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Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
Visit site
Boom visits Taskmaster (still in full body cast) at the hospital.

"Wow, you and the Wolf are great!" says Boom, "I wish could write like you guys, that thread is really something. I've read every post, and look forward to more."

"Thanks Boom." whispers Taskmaster through the mouthhole in his full body cast, "Um, while you are here, could you open the shades? I want to get a little sunlight."

"No problem." Replies Boom, "Let me just put down my redeemer..."

Taskmaster tries to shout, "WAIT BOOM, DO YOU HAVE THE SAFETY ON?" But in his weakened state, he can only get out, "Waaaaaaay..." before Boom (always true to form) kills his own damn self.

Will Taskmaster survive???
Will the body cast somehow protect him???


New Member
Dec 12, 1999
Visit site
sorry, i don't continue this story...it's been about a month or two since i been here and this post is STILL active...that's INSANE. are you people really this bored?


New Member
Dec 12, 1999
Visit site
sorry, i don't continue this story...it's been about a month or two since i been here and this post is STILL active...that's INSANE. are you people really this bored?


New Member
Dec 12, 1999
Visit site
sorry, i don't continue this story...it's been about a month or two since i been here and this post is STILL active...that's INSANE. are you people really this bored?


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
/me holds the pistol trigger down and typekills Gravedigger.

* Gravedigger respawns in another thread, far far away.

This is an entertaining thread with some excellent creative work. I do most of my posting from my office, so yes, I am that bored.

/me gets combo'd by Wolf while typing this post.


Freaking out on electric meat.

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>it's been about a month or two since i been here and this post is STILL active...that's INSANE. are you people really this bored?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*snicker* *chuckle* *choke* *gasp* OK, can't hold it in any longer.....


/me continues laughing hysterically.

Thanks for making my work easier, Morety. :)


-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"
PuF: Bring on the pain!

Our hearts go out to Prophetus. God bless you, we wish you the best.

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
OK, back to the good stuff.

Somewhere in a different game world, a full moon is shining. The pale glow cast by the night orb illuminates the grassy fields and mountains, adding an ethereal ambience to the setting.

This is all rudely disrupted when an object comes careening downward from the stars at terminal velocity, where it lodges in the side of a rock with near-explosive force.

Amazingly, Taskmaster is still alive. The body cast seems to have remained intact. Peering through the two slits, he can see a deep purple sky and a full moon..... but no human-made structures are in sight.

The night suddenly comes alive with the sounds of untold hordes of creatures. Bird-like chirps are mingled with repeating sounds that resemble the calls of frogs. In the distance, more reptillian noises can be heard...... Taskmaster wonders where he is, and how many of these beasts he now hears are carnivorous......


Meanwhile, The Wolf is eating dinner when a call comes through. After checking to insure a secured line, he patches it into his comlink. "Yes?"

The thin cold voice at the other end says: "It seems there's been a foul-up; our "package" has turned up missing."

"So much for your crack surveillance and security men......you do realize that this only raises my price, don't you? I hate having to clean up your messes."

The voice on the other end is silent. Then he says: "Actually, consider yourself.......fired."

The words are hardly finished being spoken when a team of Armani and Ray-ban clad assassins smash through the doors and windows of Wolf's house.

They lay down a punishing rain of lead with Uzi's and MP5's as Wolf dives across the table, rolls through the kitchen, and leaps into the basement.

The hitmen instantly dump grenades into the basement. After the explosions subside, the suits cautiously advance, and enter the room with weapons at the ready.....

It is empty.

Then Wolf's voice breaks the silence as he appears behind the goon squad with a fully-charged GES BioRifle.

"Translocator disk left in the gun room." He smiles as he releases the trigger.

The massive pulsating glob lands amidst the henchmen, obliterating them all in an enormous green explosion.


The technician paces nervously back and forth in the charred remains of the lab. "How did this happen?" asks a man dressed in a suit and tie. His cigarette smoke fills the room with the stench of tobacco.

The technician stutters... "We're not exactly sure, sir......it's just that someone came in here, and...."

"Someone just barged in here, conveniently at the exact moment when the guards were changing shifts, and somehow brought a weapon of mass destruction in here and set it off. Is that what you're trying to tell me?"


Cold eyes bore through the technician's face like gun barrels.

"I am most displeased with your performance. Do you realize how far you've set us back with your failure?"

The technician fumbles about in his lab coat, and somehow manages to produce a CD.

"We kept backups of the genetic research, all of the data is on this disc. And then..... one of our men planted a homing device on the subject before he was lost. You should be able to track him."

"You've saved yourself a most.....undesirable reassignment." The man with the cigarette snatches the disc.

The lab technician flinches.

"Get back to work." The man stubs his cigarette out, pockets the disc, and leaves.


In a dank, reeking dungeon, a piercing scream echoes off the walls as another clone is systematically tortured to death.

"They're still not strong enough."
CHRYSt watches the testing.

Selerox looks at the gibs of yet another Taskmaster clone, then observes the digital readouts ot the "testing" computers. "Yes....you're right.... we're missing some of the cloning data, and it's taking far too long to perfect this by trial and error. Their minds are just too......weak."

CHRYSt says nothing. His gaze extends out into the distance, beyond his stronghold of evil.

Then he speaks: "Don't worry about the cloning data, old friend. An "associate" of mine will soon be delivering us all we need....as well as lead us back to the real Taskmaster himself. And this time, there will be no escaping me. I will finish what I started."

He laughs, the essence of evil and hatred amplified as the wild cackling resounds throughout the dark halls.

Then all is quiet once more.......


-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"
PuF: Bring on the pain!

Our hearts go out to Prophetus. God bless you, we wish you the best.

[This message has been edited by Wolf Blackstar (edited 05-01-2000).]

Neo Skinz

Shinobi of the wind<br><img src="http://www.greer9
Apr 14, 2000
Northern Ireland
Neo sits slighty tilted in his chair in a darkened room across from a shady figure. Neo has no idea of the shady figures identiy, the only distinguishable thing being his blue suit, though the mans identity of little concern to him.

A sealed envelope is passed across the table and Neo takes it and opens it. He flicks though the pages one by one reading the details for his assignment, under the watchfull eyes of his employers. Once finished reading through them Neo closes the documents and puts them back into the envelope, stands up and makes his way over the window.

"So the Wolf has returned after all this time", Neo says as he gazes out the window across the city. For a moment there is silence untill the shady figure behind him speaks. "Are you sure that you are up to this?". Neo sighs, "He was a respected fighter and good friend during the Skaarji/Earth wars...its a shame it has to end this way!"

One of the men in the corner comes forward from the darkness and whispers in the ear of the shady figure across the table. "Your chopper is ready Mr. Neo, you may proceed with your instructions, you have 48 hours to complete your mission", says the shady figure. "Is the equipment I specified loaded up?" Neo asks. "Yes" the shady figure replies. With out another word Neo exits the room and makes his way up to the roof where his helicopter awaits him.


Visit Neo Skinz to see my Winamp and ICQ skins.

"Philosophy is to science as pornography is to sex!"


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
Little to CHRYSt's knowledge Taskmaster wasn't retrieved by his agent. Instead Tykeal stole him out from under everyone's nose.

But where has Tykeal been? Ahh... that is the question and one that shall be shortly answered.

------- Fade to flash back -------------

"Hey wasn't there a full moon about the time he disappeared?" Tykeal asked Mulder.

"Hmmn, full moon..." muttered Agent Mulder as he lapsed into deep though and began talking to himself, "...lunar madness, tidal forces, strange magnetic interferences..."

As Agent Mulder turns towards the man that Scully is questioning Tykeal quickly glances around making sure that nobody is looking and then quickly hurries off. Once away from everyone he pulls out a translocator control and shimmers out of existence reappearing on a star ship staying on the dark side of the moon.

"Right, Taskmaster's disappearance is perfect cover for my mission back to Gleeptoid IV. Soon I will deliver my report on the ripeness of Earth for conquest. Muahahahaha!"

--------- Jump forward a few weeks ---------

Returning Tykeal realizes that his report was very off base. Quickly starting a search he remembers the tracking patch he managed to stick on Taskmaster back on the camping trip they had had before Taskmaster opened 6 Frags. Pulling up data displays he starts scanning for the signal that should be still strong.

"What's this? Where is my signal?" mutters Tykeal under his breath. "Dang, he must of found the patch and removed it I guess I shall have to start my search without all the gizmos."

Tykeal pulls out a different skin and crawls in. "Nobody will recognize me like this," he muses. "Time to translocate down."

Thus starts his couple of month search for Taskmaster.

----------- Fade out of Flash Back --------

"Taskmaster, wake-up Taskmaster. C'mon it's Tykeal. I've found you after months of searching."

The figure on the medbay bed faintly flutters his eyelids. "Where... Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"Shh... don't worry, I've found you. No more horrible deaths without my say-so."

"Who are you? You said you were Tykeal? You don't sound like him, he was constantly killing me."

"I'm really Tykeal. What you saw before was how I really am. I've had a change of heart though. I can't be having you getting killed left and right. Well, at least not without my getting some of the action *cackle*choke* Sorry, it just kinda creeped out.

"I found you being held under sedation by Wolf. I couldn't let that continue I had to rescue you. Especially since CHRYSt has been gunning for you so much recently. He almost had you too, until I managed to spirit you away with both Wolf and CHRYSt none the wiser.

"Don't worry soon I shall have you in a shape to be able to take on everyone again and at that time I shall take over the worl.... errr... ummm.... everyone will live happily ever after, yeah that's it *blink*.

As we leave Tykeal we notice that there is a message flashing across the control screen, translating from Gleeptoidian we see "Admiral Tykeal the fleet will be in position in 12 earth hours what are your orders?"


I belch in your general direction.


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Hey what do you mean "their minds are too weak?" I would be offended if I was intelligent enough to understand waht you meant! :)

So now I'm confused! IS the real Taskmaster on some other-worldly planet or is the real Taskmaster in Tykeal's mother ship? How can I write a story when I don't know what is going on? Oh wait... that's never stopped me before!


"Rrrrriiiiinnnngggg...." screamed a loud bell, demanding that it be acknowledged. It's shrill metallic chimming penetrated his deepest conscieness.

"Huh? What? Where am I?" queired a startled, and still half-asleep Taskmaster as he wiped a bit of drool from his chin. He shook his head and glanced around.

"Mr. Taskmaster!" boomed a loud voice that echoed around the emptying auditorium. "I would kindly ask that you find a more suitable location for sleeping than during my lectures!"

Taskmaster looked down at the stage to see his physics professor standing in front of a whiteboard covered with various equations.

"I fully realize that quantum theories of universal physics may be so exceeedingly beyond your miniscule comphrension as to appear boring, but I would dully appreciate the appearance of interest."

"Uh, yes sir. Sorry..." Taskmaster answered like a scolded child, "I've been staying up late to study."

The professor dismissed him with a less than sympathic wave and turned to erase the board.

Taskmaster felt the air conditioner kick on and suddenly noticed that he was soaked with sweat, and feeling rather chilly. He sat bewildered by an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

"Man!" he exclaimed to himself, "What a dream that was! Aliens, UFOs, FBI, black operatives, secretive genetic research."

He laughed tentatively at the recollcations of his dream, already beginning to fade from memory. "I have got to stop watching so much of The X-Files!"

Taskmaster gathered up his books and unfinished notes and left the building. He grabbed a soda at the Rattskeller and headed to his dorm.

"This would be a killer story..." he mused, "I think I'll write it down."


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V


As the fleet prepares to jump out-system, Admiral Tykeal takes a few minutes to relax and congratulate himself on accomplishing his mission.

With Taskmaster secured, the Gleeptoidians will have unlimited access to human genetics for research purposes. Tykeal revels in his own cleverness for choosing such an excellent specimen, as he is sure to provide the crew with plenty of "entertainment" on the long trip home.

The vessels engage their hyperdrive motivators and flash out of our dimension. No trace remains of the aliens or their secret mission.



"And you're sure this device will work?" asks the man with the cigarette.

"Absolutely, sir. It's been tested before - we used it on monkeys. That's what he worked with before he gained access to Taskmaster for cloning purposes." The techie-henchman responds.


The techie-henchman throws a massive switch. Two massive electrodes cast blazing blue lightning bolts into the center of the room. After several seconds of elaborate computer-assisted animation, a portal begins forming.

Unfortunately, neither the smoking man nor his squad of henchmen have noticed the dark shadow that is slinking towards them even as they watch the inter-dimensional portal open.



"Damn, what's taking the old bastard so long?" CHRYSt stands on the other side of the portal in anticipation.

*CHRYSt paces back and forth as only evil overlords can.

Suddenly, a small explosion of gibs bursts through the portal.

CHRYSt cannot recognize the thoroughly hollowpointed face of the dead man, but the stub of cigarette in his mouth is an instant giveaway.

The corpse holds in it's hand a CD case.....also neatly shot to pieces.

The portal collapses. No doubt the device on the other side is destroyed. Taskmaster is gone. The genetic research material is gone. All available sources have been eliminated. Another Ultimate Goal of World Domination(TM) is ruined.

"Ah well.....I don't need Taskmaster ro take over the world. After all, I still have unlimited resources of monkeys to experiment with!

"And besides", he chuckles, "no big deal about losing access to the portal. I'll be back soon. I'm evil. Thay can count on me returning. Soon, I will hold the advantages for myself once again!!"

*CHRYSt laughs diabolically*

*scene fades out as CHRYSt is laughing*



In one of many of the small residential areas around the massive industrial complexes, a beat-up Chevy Suburban sits on the street.

Satisfaction, beams the Wolf as he loads several black suitcases into the back. The payoff of yet another accomplished mission.

Morety asks him what he plans to do next. Though they have been on opposite sides, Wolf has respect for this guy and thinks he's pretty cool, in an electric meat sort of way.

"After this wild ride? Right now I'm going home to sunny San Diego. After that, there's plenty more contracts available. I'm really glad to be done with this, as people were beginning to misinterpret me - they thought I was evil or something. I just work for myself, that's all."

"Guess I'll be seeing you around, then." says Morety.

"Oh, you will," says the Wolf. "But not the way you think you're going to."

"Hey! what the - " Morety's voice is cut off as Wolf injects him with a strange chemical.

"What did you do? I feel woozy...."

"Heheheh. This is a much more physiologically friendly way of erasing people's memories. Selected ones, to be exact. It removes them unconsciously, without harming one's conscious mind. None of that Hollywood stuff about people going through agonizing pain or any of that stuff."

"Hey...." says Morety. "I just remembered, I've got a hockey game tonight. I've got to get out of here."

"That's right," Wolf says. "You'll go back to doing what you're used to. Eventually, your conscious mind will be affected..... much like rebooting a computer. You'll probably doze off on your flight back. But you'll remember none of this - my role in this mission, anyways.....

This formula works so well, I can tell you that there are many government, military and certain other factions that think they've got their hands on the real Taskmaster right now. But all they have are clones - genetically malformed to prevent further cloning - the clones' minds are severly damaged if cloning is attempted. The clones these people have have also been chemically engineered to broadcast the same formula that will erase their memories as well. In fact, I used it on the real Taskmaster, who's probably waking up in class right now, wondering what he just experienced. When you regain consciousness, you'll think of this as nothing but a dream.....or say...a great story that was posted on a forum on the Internet somewhere......"

"Anyways..... I must move on now."

Wolf climbs into the Suburban and kicks the big 454ci V8 into life. The old truck roars its way out of Long Beach like a bat out of hell, with Wolf listening to the Grateful Dead on the long trip home.



-Wolf Blackstar

"A chainsaw! find some meat!"
PuF: Bring on the pain!

Our hearts go out to Prophetus. God bless you, we wish you the best.

[This message has been edited by Wolf Blackstar (edited 05-03-2000).]


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
University of West Florida,
Pensacola, Florida
5/3/00 9:00 AM

"Awww man, that feels good." sighed Taskmaster as the warm water showered over him. He stood still for several minutes, leaning against the shower's tiled wall letting the soothing water run over him, from head to toe.

"I feel like I was hit by a truck" he mused, massaging his aching muscles. His head pounded, his thoughts were fuzzy and he was sore all over. "If I didn't know better, I would call this a hangover."

Since he didn't drink alchol, he could only assume this was what a hangover felt like, based on how his various friends had described the sensation. He didn't like it, which only made him more fascinated as to why someone would drink themselves into a stupor, puke all over, go through a hangover, and then call it having fun!?

Taskmaster just wanted to sleep, but he knew he had an important class to attend this morning. Try as he might, he was unable to shake the feeling that he was forgetting something important that he should be doing, or something he should be remembering.

Sister's birthday? No, not for a few months. Parent's anniversary? Nope, already past and he had forgotten as usual. Oh well, he was sure it would come to him soon or later.

He lathered up with a bar of soap. He noticed a very tender spot on the side of his leg as he ran the soap over it. When he rinsed the soap off he noticed a small red dot of blood and a forming bruise. "What in the world is that from?" he wondered aloud.

He washed his hair, rinsed off, and turned off the shower. After quickly drying off he tried to get a closer look at his leg. It looked like a mosquito bite, but a bit larger, and with an accompanying bruise.

Noting nothing major about the minor wound, he dressed and prepared breakfast in the toaster oven. Sitting to eat he scanned the campus newsletter, The Nautalis.

"Hmmmnnn... Participants wanted for dream therapy and hypnotic regression." he read. "That sound like it could be interesting!"

Suddenly noticing the time, he shoved the bagel into his mouth to hold it, and he gathered his books and notes. He left the school paper on his desk and headed to class.


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
/me squints his eyes and looks around...

"What am I doing here? Man, look how big this thread is. I don't have time to read it all, I gotta play hockey and drink beer."


Whistling Belly Buttons Rule!


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
Location: Somewhere on the way to Gleeptoid IV
34242.499 Glerk'na, Standard Gleeptoidian time

"Umm Admiral?"

"Yes? Can't you see I'm gloating?"

"We seem to have a problem. Remember you told us to clone Tasmaster to continue the experiments we need to perform? Well..."

"Out with it!"

"I think you should come see, sir."

------- Medi bay -----------

*In the background: Crash.... clatter.... "Get that thing out of here!"

"Sir, this is the problem"

*Tykeal shakes his head.
"I can't believe this is happening. What is that thing? I look's like cross between Taskmaster and a monkey.... and what is it doing tossing feces all over the place? Where did it get feces?"

"Sir, it's an Earth animal... where do you think it got feces?"

"Grr... Alright," Tykeal activates his comm, "helm, reverse course. We're heading back to Earth."

Tykeal turns to the officer. "Get that thing out of here, don't kill Taskmaster, find out what the problem is."


I belch in your general direction.


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
Somwhere between Earth and Gleeptoid IV
77474.009 Herc'a, Standard Gleeptoidian Time

"Admiral, we have a problem"

"Not again, as if having a feces flinging Taskmaster semi-clone isn't enough. What's the problem now?"

"Oh, not much, just that the feces flinging Taskmaster semi-clone has morphed and is now eating the rest of the science crew."

"I told you to kill that thing!"

"I know sir, we jetisoned the creature 1 Glark'la after you told us to remove it's presence. However, apparently the thing managed to survive outside the hull and being in a warp bubble. It managed to find a way back inside. Apparently the exposure to the direct effects of the warp bubble have mutated it."

"Mutated in what way?"

"Well, sir, it seems to be some sort of brown ooze and it's devouring anyone that has had any contact with it."

"Are you sure that's the Taskmaster semi-clone and not some other alien being?"

"Positive sir, it screamed out 'Tykeal you git I'm gonna find you and I've got a rocket with your name on it!' Which we took to be some sort of Earth greeting or something."

Tykeal turns pale at the explanation, "That's not a greeting that's a threat. I think that thing has a vendetta or something against me. How soon until we reach Earth? I want to drop that thing off over CHRYSt's compound, it should be fun *grin*"

"I estimate another 14 Glark'las."

"Good... keep me informed of any other problems. Oh, and try and contain that thing."

"How sir? It's eating anyone that gets near it."

"How else? Drop a VR unit nearby with a replica of 6 Frags on it, that should keep it entertained or something."

"Yes sir."


I belch in your general direction.


Feb 10, 2000
don't mind me I'm just adding my name to this long long long post.
/add name OShadowO
//name added


Don't shoot!! I'll die if you do. I'm warning you....ahhhhggg...medic
Suicidal Maniac and damn proud of it!!


This is a big freakin topic!


AKA [Ci]Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"I tell ya, John," said Taskmaster as he slid his plastic tray along the stainless steel edge that ran the entire length of the cafeteria's food serving area, "something is really wrong here!"

"Wha'da mean?" John asked as he selected an entree.

"I haven't slept right in days." he answered. "My thought are all twisted in knots and I can't concentrate on..."

"Rocket Launchers?" Taskmaster suddenly blurted out as he looked at the menu.

"Rocket what?" asked his puzzled friend.

Taskmaster closed his eyes tightly for a moment. "That's what I mean!" he said now seeing that the menu read "regular lunches."

"Too much studying if you ask me!"

"Yeah, and when have you known me to study?" quipped Taskmaster.

"Well, that much is true." John grabbed three oranges from the ice of the desert bar and began toss them in the air. "Check this out..."

Taskmaster stood as if in a trance as a strange and foreign memory suddenly flashed to life in his mind's eye. He saw a mime juggling glass bottles get violently killed by a large truck.

"Hey man, what gives?" demanded John, with a gentle slap to Taskmaster's face. "You alright?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, fine." he muttered. "It just happened again. I keep seeing these people in my mind. Everytime I see them they get killed. I try to save them, but I can't!" Taskmaster shuddered in helplessness. "I really think I'm going crazy."

"Man, you're just under a lot of pressure with finals and all." reassure his friend as they sat down at and empty table.

"I hope you're right..." stated Taskmaster as he started at the lifeless meal. "I hope you're right."


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
"Sir, are you sure that was a safe thing to leave rampaging around in that compound?"

"Don't worry young slug, CHRYSt can take care of himself. I should know, the number of times he killed Taskmaster is phenomenol. You never know what you can do with bubble gum and a chiuaua until you see what CHRYSt can do!" *shudder*

The young officer looks at Admiral Tykeal and turns pale, "Sir! You can't mean out best torture method..."

"Actually, CHRYSt invented it, we had to tone it down some."

"Retch... Excuse me sir, but I can't possibly think of the ramifications of someone like that."

"Well, don't worry, either that slime will kill him, he will kill the slime, or well, I would hate to think of the consequences of that then"

*bleep* "Admiral we are approaching an adequate distance to be able to drop a translocator beacon on the campus were we've located Taskmaster what should we do?"

"Await my signal... I feel that we need to do some observation of Taskmaster in what appears to be a very contrived existence for him."


I belch in your general direction.

[This message has been edited by tykeal (edited 05-09-2000).]
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