Duke and the Donkey of Troy...

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Harrm said:
And me...and cracwhore...and Pipe...and the entirety of DbD and Naughty...

Nah. Youre a peon, cracwhore and pipe are funny, and I dont hold any organization like dbd or naughty in contempt unless all members are *******s, which is not the case, since I like some dbd members and some Naughty members. Contempt and forever hate from me takes something personal towards me.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
<moderator hat>

geogob said:
Our good friends over here, our gardian angels, decided it was better for all of us to ban both duke and taque. That kind of bahavior pisses me so off that I don't even have the will to continue working with Taque to get the files we need from duke.

You must understand that duke is the only one who has most of the files we need to compile new versions of the weapons. I never really agreed to this way of working in the first place but that's how things where done. But now, if duke doesn't send over these files (which include skeletal model and animations and stuff like that), I am sorry to say there probably won't be a new weapon pack, although we were very close to one.

Geogob said:
Now. At this point it would be very difficult for me to keep asking Taque to help me get in touch with Duke and get the files we need. I don't really see how I could do that or even go out and ask duke for the files directly and I especially do not see now why he should accept. I would have given out the files if I where in his place, but after getting banned from these forums, without a reason or a warning, no.

Like I expressed to you in your PMs, I'm sorry you feel banning Duke and Taque is so unjust. I'm also sorry that the BuF seem to be your only line of communication. However, I'm confused to why, after a year or two of working with Duke, the BuF is the only way of communicating with him. I can only assume that you never exchange e-mails, and don't use the Inf Mod Team forums (where the Inf Mod Team leaders themselves said all discussions of the Infiltration Weapons packs should take place). It seems that you're displacing your own problems of not keeping track of your own files and ways of communication on the Infiltration team and the owners of these boards.

geogob said:
I am very disapointed at the way the forum adminstrator/owners managed this situation. First banning someone because a stupid dickhead said there was a virus in a file when in fact there was none and then banning both of them, because they feel it would be better for all of us or something. I feel almost as sick as I felt when neabit first posted this. As we said in that other thread in Off topic yesterday... better safe than sorry. Shoot first, ask later. Way to go.

As I also explained to you in PMs, last night, before you posted this, I asked the BuF admins to investigate the file. I explained to them that it possibly contained a virus, and that they should check it out. I said exactly this to you:

My PM said:
The file was described as having a virus. I had no way of checking it myself, so I asked the BuF admins to investigate it. They agreed with that, and banned him.

Banning because of a virus was the BuF admins' decision. I brought the possibility to them, and they acted upon it. Implicitly claiming that it was our decision to have him banned because of the possibility of a virus (and, very nicely I might add, linking these actions to those of the terrorists and rogue actions of a police officer) from this merely shows that you're ignoring what you already know to help your case. If anything is biased, that is.

Geogob said:
I do understand the nifty and universal argument that "Posting here is a priviledge, not a right"... I always find it amazing when people hide their actions behind rules like this one. Especially after seeing their posts in Off topics. In french i would say "Un poid, deux mesures". This place is a public forum. I think there is an ethical way to behave for both administrators and users on such a forum. If you want to start working like that, you'd better start calling it a Private Club... or even start working with invitations only. :rolleyes: But of course, this doesn't change the fact they should both be indefinitely banned from every game server we know about. No question there.

Therein lies your first misconception. This place is not a public forum, and never has been. Before you read on, please try to accept that. This forum is a private forum, provided to us through the good graces of QAPete and the rest of the BeyondUnreal staff, in which anyone can participate as long as the owners allow. These forums are also those of the Infiltration Team's. They have second to final say over who stays and goes. They have every right to ban, restrict access, or prevent posts or communications by anyone on these boards. Generally, if there is no other reason to refuse someone access, the posting rules suffice for a guideline to participants. They describe what might get you banned, but the final say is of those of the owners of these forums. When the Infiltration team asks that Duke and Taque be removed from their forums, I have it done. That's what I'm here to do: manage these forums for the Infiltration team.

If you don't like that, I don't mind taking the flack for it. My job as head moderator here is not all roses and candies, nor am I perfect. When I have my moderator hat on, I'm not here to be your friend, I'm here to do what needs to be done. I try do it the best I can. In any action involving a banning or RO'ing, there's always someone who feels they've been wronged unjustly. Yes, it hurts when something you've taken for granted is stripped away from you. That's normal, and I have no malice towards anyone who feels that way (despite what NTKB will tell you ;)). As I've said before, if you feel that these actions are so unjust that it deserves me being replaced, send messages to the Infiltration team, asking for new moderators. I will happily abide by any decisions they make. Your first three people you should talk to would be Beppo, Yurch, and Almost. I'm unsure of their e-mail addresses, but they do check these forums regularly. In the meantime, I will continue to do my job here the best I can, and, until I'm told otherwise, Duke and Taque will remain banned.


Sep 5, 2004
Ohio, USA
I know this is a little late (I've been away from the INF community for a few weeks), but great detective work [n1]! I definately had a hunch Duke & Taque were cheating, but I didn't have any evidence, so ...


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Keg, I really don't care at all about all this. What I care about is that because of all this a new weapon pack and an update of the current one is now very remote.

And no these forums where not the only line of communication we had, but was the best I had at the time both of them where banned. I am not the one running the show in the IMT and it's not my busniess to manage all the projects and the contributors. But, anyway, it's not of your freakin business.

But again, I just got the confirmation that we can kiss goodbye to the INF Modteam contribution to INF 2.9, main reason being this ban. I'm sure all those who worked on these projets are delighted.

Thank you very much. Not that we can change anything about it...

geo out.

EDIT: Well maybe not so out after all.... Just wanted to add that I am very disapointed by the way this was handled. Banning people without reason is pure censorship and I really hate it. If taque wants to say inane things and duke post mp3 of himself singing like a chipmunk, let them. what's the big deal. Did they hurt your feelings that much? I'll never understand this ban and I really don't buy that stupid "posting here is a priviledge" argument. Also, who asked for the ban is not important keg. You accepted it and relayed it to the BUF admin. They do not care and have not time to care. I am sure they fully rely on the opinion of the 2nd line moderators like you. If Beppo, yurch or almost asked for the ban, well I better hope they will take the time to post here and explain to us how this helped improve our good community at all. That's a point I am really missing... maybe you could help me understand so I could have some hope of accepting this ban on of these day. But you said it yourself, you do not care if I care at all. This Internet is such a conveniant place, don't you think? Funny how you can do anything and never respond for your acts. Power without responsability.

But of course, I am sorry I mentionned you keg. It was neither you who asked for their ban nor it's you who banned them. You are white as snow. As a good neutral moderator, you simply passed over the good request to our good BUF administator... we all understand that. Good job. You make a great moderator.

That reminds me of the IT services at the university where I work. They have this nice building with over 100 employes. But they never do any real IT work... all the work is outsourced. So they take all the decisions?... no! All decision are based on payed studies by independant firms. So they are in charge of everything but responsible for nothing. Well the dumbasses are not even able to make a mail server working correctly but it's nobodies fault because the server was installed by an independant firm after being designed by another firm. I've never seen so many worthless people in the same building and and place where all the IT services are so crappy nothing works.
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Just cute little ol' me :)
Jul 20, 2005
It would appear as thou the witch-hunt has now begun!
For anyone that thinks that I am cheating IN ANY WAY I will have you know I didn't even know that was possible until Duke was caught. Second, even if I could cheat I would not, this game is FUN for me... or at least it was, I do not view it as an end all be all competition. I play this game for fun, when it stops being fun I leave. Yes I might send out a message saying, "woo hoo, I'm on top" when I score higher in a match but that is just part of the fun.

I guess I'll just put it this way, I have to "dummy down" around guys in RL because I might hurt their precious egos; I'll be damned if I'm going to play a half-assed game just to salvage those same egos. If that is what it takes for me to play INF then I will find another game to play where I don't have to play it in a half-assed manner for fear of bruising egos and being called a hacker! That's laughable, I only wish that I new enough about coding to be a hacker.

If this attitude continues it will spell out the total death of INF.

By the way, don't let my picture in the signature fool you, I am not smiling right now.
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Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Your pistol isn't aligned right! And you call yourself an Assessina!

* Gets shot and dies. *


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
Not that I'm a big fan of Duke (and I don't see why he would give anyone acces to the files if unbanned) but... out of principle:
Keganator said:
When the Infiltration team asks that Duke and Taque be removed from their forums, I have it done.
Did they ask for it?

Keganator said:
In the meantime, I will continue to do my job here the best I can, and, until I'm told otherwise, Duke and Taque will remain banned.
That's the point though. It seems as if a mistake was made, so why is there a problem correcting it? This has not much to do with a privileges vs. rights discussion that turns into two weeks of flamewars or something. It realy seems simple to me.

As for the witchhunt: I suggest posting the names of the people who accuse you, too. Then again that might not be the best idea. But maybe yes. Or not. But possibly. ... Does it show that I'm tired? :p
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Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
Visit site
Just for the record: Not every single comment containing "haxor" or "cheater" is serious or an accusation at all.

If people could learn anything from this sad story it should be: Shut up and record until you have proof...


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Yes, agreed with nukeproof. I say haxx and cheatz0r every time I get shot. For some reason, I think it's funny.


Oh by the way there is also a big difference in the servers you visit. Generally speaking, the DTAS servers have a bit less immature people going around. So the chances of getting accused there are smaller. At worst, people will ask you how the hell you pulled something off, after which you will reply and amaze them with your knowledge :p


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
"For a split second I saw a reflection of your shadow in the half open window of the house 150m away. Then I shot the bell in the church spire from which the bullet ricochet to the metal statue of the Tyranosaur and from there it hit you right between the nostrils. Twice."


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
In Hadmar's scenario, just say his gun was sticking out. It's pretty much my standard answer when I just know somebody is behind a wall (then I will often open fire hoping it's not a friendly :p).
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