Okay, but I promise you people were making complaints about similar things in 2kX. That is my point. We're never going to get a game that is universally loved for it's visual style. I don't think such a game exists.
It's obviously not the same people that complained in case Y and X, just different people within the same community, you can't please everyone.
But aside from UT2k4's cartoony look and badly placed 1st person camera, atleast it did a good job offering some variety, so there was a good chance that different players would find something they liked in the mix, it just wasent exicuted as well as it could have been, they where on the right track with offering lots of stuff, it just needed a little more balance and some more thought put into how it should coexist and interact in the same univers, like i said, good idea, flawed exicution.
UT3 went in the opposite direction though, one look, one atmosphere, love it or hate it.
I agree, but it was also just the range. For example, the female mercs were skinnier than any other character, hence why practically everyone used them.
Ofcourse, they did bugger all to balance it so it was unbalanced.
Apparently, they did balance it in UC2, people say it had propper species stats, and that it worked and added something good to the game, so i guess that's the answer right there, propper species stats, and honestly, after all thease years of UT, it might just be the shot in the arm the game needs, adding some tactical depth to different playstyles, i think it has potential (but it would have to done right, get it wrong and it would ruin the game).
I disagree that it had any effect whatsoever in the grand scheme of things. Lots of people put up with 2kX's visual style despite the fact that they hated it. If a game is good, you'll put up with a lot of things.
You think too much in segments then, by itself it was no game breaker, but it did have an additive effect.
There have been lots of games i didn't like, not because there was any one thing that was seriously wrong with them, but because there where a whole bunch of little things here and there that all added up, and created an overall bad experiance for me.
UT3 is such a game, there is no one thing i can point to and say "THIS is why i'm not playing it", no one thing about UT3 is so broken that it by itself ruined it for me, instead, there is a very long list of smaller things, ranging from trivial annoyances, to a few serious deal breakers, that all add up and spoil the meal.
UT2k4 had some of thouse for me aswell, but not enough to tip the scale for me, and besides, since it was so flexible options wise, i could easilly avoid the things i didn't like and concentrate on thouse i did.