oh boy, where to start...
ok let me get this one out first. The wall dodge is a dodge that doesn't happen on the ground, but close to a wall instead. OK? IT IS A DODGE. It's not "re-using" the dodge animation, it's a dodge with the dodge animation. I don't know how else I can say this guys. Just stop saying it's got it's own animation or uses animation from another move. It's the same frigging move that shouldn't happen off the ground.
The energy usage is a jump jet and then a dodge jet. The two shouldn't happen one after the other instantly, but thx to wall dodging they do and cost the energy accordingly. Stop saying it uses its own energy rules. It's two jets happening almost at the same time.
I can wall dodge effectively all day long. I do not do it for the same reason I do not go inside walls thru map holes. If I have to wall dodge to chase down someone wall dodging, it'd be like going inside the walls to chase down someone who went inside.
Thx chipmunk for the history. However as far as I know, none of the UT versions have the jump jets and dodge jets that make the walldodge so powerful in XMP.
With that said, if you cannot jet during a wall dodge AND cannot wall dodge during a jump jet, I'll probably live with it. I've seen hopper do some cool wall dodging during fights, but he didn't jet, which would've send him off too far from the fight LOL. I do think it could become a valid evasive move if not for the jet problem.