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New Member
Feb 8, 2000
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MAN, is this the biggest/longest thread??? :)


"Where Ever You Go, There You Are" Thunderdome


I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
Visit site
Earth Lunar Orbit
22:00 GMT

In total silence, the silence of space, circled a new power. A new, immense and yet unheard of force, a force that soon shall make such a bold and decisive move, all shall scatter before it.....

The bridge of the space ship was quiet, only the sound of the computers, radio chatter and the ever present throbing sound of the engines disturbing the silence. Here and there could be seen a member of the crew, all busying themselves with the varous tasks of differeing importance. A old greying man, the Captain of the ship, observed the view screen, surveying the beutiful site of a lunar sunset.

A man emerged from the shadows, the mysterius figure of Lord Khaine. He wears a full suit of jet black armour, with a fearsome skull mask, his long black cloak streams out behind him. He swept accross the brige like a dark shadow of death, his presence having an immediate and very powerful effect on the crew.

"My Lord, we have come out of warp and are hidden from earth scanners behind the moon", said the captain.

"Excelent work Captain, you shall be rewarded for your valuble service. Are the clones formed and prepared?" replyed Lord Khaine, his voice with a metallic hint.

"Almost my Lord, the Taskmaster clones will be prepared in 48 hours, they are in the final stages of formation."

"Order the troops to prepare for the attack, I shall lead the recon force personnaly. Our recon target shall be the theme park known as 6 Frags Over Florida. Our sources indicate that the real Taskmaster is residing in a college nearby. We shall not fail this time Captain."

"As you command my Lord".

The Captain departs to fufil his task. Leaving Lord Khaine with nothing but the view for company.

"At last we shall meet the mighty Taskmaster, with his memory erased his will be easy prey. And as for Tykeal, Wolf and Chryst, they are mere pawns to the greater powers. They waste there pityful time chasing clones."

He sighs, "All to easy."

Lord Khaine looks to the view screen and brings his fist down hard on to the railing.

"Taskmaster, you are mine. My master has dark, dark plans for you, and so do I."

Lord Khaine turns and leaves, and the bridge returns to normality.


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
"Yes, my lord."
The servant scuttles away in terror for he knows what awaits him, yet his loyalty to his master is absolute.

Deep within his own world, CHRYSt watches the outside. "Curses! That blasted Lord of the Khaine has returned to spoil all the glorious misery I have created upon this tiny planet. I must defeat him once again!"

CHRYSt begins his plans to step up his world demolition schedule.

"Bring me 5000 of my strongest monkeys! And a bear claw!" CHRYSt has the monkeys loaded into small pods equipped with hyper-velocity poo flingers and bananas. He has the bear claw loaded into his tummy.

"Open that portal!" The portal to the universe in which Earth exits is opened 4.68 billion clicks from the Gleeptoidian sun. CHRYSt broadcasts a message to the primary planet of GleeptoidVII and it's neighboring colonies:
"Gleeptoidians unite! We must descend from our positions of upper-dimensional awareness, for there is turmoil in the lower 3rd. The Lord of the Khaine has returned with a mighty army of Taskmasters, and he wishes to spread peanut butter across all within this realm! Join me, if ye be loyal, and we may defeat this Noog of Trathax!"

CHRYSt recieves a reply stating that all 14trillion Gleeptoidians are ready to give their immortal lives in the name of CHRYSt.

CHRYSt, with his force of Angry dirt weevils turns and begins his assault on the Lord of the Khaine...


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM

p.s. Fück BellAtlantic

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V

Wolf's boots clank on the starship's metallic hallway floors. He makes his way to the bridge. Red battle lights flash in the corridors, and on both sides stand heavily-armed space marines in battle armor, their weapons at the ready. Wolf enters a secret code at a computer terminal and walks through a heavy steel door, entering the bridge.

Crewmen sit at their stations, monitoring communications and tracking the two fleets. The tactical holo-display clearly shows their opposing positions.

Wolf turns to a gray-haired man in full dress uniform. "Your report, Admiral."

"It seems like we have an interesting situation, sir. The new force is of completely unknown origin, but the second fleet is undeniably CHRYSt's - and here's the kicker - the Gleeptoidians are backing him up. From what we've heard from our comm-intercept ops, we're fairly certain the new force is under control of a certain "Lord of the Khaine" whose plans include the familiar conquest-of-the-world-as-we-know-it affair. Ho hum."

"Move the fleet into laser range, Admiral."

"Are we going to full alert, and engaging?"

"No. Keep us cloaked for now. But have all fighters ready for action and all marines ready to launch. Charge the plasma accelerators to maximum."

"Already taken care of, sir. I anticipated such."

"Excellent. We'll just hang back for now and let them destroy each other. I want to see just how good a fighter this "Lord of the Khaine" is, and how well CHRYSt can hold his own on a fleet action. In the meantime, have some of heavy assault cruisers flank them from the other side of the moon and have them stand by. We'll wait until we get a better idea of what's going on before we get our fet wet."

"Yes, my lord." says the admiral, hurrying off to prepare the rest of the strike force.

Wolf stays at the bridge, staring through the viewscreens at the two fleets as pre-engagement maneuvers begin.


-Wolf Blackstar

[This message has been edited by Wolf Blackstar (edited 05-13-2000).]


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
Earth Orbit
22:30 GMT Earth Standard Time

Tykeal looks around at his crew of 5 Gleeptoidians pondering the vagaries of life. He doesn't look happy with the message that he is holding in his hand.

"Are you sure that this is correct?"

"Sir, the security codes match."

"Grrr... I can't believe that they would do this!"

Tykeal stalks over to the security officers station. "Where are they now?"

"Holding Lunar orbit, sir."

"What's their status?"

"CHRYSt's fleet seems to currently be manuvering for some sort of advantage over this Lord of the Khaine's fleet."

"And Wolf?"

"Sir, Wolf's fleet is holding their position. It looks like they are watching to come in and clean up whoever doesn't make it out of the confrontation."

Tykeal glances down at the missive again. "I don't care what high command says. We of Gleeptoid IV are not privy to what those of Gleeptoid VII do. CHRYSt can go suck a klak'thla-ta for all I care."

"Sir, high command states that we must assist CHRYSt."

"Fine, we'll help CHRYSt... just make sure the tracer on Taskmaster is correct."

"Sir, he injested it with his last meal. We've got at least 30 Earth hours before we have to administer a new tracer."

"Good. Ready the main phasers and the main shields. When CHRYSt and this Lord of the Khaine start make sure that we fire upon Khaine's warp cell."

"That could be dangerous sir. Our last report says that Khaine is using a power source from the 6th dimension."

"Make sure you get a clean shot then!"

"Yes Sir!"


I belch in your general direction.


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
You know, for a thread that started out trying to entertain CHRYSt it sure has taken a decidely out turn.

Who would have thought that we would be fighting over who got posession of Taskmaster instead of who got to kill him in a new and exciting manner?

Who would have thought that the person we were orignally trying to entertain would now be about to start an extra-terrestrial war?

Ok... enough rambling... I just had to say something though :)


I belch in your general direction.


I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
Visit site
Earth Lunar Orbit
13:00 GMT

"My Lord, our sensors have detected a large fleet moving into an intercept course. Shall I inform the contact of the situation?"

"At once Captain, we must not get involved this early, the clones are not yet fully formed. Tell her to first sabotage the sensor's on CHRYSt's ship, then to use her charms on CHRYSt. Im sure Xylene will be up to the challenge, after Taskmaster damaged her camara, she will find a great deal of pleasure dealing the final blow to Taskmaster" replyed Lord Khaine.

Lord Khaine turned to the captain.

"Captain, put flight commander Zaccix on the secured channel imediatly"

"As you command my lord" replyed the captain, his hands dancing on the keys as he obeyed his orders.

The view screen crackled into life, the helmeted figure of Zaccix, commander of the 707th Silver Dragons squadron appeared.

"My lord, what is your bidding?"

"There has been a change in plans commander, order you squadron to prepare for launch in Deck 1, I shall meet you there shortly. It is time to test our stealth fighters in battle. With the new cloaking devices we shall be able to by pass the enemy fleet undetected."

"At once my lord, we shall be ready to launch in 2 hours"

"Excellent work Zaccix, Khaine out"

The view screen faded.

"Captain withdraw the fleet to a safe position at once"

"Yes my master", the Captain withdrew to obey his tasks.

"It is time Taskmaster..."

He pulled out a device, an evil looking device, with strange spinning lights and blades. Strange runes on the device glowed with a slow pulsating light.

"...for you to meet your maker"


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Yuucck...that stuff tastes terrible." exclaimed Taskmaster swallowing a mouth full of stomach tonic. "Lunch is really kicking me back today!"

"I knew I should have spit out that really hard chunk of gristle."

He pulled open the door of the mini-refrig that was sitting next to his bed. He grabbed an ice cold can of Caffine Free Pepsi (you too can place a product advertisement here for just pennies a day) and popped it open.

"Aahhh, that is some crisp, clean refreshment!" he sighed as he held the Pepsi can up, holding it ackwardly so that the entire Pepsi logo was visible to the viewers. He took a big swig of the cold liquid and washed down the linger after taste of the calcium carbonate.

Grabbing a half-empty bag of Dorito chips (this could be your product - ask me how!) he walked into the study and sat down in front of the computer.

"I can't believe that Zaccix guy said my web site was 'old' style." muttered Taskmaster as he continued his work of reformating his web site. He had spent a weekend updating it once, then after reading up on some JavaScript and DHTML, he had updated it again.

"This is so much better! I guess I should thank him for making me actually learn something." he said. "Why am I talking to myself?" wondered Taskmaster as he worked. "Oh yea, so all the people reading this can know what I am thinking."

After completing some final adjustments and testing, he uploaded his new site via FTP.

"Now, if only I can get people to visit the site to see all the hard work I put into it..." he thought. "All they have to do is go to <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/mondayadv"" TARGET=_blank>http://www.geocities.com/mondayadv"</A>

The heat generated by his desk lamp began to take its toll. His mouth was dry, his tongue was parched, his throat was tight, so he took another long, slow drink of cold Pepsi. Hard to believe they can pack that much delicious flavor into just one 12 ounce can!

Having satisified himself that the new web site was working fully, he shutdown the computer and turned on the television.

"Hey look!" thought Taskmaster, "It's the world premier showing of 'Glactic Battle Beyond the Cosmic Reaches of Outer Space'! I can't believe this movie is already on TV...it just came out about 5 years ago."

Taskmaster sat drinking his soda and eating chips while watching the beginning of the movie. During the commericals he flipped over to CNN to see if they would actually introduce a news story that hadn't played already for the last two days.

"I can't believe this plot!" laughed Taskmaster. "Who would believe that an unsuspecting moron accidentally stumbled into some type of top secret genetic research, and that these various human and alien species are fighting to gain the knowledge that is encyrpted in his DNA, and that their massive fleets of space ships are all perched in high Earth orbit just waiting for the most advantageous moment to attack?"

"Did they put 10,000 monkeys in a room to come up with that garbage? I mean come on..." critisied Taskmaster. "Of course that guy playing the humble, unwitting dupe is pretty cool, has an occassional burst of brilliance, and he likes Pepsi (see you get your money's worth here), so he can't be all bad!"

Taskmaster continued to watch the rest of the movie, and when it finished there was still nothing new on CNN. After watching a quick bout between Al Gore and George Bush on Celebrity Deathmatch he turned off his Sony television.

Since it was late, Taskmaster brushed his teeth with an Oral-B toothbrush using Tatar Control Crest paste, turned off the GTE made lightbulbs and crawled into bed. He knew he would have a restful sleep on his Sealy posturepudic sleeper.

"Thank you God for another wonderful day!" he chimed as he drifted off to sleep.


Hehee, I was just having fun with this one. I still managed to leave the story wide open. I'm looking forward to the next twist and turn!


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 05-15-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 05-15-2000).]


The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
"Hey have you already heard it...?" said Steiner (yep :)) as he walked up to Loibisch.

*Loibisch in a sarcastic voice*"What is it now? The mighty Chryst has returned to prove his might with an army of 5000 monkeys assisted by the Gleeptoidians from Gleeptoid VII. And since the Gleeptoidians from IV are always up for a war they are going to join their "brothers" under the command of the mighty tykeal...yeah...don't even think of telling me such a crap again"

"oh you already know..." replied Steiner


"You aren't serious about this, are you?" asked Loibisch, not sure what he should think of his friend.
Steiner has been a good friend since the Gleeptoidian war 34 years ago and it wasn't only one time Steiner had saved Loibisch's a$$ and vice versa.

"You think I would be lying about this?"

Loibisch thought of the 53 times his friend had been kidding with him before...
"Nope, I wouldn't" he replied

"You can read it all on the holo console, if you don't trust me of course..."

"Yeah..." said Loibisch in deep thoughts (yeah... :), that's possible - hard to believe, I know)

He ordered another drink for himself and his friend but Steiner said he had to leave so Loibisch had to drink them both...after about the half of his second monkey-poo (of course monkey-poo isn't monkey poo. It's only one of those names only drinks with more than a bearable amount of alcohol in them get (and besides monkey-poo has pretty the same effect on people as monkey poo usually has (or is supposed to have, I haven't tried it)))...ok, so after about the half of his second monkey-poo Loibisch walked up to the holo console and pressed the buttons to navigate through the menu to the news section of the ship. Due to his...uhm, let's say labile...status he missed one or two of the buttons and so he instead ended up in the...err...porn section.

After thoroughly examining the "news" err...he discovered his mistake and navigated to the real imperial-news-you-have-to-know-even-if-they-are-boring-about-90%-of-the-time section. He browsed through the recent events and suddenly stumbled upon a weird story about a "Taskmaster" from a planet called earth. Well this story read a bit funny but Loibisch's head was still clear enough to see what that would mean for the "temporary" peace treaty signed by his master Lord Khaine and the Gleeptoidians of Gleeptoid IV in the year of 0E3F (3647 in the old time system)...

It has been a few years after the great war of 0E3C (3644). The war betweeen the Gleeptoidians and the mighty army of Lord Khaine...the Gleeptoidians were defeated in various battles but managed to disrupt Lord Khaines warp gates shortly after the destruction of Gleeptoid V (the only other planet with an atmosphere in the whole Gleeptoid system). Gleeptoid V had been the least developed planet of the 3 populated Gleeptoidian planets and therefore it had been very easy to destroy it (tribal folks with spears against lasers, you get the point...). After the destruciton of the warp gates the rest of Lord Khaines army was defeated easily (and so LK swore not to do a battle in a galaxy far, far away again, seems like he was wrong).

In the remaining years the Gleeptoidians from Gleeptoid IV (the most developed people in the Gleeptoid system) helped the survivors of the disaster to build up a new existence on Gleeptoid III. They did some terraforming and left the remaining people of (ex-)Gleeptoid V in the jungle of Gleeptoid III. Very helpful...

Today 34 years after the great war of 0E3C (3644) the whole procedure was about to happen again...everything! Loibisch and Steiner were one of the few survivors of the battle of Gleeptoid IV (it wasn't LK's best idea to attack that planet shortly after Gleeptoid V) and so both could tell about the brutality there...but they both didn't want to.

The whole war only because of that genetic experiment...the secret of Taskmaster was in his genes and so - now after Task had appeared on earth - the whole galaxy was after him again...Chryst, Lord Khaine, tykeal...dammit. They all wanted to find the secret why Taskmaster respawned ever and ever again...in his genes lied the secret of immortality. Chryst had aready started some tests (which even involved a whole Taskmaster killing park...) but failed to reveal the secret. Then Taskmaster escaped.

Everything Chryst had left was some of Task's blood (maybe he got it from a nearby wall ;)) and "The idiots guide to cloning", which wasn't that effective. The clones died (which wasn't the purpose of this all) and so Chryst had to go after the only "real" Taskmaster to find out the secret of infraggability...

So the whole galaxy tried to catch him...and now since he had been spotted on earth the battle of Gleeptoid would continue...this time on planet earth.

"Cr@p" Loibisch grumbled before he felt to the ground in front of the console...


Sorry if I have mixed up some of the tenses :(
Constructive criticism welcome :)
I just revealed the secret of Taskmaster in this post, the story can still go where you want it to ;)

[This message has been edited by Loibisch (edited 05-17-2000).]


The Odd Member
Jan 3, 2000
Noone actually knew how Taskmaster could have escaped from the evil, mean, bad, stinking, rotten...uhm...Chryst! ;)
Some people rumored that there was a man called "Wolf Blackstar" who helped him...but there was no proof Wolf helped him. Wolf actually was some kind of a legend throughout the different solar systems. He already worked for 8 out of the 11 current planetary governments though he only accepted hirements which reflected his own plans. Surely a man one had to keep in mind...

The bartender did a gesture and suddenly Loibisch was carried away by two mean looking men who brought him to his lodgings (they already knew where...) where he could sleep over his drunkenness.


I forgot to mention Wolf in my first post and since he is definately one of the better writers here I didn't want to miss him in my story :)

[This message has been edited by Loibisch (edited 05-17-2000).]

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
2235 hours
Earth Orbit
U.S.S. Dragon's Bane

"STUMP!!!! How can you watch that crap!!! Turn that thing off!"


"Corporal Stump, turn that crap off and report to your duty station! That show's nothing but shameless endorsements of household products. It's more worthless than monkey dung."

"Yes, my lord." The corporal switches the holovision set off and runs for the door.

"Television is so hacked up these days." mutters Wolf as he walks back onto the bridge.

The bridge officers snap to attention.


"Sir, it seems our position has been compromised - one of those alien vessels was able to get a reading on our energy signature and they are now tracking us."

"Drop the cloaking devices, then. Dump the cloaking device energy directly into shields and weapons.

"Sir, plasma accelerators are at full charge."

"Excellent" says Wolf. "Have the gunnery crew stand by for immediate action."

"It also seems, my lord, that the aliens - though comprised of two independent factions - have effectively placed themselves on CHRYSt's sides and are now in posistion to attack Lord Khaine's fleet."

"Well, then we'll need to make it a fair fight - Move the fleet into position alongside Khaine's starship formation. And open the comm frequencies - I'm expecting an important message from him any second now."

"Done, my lord."

The Dragon's Bane decloaks. Flanked by several heavy cruisers and a full destroyer escort, as well as tight formations of Wolverine and Patriot heavy fighters, it kicks its massive sublight drive into full power and pulls alongside LordKhaine's flagship.

Wolf turns to the tac ops director on the bridge. "Any word from our assassin yet?"

"No sir. Last update, she had successfully infiltrated the enemy flagship, and was somewhere on Deck 16. She hasn't been compromised yet, either....the mission is still active."

"Keep me posted."

"Roger that."

Wolf paces back and forth on the bridge of his warship, his mind racing through combat maneuvers and weapons engagement possibilities.

He looks out the viewscreens at the opposing forces and smiles.

"Damn, I love my job."


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK
Meanwhile, the 707th were preparing....

"Hertston, Joker. Where are those damn cookies?"

"They're coming sir".

"A Squadron Commander, and I can't even get a decent bite to eat before battle", thought Zaccix as he continued to tune the undercarriage of his Shroud. Ever since the call from LordKhaine, he had been anxious to get into a good scrap, but at the same time wondered exactly what this whole battle was really about.

Was there an ulterior motive? Was he suddenly going to discover a twist in the tale? Why did Taskmaster have the uncanny ability to respawn? All these thoughts rushed through his mind when he was abuptly interrupted by Joker.



As Joker threw the cookies to him, Zaccix thought about scolding him for disrespect, but was still half-deep in thought to worry about protocol. Besides, Joker was a fine pilot and the atmosphere was informal anyway.

"What's the story upstairs?", Zaccix asked Theman.

"Still no word from the boss" came the reply.


The 707th were game to try out the Shroud stealth fighters in battle. These ships had a fearful reputation, and those spectral shields were a powerful asset, even with the relative lack of firepower when compared to the Phoenix or the state-of-the-art Wolverine.

However, the only game the 707th were now playing was that of the waiting type. It had been a while since LordKhaine's instruction to prepare for battle, and that while seemed to only get longer.




I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
Visit site
Earth Orbit
The flag ship of Lord Khaine's fleet, "The Hatred", Heavy Battle ship

"All men, battle stations" screamed the tannoy

This way and that men ran to there jobs and ships.

In the middle of all this chaos the 707th Silver dragons and the 673th Black Fangs were prepared for launch. Several large carrier's were also ready for launch. The last carrier was still being loaded. The awe inspiring site of a 100 ton Daishi heavy assault mech could be seen moving into the hold of the carrier. Around it smaller mechs moved into the hold.

"Captain, move the fleet alongside Wolf's, assist his ships in the attack".

"As you command my lord" reply the captain

Khaine turned to his ship, a new Malice class heavy attack fighter. Its sleek body hinted at truely fearsome abilitys. He climbing into the ship and prepared for launch.

"Zaccix, are you're Dragons ready?" He spoke though the secured com link.

"Yes my lord, we are ready for launch at you're request"

"Excellent work", said Khaine, he switched the channel to the Fangs com channel.

"Commander Loibisch, are you're Fangs prepared for launch?"

"Of course my lord, we are ready for launch at you're command" said Loibisch, his chrome helmet glinted in the light of his cockpits many flashing lights.

"Good work commander"

The last carrier finished loading.

"All units in force alpha cloak and launch, regroup at nav point 1, we cannot be detected while cloaked" transmitted Khaine to the attack wing.

*He was telling the truth, his fleet had far supiorier cloaking systems to those of his enemys, the only draw back of the cloak was that the huge power drain and that the cloak took a full 5 minutes to activate.

The first ships to take off where the Dragons, there ships totaly disappearing from view as they left. Quickly followed by the Fangs and the carriers. Their stealthed ships headed towards earth, undetected.

"If they think that fleet is important to me, they are deeply mistaken. It is time to ensure that my masters plans come true." said Khaine to himself, as he pressed a selection of buttons in his craft.

"Taskmasters immortal days are numbered"

Back in "The Hatred", a device hidden in the reactor workings started bleeping.....

Plz take notice of the fact the attack group is stealthed. I have some thing big planed for my next addition to the story ;)


This happened straight after my first story

The first thing Loibisch did was simple. He fell onto his bed and slept.................

Second thing he did was as simple as the first. He awoke due to the "yellow alert" siren.

Loibisch slowly got up and started to seek for his clothes soon recognizing that he was still wearing them. Then, still sleepy, he moved to the console in his room bypassing the junk on the floor. He even almost managed to reach it without struggling ...well... almost. After our hero (*cough*) got onto his feet again he finally managed to make his way through the room.

Loibisch sat down and switched the console on. A strange message appeared on the screen..."Updating ESCD Data...Success". He couldn't remember he changed the hardware lately...strange. Fortunately with his new 72.000 rpm HD (thx to Trebux, check it out here. At that state they even managed to get the heat under control, as well as noise emission... ;)) the OS booted in only 4 seconds, crashed and loaded again in the next 4 seconds. Quite normal...

He immediately went to the comm section while opening the status section, balancing a cup of coffee with his nose and scratching his head at the same time(whow!). He read over the status report and soon after he ace of LordKhaine appeared on his screen. He looked a bit absent but that was surely only deceiving...

"Later", he said. "Gather your squadron immediately...we don't have enough time"
"What's going on?" said Loibisch but LordKhaine had already disconnected, leaving a message on the screen to read #434578 for further commands.

So Loibisch activated the text-to-speech engine and gathered his stuff - including his mobile comm. He then immediately headed for the hangar.
While he was on his way he put on the comm and activated the transmission. The transparent screen slided in front of his eyes (remember Outcast?).

A nice, female voice (obvious :), all of those voices are female) started to speak.
"Now reading #434578 -
2325 hours - 0E5E (3678)
Location: Earth Orbit
Yellow alert permission given by LordKhaine
Loibisch listened, still making his way to the hangar.

"We have reached earth orbit 4 hours ago. We're currently facing the fleet of Chryst. He is backed up by Gleeptoidians from both *cough* developed Gleeptoidian planets..."
Dammit, seemed like those from Gleeptoid IV had become a bit faster in the last 30 years...
"...the fleet of the Gleeptoidian IV'ers seems uncomplete though."
Loibisch smiled and mentally stroke the last entry he had made of the Gleeptoidians.
"An issue we surely have to deal with is the size of the enemy fleet. Since Chryst gathered the Gleeptoidian forces his fleet is...uhm...huge, make that gigantic. Our fleet has still the edge though due to our cloaking system."
Loibisch smiled again
"It seems like a person called Wolf Blackstar..."
Loibisch had to gulp...
"...is backing us up on this operation. His fleet is much smaller than the Gleeptoidians', but his fighters are well known for their skill. It seems like the field is even."

This couldn't be true...

The voice continued:
"Order transmission follows:
We have to prepare for attack of Chrysts fle...xchrptf" the voice comm died.
"Dammit, to hell with this stuff" Loibisch attempted to grap his comm but suddenly the voice was there again.
"Order Transmission follows:
Status changed to red alert. We have the edge and we don't want to lose it. All pilots are called upon getting to their ships."
on my way thought Loibisch as he entered lift 21 to the hangar.
"Squadron Commanders: make sure your squad is ready for action, we need it. As soon as you receive further information proceed with mission.
Transmission end."

"They're always very[/] exact when it comes to mission objectives", grumbled Loibisch. Suddenly he recognized Zaccix, leader of the 707th Silver Dragons next to himself.
"Yull", said Zaccix
"Hi Zaccix...did you hear #434578?"
"Yep, just finished"

Then the doors opened and Loibisch left to hangar 5 to the Fangs. Zaccix left in the opposite direction heading for hangar 2.
Loibisch turned around and shouted "Hey Zac, lets see who's gonna get more of them"
There was a rivalry between the Fangs and the Dragons as along as they existed. The pilots of the ships we're pretty proud of every kill they had more than the opposite. Zaccix and Loibisch usually made fun of it.
"Yeah. We'll whoop their äss, no chance for you out there"
"We'll see", both had to laugh.
"Cya out there" shouted Zaccix
"You too"

On his way to his squad he met Steiner who was trying to draw the attention of his squad...seemed like he failed a bit, but it was surely funny to watch.
"Cya out there Steiner", said Loibisch passing by to hangar 5.
"We'll show them...", replied Steiner but his attention was already on his squad again.

The remaining stuff was routine. He gathered his clothing, dressed in the cabin. Then he gve orders to the Fangs. Finally he got into his fighter, a 1st class Wolverine.
He hadn't had any time to change the armament of his ship so he was going to fly with his standard equipment.

In the cockpit.
Loibisch pressed some of the buttons and suddenly the cockpit was filled with lights. He wanted to give the sign to start the mission, but a message was blinking on his HUD.

Incoming Transmission
It was LordKhaine.
"Commander Loibisch, are your Fangs prepared for launch?" asked LordKhaine.
"Of course my lord, we are ready for launch at your command" said Loibisch, his chrome helmet glinted in the light of his cockpits many flashing lights.
"Good work commander", transmission ended...

A voice came out of the speakers in the hangar..."All workers in hangar bay 1 to 7 LEAVE HANGAR IMMEDIATELY, repeat..."

From his current position he was able to see the universe...it seemed unreal, but was there. No doubt.
Next thing Loibisch could here through the unicomm channel was LordKhaines voice:
"All units in force alpha cloak and launch, regroup at nav point 1, we cannot be detected while cloaked"

Suddenly after that the 707th Silver Dragons launched their fighters and shot out into space.
Then it was the Fangs' turn.
Loibisch activated the comm.
"Prepare for launch, and proceed as LordKhaine ordered. Group at Nav1"
Then a voice in the cockpit:
"5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....Loibisch set the engines of the Wolverine to full throttle while activating the custom cloaking system. An ear-deafening noise sounded, breaking at the walls of the hangar. The thrust pressed Loibisch into his seat and the whole Fang squadron was shot into space.

Shortly after the carriers followed as well as some other squads of "The Hatred".

"Proceed to Nav1", said Loibisch preparing his ship. He was a bit angry that the crew still wasn't able to give the HUD a save option. So he had to customize it every flight. He sighed as he made his configurations. Full Salvo, Screamer Rockets, a bit more energy to the weapon systems.

Zaccix was on the comm
"I don't know, I don't feel good with such a strange man in my back. I mean, how can we be sure he's helping us?"
Loibisch was pretty sure about Wolf helping "The Hatred". It was Wolf's chance to defeat Chryst. And LordKhaine...Loibisch had to gulp again...then he forgot that idea.
"He will", was Loibisch's only answer.

"Activate warp". It wasn't really needed since Nav1 wasn't far from their current location. It was mainly done due to the cool effect when all ships warped at the same time.

A flash and the ships were gone...


I can't think of your plan LK, so I guess you have to write a bit till I know what to do out there ("new orders


I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
Visit site
Earth orbit
Lord Khaine's attack group

"My lord, we have 3 whole wings of enemy fighters closing" screamed the pilot of the 1st carrier.

"All units stay in formation!, they cannot detect us while we are stealthed" bellowed Lord Khaine

"They are powering up shields and lasers, one of them has a lock on me!" said Joker, pilot of the 707th.

"All units decloak and engage, make sure the carriers get through"

"He's got a lock on me, hes got a lock on me, arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh, whomph!............."

"We got a wingman down!" shouted Zaccix

The Fangs and Dragons broke formation and engaged the enemy ships. Light flew every where as both sides opened fire. The graceful ships clashed in total silence, there pilots fighting for there very lifes.

"These ships, there Wolf Blackstars!, its an ambush!" said Loibisch, he voice full of panic.

"That bastard betreyed us!"

"Got it in one fools" said Wolf Blackstar, as he and 3 more wings of fighters decloaked and attacked.

"You will regret this for the rest of your short life Wolf!" said Lord Khaine, his voice full of rage

So it was, two of the best forces in the solar galaxy clashed, the most skilled of the skilled, locked to the death.

Zaccix, flew his Shroud with confidence, jinking left and right with the grace of a puma. He had already taken down 5 enemy ships compared to Loibisch's 3.

"Yeeehaaaw!!!, just like in the simulator!" screamed Zaccix

"Zac, watch your 6!" shouted The Joker

"You are mine!" hissed Wolf Black star, as he swooped behind Zaccix, and opened fire with with all his guns.

"Noooooooooooooooooo............" said Zac, as his ship was totaly smashed apart, the remains of it drifting into space

"Oh my god, they killed Zaccix" said the Joker

"You bastards!" screamed Loibisch!

Even as he said it more of Wolfs ships jumped in

"Cut the chatter 707th, we got Torcs inbound!"

"All ships fall back to protect the carriers, take down those torcs, no-one take on Wolf, hes mine!" roared Lord Khaine, his Malice fighter hot off after the trail of Wolf. As he manovered into position, he's hands pressed a selection of flashing buttons in the cockpit.


The Malice, Heavy Battleship
Alongside The Dragons Bane

"Captain, we are along side the Dragons Bane. Shall we attack?" said the first officer

"Hold here" replyed the captain

"We are not going to attack?"

"No, I have my orders from Lord Khaine himself, we are only to assist Wolf's fleet"

*Mean while in the engine room the device stopped bleeping, and started emitting a high pitched wail.

"Captain, Im reading a strange power fluctuation in the reactor, its......aaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhhhh" his voice was cut short by an earth shattering explotion that ripped the huge ship in half, before the secondary explosion detonated, blowing the ship into its billions of pieces.


The Dragons Bane
Right next to where The Hatred used to be

"Captain, its The Hatred, she's going to....."

The shockwave hit the Dragons Bane, smashing through its shields and causeing critical damage to half the ship.

"DAMAGE REPORT!" bellowed the Captain, as he stood up. The bridge was a mess, severed cables lay everywhere, and half the room was full of fire and smoke.

Corporal Stump got up, his left arm badly smashed and his head bleeding heavily from a deep wound.

"We have reports of damage to all areas of the ship, our shields are down, our engines at only 20% capacity and intial reports place 70% of the crew as casulitys.....boom!..damnit, we just lost the damage report computer!"

"Are the warp drives up?" shouted the Captain, his voice barely heard over the alarms and the crew putting out numerous fires"

"No sir, but we have just eneugh power to cloak the ship!"

"Make it so number one!, patch me through to Wolf at once" bellowed the Captain

"Yes sir!"


Lord Khaines attack fleet
Earth orbit

"My lord, we need urgent assistance!, "The Hatred" has exploded and cripple the Dragons Bane, half the fleet is damaged" shouted the captain

"What condition is the gleeptoidians fleet in?" asked Wolf, as he manovered his ship for another attack run

"Sir, we havent meet the gleeptoidians yet!"

"WHAT?" bellowed Wolf, he cursed to himself as his concentration sliped and his left shields were stripped by a volley of laser fire.

"It was the Hatred, it just blew up!"

"Curse's, that Lord Khaine is more evil than we thought, all units break off and fall back to the main fleet. I repeat, all units fall back to the main fleet. Lets move it!"

Wolf's fleet disappeared as quickly as it appeared, leaving the remains of Khaine's fleet alone to wonder what had just happened.

"Loibisch, escort the attack group to these co-ordinates, I've transmitted you're orders to you, I'll meet you at nav point alpha #3857, Khaine out....."

Khaine's ship turned and warped after Wolf's fleet.

"You heard him guys, lets move it!" bellowed Loibisch, still in shock from recent events.


Zaccix's destroyed ship
Drifting towards a strange green planet

Zaccix woke up, he could feel a sharp pain in his left arm, and his head felt like lead. He looked around

"What the...this doesnt look like earth?"

As he rapidly approached the planet, he saw that this planet, was indeed, not earth

He checked his HUD, everything was flashing red on the damage display.

He fliched as a bright red light flashed, acompanyed by a lound alarm.

He could see through the window his ship was starting to glow bright red as he entered the planets atmosphere

"Oh oh, this is gonna hurt"

This ship started violently shaking, Zac tryed to put all power to his engines to manover his landing, through if he had checked first he would have discovered that his engines were still in orbit round earth, many thousands of light years away.

Zac blacked out from blood lose, and his mind drifted back to thoughts of his dream planet, made entirely of chocolate and 7up.........

..............Zac woke up and looked around, he had landed on the planet, and the feeling of pain that covered his whole body told him that he was not only alive, but in one piece. Zac crawled to the hatch and opened it, he stuck his head out and peered about intently.

"What the....."

The air was breathable, and the land looked like a desert, he could see volcanos in the background, smoking away. What got his attention more than that however, was the tall attractive women standing in front of him, wearing some very skimpy and revealing clothes made out of animal skins. She held a spear with a crude flint blade. Behind her he saw several other women, all similarly dressed and cooking what looked like a dinosaur leg over a large fire.

Zaccix smilled


High Earth Orbit
Assualt H +30 minutes

In a cloaked Reaper Class fighter, Selerox looked on is disbelief at the events unfolding in front of him. "So, the allies have turned on each other? This should make things far easier...".

His hands moved quickly over the controls and a small holo-screen appeared, displaying CHRYSt at his command chair in the his Flagship,

"Selerox, do you have any news

"You're not going to believe this, but our job just became a whole lot easier..."


PuF: Come play dying.

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff and have your say!


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK

Zaccix looked around this barren landscape that lay before him, thoughts rushing through his mind.

"Where am I? How did I get here? WHY am I here?"

That last thought didn't seem too appropriate, given his present company. Still, these were questions he needed answers to.

"C'mon big boy. We need to get going" said the woman standing in front of him.

"Where?" asked Zaccix.

"You'll find out soon enough" came the reply.

"Who are you?"

"Call me Selena".

In wierd state of shock, pain, and pleasure, Zaccix got up and followed the tribe of women on a journey across the vast sands. The heat was intense, but strangely comfortable.

After what seemed like a lifetime of walking, Zaccix could hear what sounded like civilization. The party approached a huge dune and started to walk up, Upon reaching it's summit, Zaccix saw what could only be described as awesome. Before him lay a city that seemed to spread out forever, surrounded by a massive wall.

"No time for sightseeing" one of the other women in the party said. She looked similar to Selena, but had long dark hair, almost black but not quite, and piercing eyes.

The group walked downhill towards a pair of enourmous gates. Made out of pure gold and decorated with an uncountable number of precious stones, the gates shimmered in the hot sunlight. Selena walked up to a hut that stood to one side of the entrance and appeared to have a conversation with someone inside. Suddenly, the gates opened. It was an amazing sight to see.

As they passed through the gates, Zaccix noticed an old man sitting outside a house. he beckoned to Zaccix to come over to him, and Zaccix acknowledged him, but thought it safer to stay with his present company.

After a few minutes of walking, the party came to a large mansion, surrounded by lush gardens. In the gardens were various animals and birds, some of which Zaccix had never seen before. They went inside and in the hallway stood a man in ceremonial dress. Upon his head was a crown made from coloured feathers and stones, and he wore a long, deep red velvet cape.

"Who are you?" asked Zaccix.

"I am Proclius" answered the man. "Who are you?"

"I'm Zaccix".

"Welcome to Yarken, my city", said Proclius invitingly.

"Yarken?", Zaccix questioned. "Which planet is this?"

"Rock" Proclius answered back. "This has been our home for as long as I can remember".

"How did I get here?"

"You know how you got here. Your spaceship crashed. What you don't know is that you are on the same planet you started out from".

"You mean this is Earth?" exclaimed Zaccix.

"Earth?", Proclius asked. "Well if that is what you call it then yes I suppose so".

Zaccix was still very much mystified. "What happens now?" he asked.

"I would like to offer you residency at my home until the morning, when we shall talk more".

Having obviously nowhere else to go, Zaccix took up Proclius' offer.

"Bjelea, show Zaccix to his quarters".

"Very well" came the reply.

The two went up the central staircase and carried on along a long hallway. They approached a tall blue door made of stone, with a strange marking etched into it".

"These quarters are yours Zaccix" said Bjelea.

Upon going inside, Zaccix felt himself miss a heartbeat. The room looked to him like he always thought paradise would be like. The floor was made of white marble and so too were the pillars which stood near the door and on the other side of the room near the window. There were plants everywhere and the whole room had an airy feel to it.

"Make yourself comfortable" Bjelea said.

"Oh I will!" answered Zaccix with a smile.

As he made his way over to the centrepiece large bed which dominated the room, Zaccix heard a tap on the window that sounded like a stone hitting it. He went over, looked out and saw the same old man he had seen earlier.

"Meet me tonight, outside my house" the man whispered loudly.

"OK I will" replied Zaccix softly.

That night, the whole house came together for a feast that Zaccix enjoyed greatly. Afterwards, he retired to his quarters and upon laying on his bed, almost fell asleep. He then remembered the old man and sharply got up.

A woman then poked her head round the door. It was Selena.

"Goodnight Zaccix" she said with a smile.

"Night", Zaccix replied.

Zaccix waited for a few minutes, then he carefully crept over to the window and opened it as softly and carefully as he could. The distance between his window and the ground below wasn't too great, and he successfully managed to jump down.

He made his way through the city, looking for the old man's house. After some searching, he remembered that the house was right next to the golden gates, and after a few minutes of walking he saw the old man, who was furiously waving to him.

"Who are you?" asked Zaccix.

"My name is not what you seek, but why I want to talk to you" the old man replied.

"OK why DO you want to talk to me?"

"I know why you are here".

"Why? Tell me".

"Because by being here, you have a chance to stop the terrible conflict that is raging as we speak".

"What conflict?"

"The one you were just fighting in" the old man said, shaking his head.

"How did you know about that?" exclaimed Zaccix, astonished.

"You must find Taskmaster and tell him to go to a place called Las Vegas. Tell him to start at the very north of the city, and go out into the desert for exactly one hundred miles. Once there, he must dig one hundred meters downwards, and he will find the true answer to why he is able to respawn".

"Wait. How do you know about Taskmaster, and the fact that he can respawn? How do you know about Las Vegas? Where am I? Who ARE you?", Zaccix anxiously quizzed the man.

The man sighed. "You are on Earth, in a parallel universe to your own. The explosion caused by your engines when they left your ship caused you to arrive here".

"How do you know all this?" asked Zaccix.

"Because I have been watching you, and this conflict, unfold for a long time now".


"Never mind how".

"OK for the last time, who exactly ARE you?" Zaccix asked with a strong hint of urgency in his voice.


The man coughed.

"I, am Lion Blackstar".

[This message has been edited by Zaccix (edited 05-27-2000).]
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