Hadmar said:
Yes, the ban was at the Infiltration Team's request. Like I explained to geo the other day in PMs, regardless of whether or not duke's file had a virus in it, he would've been banned at the team's request a few hours later.
Geo, after reading your IT analogy, it's pretty clear you're still not up to speed about how the power structure works around here. Your description isn't too far off from the truth, but it's still confused. There are three levels of control on these forums. The Administrators, (Hal, QAPete, and the other BuF owners), the Infiltration Team members, and the Moderators (Beerbaron, Crowse, Beppo, and myself among them).
- The Administrators have full control over these boards, including access, forum creation, account banning, and forum setup. They can (and do) manipulate them at their will.
- The Infiltration Team also has full control over these boards. These boards are for their project, so they choose the styleset, colors, images, and who may stay and go. However, with the exception of Beppo and Alpha_9, they work as a passive role.
- The Moderators (which include a few team members) are here to be the intermediaries. Our job is to be the janitors: we move threads around, we close down the rowdy threads, and we sticky the important ones. We pass on the important messages to the right people. We do not get the direct ability to ban, RO, or change account information, but we can ask for it.
Geogob said:
And no these forums where not the only line of communication we had, but was the best I had at the time both of them where banned. I am not the one running the show in the IMT and it's not my busniess to manage all the projects and the contributors. But, anyway, it's not of your freakin business.
Who's talking about double standards now, Geo? How you communicate is important when it is used to blast me when you explain how
ineptly I do my job, but it's 'none of my freaking buisness' when I point it out?
I have no problems with being labeled as the one who had Duke and Taque the banned, because I did. However, if you think they should be unbanned, I already told you who you (and by you, I mean anyone) need to talk to. This ban is the team's ban. These are their forums. They can, and will, continue to do whatever they want here. The Infiltration team has
every right to ban, remove, control, terminate, change, modify, or manipulate their forums how they see fit. If they ask me to remove a link to a infiltration hack, I will. If they dislike a particular user, I'll have them disappear. If they ask me to have someone unbanned, it will be done. Generally, the team leaves these forums to their own good graces, but every now and then they, in exceptional circumstances, step in. This was one of those circumstances.
Duke and Taque were
not innocent bystanders. Duke and Taque have been using cheats that have been essentially 'cannon' Infiltration for almost four months now. Infiltration is a tiny community, and to claim what they do on the servers and what they do in the forums are separate is totally ridiculous. These forums are the community. These few servers are all that we have. They ruined a league, they destroyed online play, and made Infiltration unplayable when the community is struggling to do anything. Cheating is bad enough, but doing it at a time when infiltration is at its weakest is just pathetic.
Regarding duke holding out on the IMT "due to the ban": I'm not the one that let one person keep all of all the vital code and models. I'm not the one who decided you could only communicate through these forums. I am not the one who is keeping those files from you. That is an issue between your team and Duke. If he wants to be a baby about it and keep the files all to himself, then it only goes to show that he really is a selfish, childish, loser of a person who doesn't deserve an ounce of satisfaction. He knew what he was getting into when he coded cheats into the weapons packs. He knew what he was getting into when he used them online in skirmishes, and in the leagues. He knew exactly what he was doing when he would boot a person from a server, or track someone through walls. He's a cheater, a con artist, and a manipulator who has used this community to satisfy his need to have the biggest e-penis. I know you're angry, but that anger is misplaced. Duke is the one cheating you out of your hard work, and no one else. If he has any shred of dignity left in him, he would return your work to you. If he doesn't, then it only goes to show how low he really is.