there's no option to set game speed before a botmatch? can't remember seeing the option, is it in mutators like ut2004? all the previous u1/ut99 games had a game speed option to modify. That will solve your personal problems with the speed.
TBH i actually like the current game speed. The only thing wrong with it for me is that the bots are also being sped up and as a result are quite frustrating to play against.
There is a mutator called "slomo". Thats the only gamespeed altering stuff available and it isn't even that good. It takes the speed down to something like 90%. Still, that's closer to 100% then the default 120% is.
I don't think the default speed should be reduced though, seemed fine before, but then I'm really used to fast paced shooters - on and offline. Playing online can improve your skills and reaction times when playing against real people - can make you better against bots in the long run. Game speed mutator should solve your problem though, should be included already.. confirm?
Like i've said, i find the current game speed to be perfect, but the only thing is the bots. They are playing too fast when compared to humans even on the lower skill levels.
And i simply don't want to play online
You are an offline player who is holding a 1v1 maping contest? How can you understand a maps flow by playing it against bots and not other humans.
How can you understand a maps flow by playing it against humans and not bots? It doesn't make a difference how you choose to play. Understanding map flow is not determined by whether you play online or offline.
Thanks but no thanks to your contest.
whatever.... You probably can't map for **** anyway so your submission is one i don't care about losing.
Offline players have no idea what makes a good map compared to a b ad map.
I am completely sick of the prejudiced bull**** that gets said about offline gamers on this forum.
Who the **** are you to say whether offliners aren't capable of discerning a good map from a bad one?
Considering how many "dm-christmass-bathroom-1337 edition-OMGWTF" servers there are out there i would say that onliners can't see what makes a good map. When people play BS like that you have to wonder..........
But that is of course not true. It's only onliners that act like you that don't know jack about anything.
I agree 100% with you there. The Bot skill level in the original UT was perfect, plus we were able to customize each one of them. This feature needs to return.
The thing which i loved about ut99 bots were that they were solid. Giving orders to bots in 2k3/4 was futile. The bots didn't follow the orders anyway.
And telling a bot to "cover me" was stupid in 2k4 because they would just stand around staring at you while getting pwned by a shock rifle.
In UT99 you could go somewhere (like the top of one of the towers on barricade for example) and say "hold this position---all". Your whole team of bots would turn up at the area and start defending it as if it were a flag room. Some bots would go and patrol the surrounding area too. That AI was awsome.
In ut3 the way the bots communicate in team games is pretty good, but aside from that they are meh. They are too frustrating because of the game speed they are playing at.
The AI of ut99 is what needs to be emulated. AND the ability to give orders before the match has begun.
If you care so much that you want to suggest something, could you please consider writing it in such a way that it actually seems constructive? Good grief, people should be happy that an expansion has been announced. I know I am.
I'm looking forward to this.
And would someone please ban the troll? He's really pissing me off. (And various others it seems)