Duke and the Donkey of Troy...

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Dereliqued Balls said:
I must make fun of NTKB to show how large my penis is...

Another peon.

As I stated Geo, it only takes an essay here in BUF to get someone banned.

And maja, I take the cheating accusations as compliments... been used to it for over a year now, given the average maturity level of the average INFer is 6 years old.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
NT said:
given the average maturity level of the average INFer is 6 years old.
I'd say it's closer to 25. It's just that the really immature ones jump out.

Taking cheat accusations as compliments is wrong IMO. Sure when you hear it from a random immature little kid you it's better to take it as a compliment than an insult. But when the more mature guys claim it, it means you are doing something wrong. Or maybe they are just kidding (see last post).


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Rostam, you clearly play on Euro servers, where I must admit, the average maturity level is around 25. I was more referring to the domination of suchlike ones in NA servers.

I dont see the problem being called a cheater by anyone. My reply to any serious accusation would be "prove it," at which point I would gladly do so by handing someones ass to them or at least coming close in the attempt before losing au natural..... hmmm nm that last sentence, I dont lose. ;)

I have no fear of ever being banned, and FYI, Duke or Taque didnt even tell me about the cheats cause im sure they were unsure how I would take it... Since I told them in the past I loath cheaters (they make me look less skilled then I am).


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Hadmar said:
Did they ask for it?

From what Keg told me, yes they ask for it. How professional.

And yes, we will probably never get the files now, even if they get unbanned. But who knows. That's just a guess.

If the ban was lifted right away after it was shown that the MP3 contained no virus and a mistake was made, it could have been different. I have no problem to understand the ban following the false virus accusation. Anyone can make a mistake, although I think moderator should have investigated futher before going ahead and do the ban. But as soon as it was shown the file contained no viruses, the ban should have been lifted.

But that was not the main reason they where banned. And that second reason, I do not accept it.


Sep 5, 2004
Ohio, USA
Assesina_Maja said:
It would appear as thou the witch-hunt has now begun!
For anyone that thinks that I am cheating IN ANY WAY I will have you know I didn't even know that was possible until Duke was caught. Second, even if I could cheat I would not, this game is FUN for me... or at least it was, I do not view it as an end all be all competition. I play this game for fun, when it stops being fun I leave. Yes I might send out a message saying, "woo hoo, I'm on top" when I score higher in a match but that is just part of the fun.

I guess I'll just put it this way, I have to "dummy down" around guys in RL because I might hurt their precious egos; I'll be damned if I'm going to play a half-assed game just to salvage those same egos. If that is what it takes for me to play INF then I will find another game to play where I don't have to play it in a half-assed manner for fear of bruising egos and being called a hacker! That's laughable, I only wish that I new enough about coding to be a hacker.

If this attitude continues it will spell out the total death of INF.

By the way, don't let my picture in the signature fool you, I am not smiling right now.

Hey Assesina, I was there when you were being accused of 'Hacking'. But the fact is, the guy was just being a fool. Right after you left he claimed how he was only joking with you. Just wanted to let you know.

Rostam said:
Hmm this reminds me, last time I played on a NA server was during RAv2 and DTAS :eek:

Liar! I remember a few months ago you were playing on SG TDM! ;)
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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I just chatted with Duke. Now that is he banned from BUF, he has been reduced to playing Asteroids on his Atari 2600. :lol:
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May 24, 2001
Visit site
I've been waiting for the L85A2 in inf for years and it ain't comming because of this???!!!

Swallow your collective wounded egos, get off your holyer than though boxes and solve the sittuation instead of pointing fingers.

That or Inf is over ... at least for me.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Just for your information:

I have done quite an amount of investigation (and other n1 as well) on cheating.

It is actually quite difficult to overcome UTDC1.6b. I'm pretty much sure that Google "INF UT aimbot" won't lead you anywhere. Hacking would require coding yourself - beyond UT script.

Hitdetection hacks are pretty much impossible - unless you invite somebody by "serverpackages=mindphuck" or alike...

Please consider this before ruining the atmosphere by accusing others.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Hitdetection hacks are pretty much impossible - unless you invite somebody by "serverpackages=mindphuck" or alike...

Basically that's why I do not mind anyone looking into the RT code, which basically deals with hit detection. I will gladly send it to anyone who requests it until I get a more official way to host it.

Before these events I didn't think this would even be needed.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Hadmar said:
Did they ask for it?

Yes, the ban was at the Infiltration Team's request. Like I explained to geo the other day in PMs, regardless of whether or not duke's file had a virus in it, he would've been banned at the team's request a few hours later.

Geo, after reading your IT analogy, it's pretty clear you're still not up to speed about how the power structure works around here. Your description isn't too far off from the truth, but it's still confused. There are three levels of control on these forums. The Administrators, (Hal, QAPete, and the other BuF owners), the Infiltration Team members, and the Moderators (Beerbaron, Crowse, Beppo, and myself among them).

  • The Administrators have full control over these boards, including access, forum creation, account banning, and forum setup. They can (and do) manipulate them at their will.
  • The Infiltration Team also has full control over these boards. These boards are for their project, so they choose the styleset, colors, images, and who may stay and go. However, with the exception of Beppo and Alpha_9, they work as a passive role.
  • The Moderators (which include a few team members) are here to be the intermediaries. Our job is to be the janitors: we move threads around, we close down the rowdy threads, and we sticky the important ones. We pass on the important messages to the right people. We do not get the direct ability to ban, RO, or change account information, but we can ask for it.

Geogob said:
And no these forums where not the only line of communication we had, but was the best I had at the time both of them where banned. I am not the one running the show in the IMT and it's not my busniess to manage all the projects and the contributors. But, anyway, it's not of your freakin business.

Who's talking about double standards now, Geo? How you communicate is important when it is used to blast me when you explain how ineptly I do my job, but it's 'none of my freaking buisness' when I point it out?

I have no problems with being labeled as the one who had Duke and Taque the banned, because I did. However, if you think they should be unbanned, I already told you who you (and by you, I mean anyone) need to talk to. This ban is the team's ban. These are their forums. They can, and will, continue to do whatever they want here. The Infiltration team has every right to ban, remove, control, terminate, change, modify, or manipulate their forums how they see fit. If they ask me to remove a link to a infiltration hack, I will. If they dislike a particular user, I'll have them disappear. If they ask me to have someone unbanned, it will be done. Generally, the team leaves these forums to their own good graces, but every now and then they, in exceptional circumstances, step in. This was one of those circumstances.

Duke and Taque were not innocent bystanders. Duke and Taque have been using cheats that have been essentially 'cannon' Infiltration for almost four months now. Infiltration is a tiny community, and to claim what they do on the servers and what they do in the forums are separate is totally ridiculous. These forums are the community. These few servers are all that we have. They ruined a league, they destroyed online play, and made Infiltration unplayable when the community is struggling to do anything. Cheating is bad enough, but doing it at a time when infiltration is at its weakest is just pathetic.

Regarding duke holding out on the IMT "due to the ban": I'm not the one that let one person keep all of all the vital code and models. I'm not the one who decided you could only communicate through these forums. I am not the one who is keeping those files from you. That is an issue between your team and Duke. If he wants to be a baby about it and keep the files all to himself, then it only goes to show that he really is a selfish, childish, loser of a person who doesn't deserve an ounce of satisfaction. He knew what he was getting into when he coded cheats into the weapons packs. He knew what he was getting into when he used them online in skirmishes, and in the leagues. He knew exactly what he was doing when he would boot a person from a server, or track someone through walls. He's a cheater, a con artist, and a manipulator who has used this community to satisfy his need to have the biggest e-penis. I know you're angry, but that anger is misplaced. Duke is the one cheating you out of your hard work, and no one else. If he has any shred of dignity left in him, he would return your work to you. If he doesn't, then it only goes to show how low he really is.
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I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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I can only agree.

There should've been a community-accesible server with all of the updates uploaded as they occurred. Not only that, but your leaders should've kept back-ups of the files on their HDs, on CDs, etc.

Blaming SS or the mods of this forums doesn't change the fact that you were unorganized and put 'all of your eggs in one basket'.

Take some responsibility yourself, before you place all of the blame onto others.
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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
In all fairness, Duke seemed to do quite a bit of work. And when some (I know for a fact that Crowze asked) asked for the files he wouldn't give it. We all know why now.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I love how no matter how much **** Duke did for you guys there is no redemption from day 1. ****ing hate mongers. He screwed me over in the DTASAL, but I know the feeling of busting your ass for someone and they **** in your face.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I am totally aware how these forums are managed, but thank you for the reminder. I still think my analogy fits pretty well.

As for the rest I don't think I will comment much as I would only repeat myself. And I do not think it is worth talking privately to those who requested the ban as they can read this thread.

And I'm not to sure what you are trying to say. So I shouldn't be irritated by someone being injustly treated because he cheated in an online game and put cheats into a code? No I don't think my anger is misplaced. I don't see how what I feel about this ban changes in what I feel dukes cheating and workings.


crac said:
Blaming SS or the mods of this forums doesn't change the fact that you were unorganized and put 'all of your eggs in one basket'.

You really don't get the point do you? Did I blame them for our lost work? No. I'm blaming them for a stupid and pointless ban. If we had organisation problem, well I have no trouble assuming. If you ask me, I would probably be the first one to say that we did have such problems. Didn't I say in one of my first post that I didn't really agree on how things where done? But as I mentionned also, I have no control over it. As for putting all "our eggs in one basket", need I remind you that most small projects like this one rely on one single main coder. If I'm not mistaken, even sentry studios work like that, and I do not think there's anything wrong with it. Maybe you have something better to suggest.
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Keg/crac... this isn't about whos fault it is. It's about trying to repair the damage done, and the bans so far haven't helped us. I held out very little hope of contacting Duke, but banning him here is another nail in the coffin.

As Ros said, I did ask him many times. He did send me the weapon pack 1.1 source when I asked for it, but after that nothing. Granted I should have suspected earlier and pushed him, but due to a number of things I wasn't involved much at all in the making of 1.2.

NT: If he wants to redeem himself then by all means he should. I've no idea how, he'd have to work that out. Some form of meaningful communication would be a start.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Why.... on earth would anyone want him unbanned? He didn't just cheat, he played the community for fools and snuck his trojan past us, and some of you are still respecting him for that? He treated you like idiots.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Once again, if you have a problem with the ban, complaining about it in this thread will not get you anywhere. Talk to Beppo, Almost, Yurch, or any other Infiltration team member. PM them, e-mail them, or come on IRC and chat with them live. Duke and Taque will stay banned until the team tells me otherwise.
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