Whats OUT in this version:
Bombing Run Gametype
Domination Gametype
Assault Gametype
Lightning Gun
Whats IN this version:
Rocket Launcher //hopefully faster
Dual Enforcers *replaces assault rifle //heaw yeaw
Xloc // sounds pretty nu-metal
Tridium Stinger *replaces minigun // no idea
Canister Gun (wip name) *Grenade launcher, Mine Layer & Goo Gun all in one.//sounds dumb
9 vehicles from UT2k4 w/ a design makeover (scorpian now enclosed w/ rocket boosters and an ejection seat... kamakazi?) // hot
9 new NECRIS vehicles // k
8 teams all with own specific armor // kewl
Code name for UT3 is "Envy" // License Plate: nvmyut2k6
Everything looks pretty good except no more BR or AS, poopy cheeks.