Duke and the Donkey of Troy...
... or the worst pricks in INF ever.
For explanation: This is a story of 2 episodes, if you just care about the result omit chapter 1.
Chapter 1: Weird things going on
I'm posting this to speek up for the entire clan n1 - not just for myself.
Apart from other teams accusations we witnessed some strange things when enganging two certain players from MDC/TW in DTASAL. In lack of backup we didn't go public until now. To be precise we are talking about several very obvious hits from close distance but the 'victim' taking no damage at all, about magically knowledge on everyones position (including wall shooting and corner bursting).
For 2 matches, we asked MDC/TW for a public spectator (which they accepted) and nothing strange happened.
So we did a secret demorec in the last DTASAL round - one of our own players recording (and thereby risking the "gun won't shoot bug")
The link below will lead you to several videos derived from demorecs which show the following:
(FYI: The Player monitored in the video with the cryptic name is MP_Duke.)
- Duke and different n1 players engaging eachother.
- n1 Player is shooting -> Dukes Playermodell is hit (according to the animation - watch for head beeing turned backwards or sudden gun tilting) by bullets, but his healthbar isn't dropping even a tiny bit - although his opponent is shooting with an assaultrifle (sometimes you can clearly see more than 3 hits where there should be no way to survive)
- Duke shoots back and kills the other guy
This occured 8 (eight!) times in the last war (sunday 10th of July Server 121st, maps Atoll and Cuba Dawn). This war lastet 9 rounds alltogether and Duke died only once due to a headshot (which one can clearly see when watching the demo from Frag.gl's position who was shooting), after he survived 4 AKM hits to the chest.
For some reason it occured:
- only with him and Taque (in earlier matches - although Solid Snake i.e had worse ping)
- never when we did the neutral spectator demorec (for 2 wars combined 5 maps, where Duke & Taque were playing in 3 of 'em)
- But it did occur in every match (n1 vs MDC had about a dozent matches) without a neutral spec and several times per match.
- And it occured on at least 3 different servers JgKdo, 121st and Infgermany....
Please somebody enlight us with a propper explanation!
Video 1-8 show Duke, Video 9-11 show other MDC/TW's with high ping, just for comparison
Videocodec: XVID http://www.koepi.org/XviD-1.0.3-20122004.exe
Here are the Videos
01 Duke vs Neabit (AKMS)
02 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
03 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
04 Duke vs Junkfood (M203)
05 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
06 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
07 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
08 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
09 Junkfood vs SolitSnake (AKMS)
10 Thymus vs Taque (AKMS)
11 Thymus vs SolitSnake (AKMS)
Those interested in the original demos will find 'em here and the custom demorec.
Demorec Atoll
Info Demorec Atoll
Demorec CubanDawn
Info Demorec Atoll
custom demorec driver
Note: We used a custom demorec driver that allows slowmo playback and some more features. We also use a (fully UTDC detected hack) while replaying the demo to learn a little more (from the info stored in the demo file). Healthbar (matches f1 status exactly), name of players behind obstacles that you see in the video etc. are due to that hack. Red hitmessage is done via Video editing - just to explain what we understand. Feel free to have a look at the original demo
A second interesting question:
Why would somebody have a keybind "mindfuck" player_xy in his ini?
This info was optained by two tools that write all connecting player keybinds into the serverlog.
... and further more why would somebody not reply to the question what it actually does?
Chatlog 11th of June 2005
Why would somebody have this custom keybind in his ini but not have the slightest clue about its use...?
And why are Duke and Taque (and their different Nicks) the only ones to ever show up with a "mindfuck" keybind in the serverlog?
... or the worst pricks in INF ever.
For explanation: This is a story of 2 episodes, if you just care about the result omit chapter 1.
Chapter 1: Weird things going on
I'm posting this to speek up for the entire clan n1 - not just for myself.
Apart from other teams accusations we witnessed some strange things when enganging two certain players from MDC/TW in DTASAL. In lack of backup we didn't go public until now. To be precise we are talking about several very obvious hits from close distance but the 'victim' taking no damage at all, about magically knowledge on everyones position (including wall shooting and corner bursting).
For 2 matches, we asked MDC/TW for a public spectator (which they accepted) and nothing strange happened.
So we did a secret demorec in the last DTASAL round - one of our own players recording (and thereby risking the "gun won't shoot bug")
The link below will lead you to several videos derived from demorecs which show the following:
(FYI: The Player monitored in the video with the cryptic name is MP_Duke.)
- Duke and different n1 players engaging eachother.
- n1 Player is shooting -> Dukes Playermodell is hit (according to the animation - watch for head beeing turned backwards or sudden gun tilting) by bullets, but his healthbar isn't dropping even a tiny bit - although his opponent is shooting with an assaultrifle (sometimes you can clearly see more than 3 hits where there should be no way to survive)
- Duke shoots back and kills the other guy
This occured 8 (eight!) times in the last war (sunday 10th of July Server 121st, maps Atoll and Cuba Dawn). This war lastet 9 rounds alltogether and Duke died only once due to a headshot (which one can clearly see when watching the demo from Frag.gl's position who was shooting), after he survived 4 AKM hits to the chest.
For some reason it occured:
- only with him and Taque (in earlier matches - although Solid Snake i.e had worse ping)
- never when we did the neutral spectator demorec (for 2 wars combined 5 maps, where Duke & Taque were playing in 3 of 'em)
- But it did occur in every match (n1 vs MDC had about a dozent matches) without a neutral spec and several times per match.
- And it occured on at least 3 different servers JgKdo, 121st and Infgermany....
Please somebody enlight us with a propper explanation!
Video 1-8 show Duke, Video 9-11 show other MDC/TW's with high ping, just for comparison
Videocodec: XVID http://www.koepi.org/XviD-1.0.3-20122004.exe
Here are the Videos
01 Duke vs Neabit (AKMS)
02 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
03 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
04 Duke vs Junkfood (M203)
05 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
06 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
07 Duke vs Fraggl (AKMS)
08 Duke vs Thymus (AKMS)
09 Junkfood vs SolitSnake (AKMS)
10 Thymus vs Taque (AKMS)
11 Thymus vs SolitSnake (AKMS)
Those interested in the original demos will find 'em here and the custom demorec.
Demorec Atoll
Info Demorec Atoll
Demorec CubanDawn
Info Demorec Atoll
custom demorec driver
Note: We used a custom demorec driver that allows slowmo playback and some more features. We also use a (fully UTDC detected hack) while replaying the demo to learn a little more (from the info stored in the demo file). Healthbar (matches f1 status exactly), name of players behind obstacles that you see in the video etc. are due to that hack. Red hitmessage is done via Video editing - just to explain what we understand. Feel free to have a look at the original demo
A second interesting question:
Why would somebody have a keybind "mindfuck" player_xy in his ini?
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 48 0 mind**** assesina_maja
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 80 P mind**** [^..^]vlad
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 106 GreyStar mind****
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 121 F10 mind**** all
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 186 Semicolon mind**** assesina_maja
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 4 ][v][P_][)uke 191 Slash mind**** [^..^]shadowolf
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 5 Akuma 80 P mind**** weed.theroadstroker
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 12 ][v][P_][)uke 191 Slash mind**** weed.falcon
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 11 ][v][P_][)uke 186 Semicolon mind**** °dßd°mercie
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 0 ][v][P_][)uke 186 Semicolon mind**** hannibal
ASH[InitialKeyBind]: 15 ][v][P_"]["aque 123 F12 mind**** [^..^]Vlad
This info was optained by two tools that write all connecting player keybinds into the serverlog.
... and further more why would somebody not reply to the question what it actually does?
---------------28 ->25:59 - ({U})P_][)uke: I do not like the suppressor
---------------29 ->25:59 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: no one uses carrying handle
---------------30 ->26:09 - ({U})P_][)uke: if you put a supressor you have a penis complex
---------------31 ->26:13 - [UMC]Shadow: some with 203, some without, some with reflex, some not
---------------0 ->26:25 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: nef, i have no such complexi and i use it
---------------1 ->26:26 - [n1]ExBeginner: since I have u guys here u can tell me what the keybing "mind****" means ...
---------------2 ->26:28 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: and the m203 for girth
---------------3 ->26:30 - ({U})P_][)uke: lol complexi
---------------4 ->27:12 - [n1]ExBeginner: quiteness ?
---------------5 ->27:20 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: for what?
---------------6 ->27:45 - [n1]ExBeginner: What does the keybind 'mind****' do ?
---------------7 ->27:55 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: i don't know, first i've heard of it
---------------8 ->28:02 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: lol nice shadow
---------------9 ->28:05 - [UMC]Shadow: oh **** it wasn't over
---------------10 ->28:08 - (|U|)P_"]["aque: LOL
Chatlog 11th of June 2005
Why would somebody have this custom keybind in his ini but not have the slightest clue about its use...?
And why are Duke and Taque (and their different Nicks) the only ones to ever show up with a "mindfuck" keybind in the serverlog?
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