I have balls of Depleted Uranium
So far my only complaints are reloading and the 2 weapon limit. Other then that I have loved it. Just past the octaking atm. I wonder how many of these people panned it just for the publicity.
More publicity on a website with adds means more money. (Theoretically.)like they need extra publicity.
That said, having just finished the Duke Dome (No clue how far into the game that is), I concur with Briz. This game feels right at home around the 2004 mark or so, and according to Toilet's posts on the timelines that sounds about right. I've gotten lots of classic "Here's an arena, blow shit up!" moments that definitely take me back to the Doom-style shooters that the original Duke3D was contemporary with. Boss fights are nice so far; with an even split of "Take a rocket launcher and duke it out with this guy" fights and puzzle-bosses. The attitude and style are pure Duke, and as with Duke3D, they take a game that I might otherwise have passed up and put it squarely into "I enjoy this" territory.
[GU]elmur_fud;2519867 said:I have a dual core AMD Opteron socket 940 with 1.5GB of ram and I don't have that issue. (Or any for that matter) Is your system older? If not the problem may be elsewhere.
Doesn't matter the age of the system. It is a similar problem that Black ops has. People with I7's and 580's are experiencing the exact same issues.
Even though it does fix the stuttering with enemies, there is one point in the game that just simply dies but I think that has something to do with the 100% usage so it's not a perfect fix by any means.
I've finished it now and my main complaint is that it was too dark. I wasn't keen on the weapon system especially when you accidentally swap an empty machinegun out for the blue rockets gun when your alt was already the rpg and a damned tentacle thing jumps out at you. Urgh.
But yeah, way too dark, i spent like 75% of that game using the night vision even after cranking gamma/brightness settings.
[GU]elmur_fud;2519957 said:lol that's much newer.
Interesting issue though. Do you UT2k4? I would be curious to know if it is tied to that engine or specificly DNF code.
Are you talking about the driving bit in the Casino? It's one of the weaker parts of the game.I started playing it this weekend, but after playing the first five or six levels, I kind of gave up as it was getting tedious. The two level driving section was abominable, and I've been hoping the game would pick up a bit, but it doesn't seem to be.
Are you talking about the driving bit in the Casino? It's one of the weaker parts of the game.
I wouldn't even know how you could possible make a driving section like that fun.