"Down with the hip hop"

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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
i think that the jumping monkey crack idea eventually led to Liandri Conflict on the xbox, where people do the crack monkey thing to the next level and apparently kill people just by jumping around (?)
i think that its tragic that a game can have its gameplay evolved online into such a state where good players hate it alot when they get killed by newbies and newbies get turned away when they cant touch anybody in-game... i think that the game should be fast-paced, but the kill rate should be lower overall , like instead of players annihilating each other the moment they come into contact (thus staying alive requires the use of the jumping that they are trying to get rid of) , it should take longer to kill each other, like more tactics and less ragdolls, like how weak the link gun secondary fire was back in 1999... i think when i saw the pictures that came with ut2k3 , the made me think of this kind of 'high feeling' when you are responding so fast to your opponents, like the pictures have this white blur in them to try to describe that feeling, and it seemed that the only way to succeed in the game was to develop fast reflexes and OK Corrall aiming ... and also to tune the mouse sensivity to something lower than all the other games i've played before, because most of the fights in the game occur at ranges that make the player models use as many screen pixels as the guys in Lunar Rescue ...


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
the new model renders including malcolm look great so far! cant wait to see more!!

and movement going back to more UT style would be great imnsho...

as for CTF, Unreal CTF is with the TL on and no vehicles as far as im concerned, vctf is not unreal ctf, it is another gametype that just has not grown on me...

i miss playing wide open maps like ctf-horus and project-x and the classic closed in Coret and hallway styles of UT... if thats coming back where movement combined with the TL makes both those types of maps playable again in Unreal-CTF then i am a very happy camper! :)


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
UnrealGrrl said:
as for CTF, Unreal CTF is with the TL on and no vehicles as far as im concerned, vctf is not unreal ctf, it is another gametype that just has not grown on me...

VCTF sucks, there's no way around that. Everyone says it could be good if the maps didn't suck, but since there are no good maps at all, that leads me to believe that it's not the maps causing the gametype to suck - it's the gametype itself doing all the sucking.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
NeoNite said:
Malcolm was never white in the first place D:
Though...he was yella, when it came to figthing loque...
True, but he wasn't black either. :p

He was more milano over anything else (in UT that is). D:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Turns2Ashes said:

VCTF sucks, there's no way around that. Everyone says it could be good if the maps didn't suck, but since there are no good maps at all, that leads me to believe that it's not the maps causing the gametype to suck - it's the gametype itself doing all the sucking.
No, because no good map maker has made a map for VCTF yet. And they likely never will, even though it has ever so slight potential.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Sir_Brizz said:
No, because no good map maker has made a map for VCTF yet. And they likely never will, even though it has ever so slight potential.
I guess that's because most map-makers still treat it as 'classic' CTF with vehicles being treated as an afterthought or at best as 'superweapons' instead of thinking about the role those vehicles should fill.

That's why ONS 'works' ... in (good) maps each vehicle has a specific role that adds to the experience of the game.

Unfortunately most players/mappers don't think beyond "vehicles are cool" and therefor they're unable to make vCTF work.
// ---
I wonder what the new movement will do for a game like ONS with its vehicles.
It won't be as easy to dodge them. It probably will be easier to hit people as well. There's definitely going to be a bigger gap between players and vehicles, unless the vehicles themselves are modified.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
el Gato said:
bring back the jump boots!


JaFO said:
Also note that it appears they're trying to create 8 separate teams with their own vehicles and they mention model-dependent armour (again). I think it would be logical if they tried to create a separate 'feel' for each team by modifying their movement as well ...

I don't like the idea of creating too much different with 'teams' having different armor, movement, vehicles, etc. It would take a lot more balancing work than what is already needed, and even then it's not perfect. I just see a lot of complaining down that route that things aren't 'fair,' it's not balanced... :hmm:


Nov 12, 1999
CTF > vCTF > Sharing a cell with a guy called "Big Bubba" > iCTF

JaFO said:
I guess that's because most map-makers still treat it as 'classic' CTF with vehicles being treated as an afterthought or at best as 'superweapons' instead of thinking about the role those vehicles should fill.

Most mappers can't make normal CTF maps, why they think they can make vCTF maps amazes me.

Speaking of good CTF maps, FlagPack2 will be thundering into view pretty soon :)


JB Mapper
Jul 3, 2004
Personally I'm not sure the best way to go. UT99 and UT2004 are both great games, and have individual things that are better about each of them. Dodge jumping off walls is great fun, but I could cope with it going. Bringing Vehicles into all gametypes is bad imo.

Different stats would be interesting if it could be implemented well, but thats only If they did it well. I doubt it would be easy to get right. Would make sense though, Eventually a reason to use a skin which you can see from the other side of the level (a juggernaught)
btw, I think they are making Malcolm look worse.... He looks too 'nice' now