work or some school. TDM , like keihash said, is meant to be rushed, stupidly played. TDM is meant to be rambo'ed. if everybody camped, it could last FOREVER. (the best way to win is to camp because defending is easier that attacking).
i like to play TDM , take a shootgun and go hunt ennemies.

now, DTAS is much more a game about realism and tactic, brain, teamwork. its Great. its more a serious game. its much more intense and needs more concentration.
i think that both game modes are necessary.some of you die hard DTAS players need to relax and try to jump on a TDM server, to try stupid rushes , killing sprees.. and forget the realistic play for a while.
then the TDM players should try DTAS and play some tacticals attacks or defences, wich gives INF all its glory


Feb 16, 2001
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I can't imagine any of the Inf team upset about gamemodes for their game. It only makes the 'product' appeal to more people.
Each gamemode has it's advantages / disadvantages.
And different people like different things.

I'm happy when i can play with people whom i know are gonna watch my back instead of rushing off going solo. In any gamemode. But i'd pick anything over tdm.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
@Vega-don... what you describe can be found in any shooter out there and for pure relaxing and stress decreasing the rushing and ramboing can be fun and the right thing to do.
But this has nothing to do with TDM. It's just one way to play a FPS... it has even nothing to do with the game mode. Sure, some game modes 'support' this style of gameplay more than others, but still it all depends on who plays.

For the pure shootists out there... why not play DM or LMS... this is all for quick and dirty killing that many use for relaxing and getting their head clear again after hours of work/school. But, I guess there are not many real DM maps out there that would fit for INF and so you guys choose TDM instead.

Anyway, the players make the game and how it is played. The game only gives you the scenario and basic rules and features.


arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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Beppo said:
@Vega-don... what you describe can be found in any shooter out there and for pure relaxing and stress decreasing the rushing and ramboing can be fun and the right thing to do.
But this has nothing to do with TDM. It's just one way to play a FPS... it has even nothing to do with the game mode. Sure, some game modes 'support' this style of gameplay more than others, but still it all depends on who plays.

For the pure shootists out there... why not play DM or LMS... this is all for quick and dirty killing that many use for relaxing and getting their head clear again after hours of work/school. But, I guess there are not many real DM maps out there that would fit for INF and so you guys choose TDM instead.

Anyway, the players make the game and how it is played. The game only gives you the scenario and basic rules and features.

i think that the greatest thing about INF TDM is that you can just play the killing-spree-rambo ect but with the realism feature. so you have to "realisticly rambo" the ennemy. not to mention that inf is so great that it makes a great TDM game too.

about EAS , i think its a great gamemode, but becomes boring after 500hours of playing... :D . its so great that i abused it and now im tired of it.. ill come back to EAS later.