Earth orbit
Lord Khaine's attack group
"My lord, we have 3 whole wings of enemy fighters closing" screamed the pilot of the 1st carrier.
"All units stay in formation!, they cannot detect us while we are stealthed" bellowed Lord Khaine
"They are powering up shields and lasers, one of them has a lock on me!" said Joker, pilot of the 707th.
"All units decloak and engage, make sure the carriers get through"
"He's got a lock on me, hes got a lock on me, arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh, whomph!............."
"We got a wingman down!" shouted Zaccix
The Fangs and Dragons broke formation and engaged the enemy ships. Light flew every where as both sides opened fire. The graceful ships clashed in total silence, there pilots fighting for there very lifes.
"These ships, there Wolf Blackstars!, its an ambush!" said Loibisch, he voice full of panic.
"That bastard betreyed us!"
"Got it in one fools" said Wolf Blackstar, as he and 3 more wings of fighters decloaked and attacked.
"You will regret this for the rest of your short life Wolf!" said Lord Khaine, his voice full of rage
So it was, two of the best forces in the solar galaxy clashed, the most skilled of the skilled, locked to the death.
Zaccix, flew his Shroud with confidence, jinking left and right with the grace of a puma. He had already taken down 5 enemy ships compared to Loibisch's 3.
"Yeeehaaaw!!!, just like in the simulator!" screamed Zaccix
"Zac, watch your 6!" shouted The Joker
"You are mine!" hissed Wolf Black star, as he swooped behind Zaccix, and opened fire with with all his guns.
"Noooooooooooooooooo............" said Zac, as his ship was totaly smashed apart, the remains of it drifting into space
"Oh my god, they killed Zaccix" said the Joker
"You bastards!" screamed Loibisch!
Even as he said it more of Wolfs ships jumped in
"Cut the chatter 707th, we got Torcs inbound!"
"All ships fall back to protect the carriers, take down those torcs, no-one take on Wolf, hes mine!" roared Lord Khaine, his Malice fighter hot off after the trail of Wolf. As he manovered into position, he's hands pressed a selection of flashing buttons in the cockpit.
The Malice, Heavy Battleship
Alongside The Dragons Bane
"Captain, we are along side the Dragons Bane. Shall we attack?" said the first officer
"Hold here" replyed the captain
"We are not going to attack?"
"No, I have my orders from Lord Khaine himself, we are only to assist Wolf's fleet"
*Mean while in the engine room the device stopped bleeping, and started emitting a high pitched wail.
"Captain, Im reading a strange power fluctuation in the reactor, its......aaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhhhh" his voice was cut short by an earth shattering explotion that ripped the huge ship in half, before the secondary explosion detonated, blowing the ship into its billions of pieces.
The Dragons Bane
Right next to where The Hatred used to be
"Captain, its The Hatred, she's going to....."
The shockwave hit the Dragons Bane, smashing through its shields and causeing critical damage to half the ship.
"DAMAGE REPORT!" bellowed the Captain, as he stood up. The bridge was a mess, severed cables lay everywhere, and half the room was full of fire and smoke.
Corporal Stump got up, his left arm badly smashed and his head bleeding heavily from a deep wound.
"We have reports of damage to all areas of the ship, our shields are down, our engines at only 20% capacity and intial reports place 70% of the crew as casulitys.....boom!..damnit, we just lost the damage report computer!"
"Are the warp drives up?" shouted the Captain, his voice barely heard over the alarms and the crew putting out numerous fires"
"No sir, but we have just eneugh power to cloak the ship!"
"Make it so number one!, patch me through to Wolf at once" bellowed the Captain
"Yes sir!"
Lord Khaines attack fleet
Earth orbit
"My lord, we need urgent assistance!, "The Hatred" has exploded and cripple the Dragons Bane, half the fleet is damaged" shouted the captain
"What condition is the gleeptoidians fleet in?" asked Wolf, as he manovered his ship for another attack run
"Sir, we havent meet the gleeptoidians yet!"
"WHAT?" bellowed Wolf, he cursed to himself as his concentration sliped and his left shields were stripped by a volley of laser fire.
"It was the Hatred, it just blew up!"
"Curse's, that Lord Khaine is more evil than we thought, all units break off and fall back to the main fleet. I repeat, all units fall back to the main fleet. Lets move it!"
Wolf's fleet disappeared as quickly as it appeared, leaving the remains of Khaine's fleet alone to wonder what had just happened.
"Loibisch, escort the attack group to these co-ordinates, I've transmitted you're orders to you, I'll meet you at nav point alpha #3857, Khaine out....."
Khaine's ship turned and warped after Wolf's fleet.
"You heard him guys, lets move it!" bellowed Loibisch, still in shock from recent events.
Zaccix's destroyed ship
Drifting towards a strange green planet
Zaccix woke up, he could feel a sharp pain in his left arm, and his head felt like lead. He looked around
"What the...this doesnt look like earth?"
As he rapidly approached the planet, he saw that this planet, was indeed, not earth
He checked his HUD, everything was flashing red on the damage display.
He fliched as a bright red light flashed, acompanyed by a lound alarm.
He could see through the window his ship was starting to glow bright red as he entered the planets atmosphere
"Oh oh, this is gonna hurt"
This ship started violently shaking, Zac tryed to put all power to his engines to manover his landing, through if he had checked first he would have discovered that his engines were still in orbit round earth, many thousands of light years away.
Zac blacked out from blood lose, and his mind drifted back to thoughts of his dream planet, made entirely of chocolate and 7up.........
..............Zac woke up and looked around, he had landed on the planet, and the feeling of pain that covered his whole body told him that he was not only alive, but in one piece. Zac crawled to the hatch and opened it, he stuck his head out and peered about intently.
"What the....."
The air was breathable, and the land looked like a desert, he could see volcanos in the background, smoking away. What got his attention more than that however, was the tall attractive women standing in front of him, wearing some very skimpy and revealing clothes made out of animal skins. She held a spear with a crude flint blade. Behind her he saw several other women, all similarly dressed and cooking what looked like a dinosaur leg over a large fire.
Zaccix smilled