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New Member
Aug 29, 2000
lol, it is a box, whats inside is plain simple

and erm, the ''Precision movement, flack cannon skills, advance aiming with a rocket launcher, dodging on a narrow path, jumping, hiding (while ducking)'' >> you can all learn that in every other map too + other things ( btw hardcore map, were is the hardcore shockrifle practicing ?:))

and erm, whats hardcore about searching stuff on the bottom of a pit ?:) , same for the redeemer and stuff, whats hardcore about a redeemer ? and then certainly in such a small map, 1 blast and everything is gone, do you call that fair ?

and yes go ahead like it, but (own quote)
and yes you may decide your own style, but then dont say that youve made totaly new mapping style, or refreshing or something, cause it just isnt, many people made flat cubes and stuff, just boring, youll never get somewhere with cubes, only bad comments and bad reviews


Ready to play Duke Nukem?
Dec 20, 2001
As DavidM qouted me:
alexander posts can make your day
comedy gold!

"Did you find the redeemer and damage multiplyer?"

only hardcore maps use these items, and hardcore players would NEVER turn em off
What part of my post did you not understand? I am asking those who actually played the map to which this forum is dedicated: did you find the redeemer and damage amplifier? because they are actually present on the map. Sometimes bots find them and things get pretty funny actually. Sad thing is that people tend to judge without even trying out!

Hourences just wrote
( btw hardcore map, were is the hardcore shockrifle practicing ?)
And there we go again. To your great surprise there _is_ shock rifle on this map. It is just in front of the enterance to the teleporter in the bottom.

and erm, whats hardcore about searching stuff on the bottom of a pit ? , same for the redeemer and stuff, whats hardcore about a redeemer ? and then certainly in such a small map, 1 blast and everything is gone, do you call that fair ?
What are you talking about? The redeemer is the coolest weapon in the game. I've seen lots of methods of escaping myself, yet you also can shoot the rocket or kill the ghuy who's shooting from the redeemer. And NO, you can NOT cover all the surface of the top of the stronghold with one rocket. In fact me myself I find it hard to aim and kill more than 1-2 guys with one shot. Even on this map.
And you don't have to qoute yourself. I perfectly understand what you are saying. I never said that I made this whole map myself, nor that I invented this stile. I just picked up the idea which I liked alot. I translated a map from Duke 3d format, but the original was not made by me. In fact, I don't even know the name of the one who made the original.

I'm getting tired of explaining things over and over again. Please, before posting your reply here at least get the idea of what is going on. ;) Oh, nevermind, cancel that. I guess, I'm asking too much now. :)




New Member
Aug 29, 2000

i think davidm was sarcastic by saying ""only hardcore maps use these items, and hardcore players would NEVER turn em off"" :p

and yes i know the shockrifle is somewhere in the map, but i wrote that on your ''flakaiming skillz'', no prob with flak, but flak is a bit noobies, although you need too use it offcours,e and be good at it, and you didnt wrote shock skillz, wich brings us too the redeemer, a redeemer is not hardcore :), totaly not, and most hardcore servers just run the ''redeemer off'' mutator, same goes for the damage amp, a damage amp is a powerup, a powerup isnt alowed in small fights, in hardcore

and yes we are repeating everything, gets boring indeed :)

conclusion, in our opinions, your map isnt hardcore or refreshing or something, and you need alot of practice :)
but if you like it fine :), i made maps like that too, still do it sometimes, just for the fu_ck of it, but i will never release them :)


Ready to play Duke Nukem?
Dec 20, 2001
Hourences wrote:
a redeemer is not hardcore :), totaly not, and most hardcore servers just run the ''redeemer off'' mutator, same goes for the damage amp, a damage amp is a powerup, a powerup isnt alowed in small fights, in hardcore
HA-ha-ha-ha! "Hardcore" - you like the word so much so you are ready to bring any argument naming it "hardcore". You're trying to put everything into "it rocks!" and "it sucks". Can you see the colors between black and white?
Here's a fact for you: It's easier to turn the redeemer off than placing it in a map. Therefore having a redeemer in a map is it's advantage! Learn to think logycally, my friend ;)
And who told you that something is not allowed? Please, give me a break, is this a kindergarten? Powerups add spice to the game and let you live a little longer. Who told you all that? DavidM?
Grow up, man, get a life!
Hourences wrote:"I made maps like that too...."
Of course you did! And I've done maps like this yet in Duke3d. Let's now start arguing who's father is stronger and who's sister has bigger breast.
Or maybe we'll now start comparing who's pennis is longer? Is that what you had in plans for the next post?
Wake me up when you finish that baby-talk.
Best wishes!



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
hey can't you understand that most of the players are bored after 2 minutes of playing your map because it has nothing new to explore... no special tactics, no chance to be much better than your opponent because of a _full_ "mapknowledge ?

people who play maps want the game to be always different, also by playing the map the 100th time... your map will always play the same...

players will also be annoyed by "redeemerimping" and snipers... with centerview (guess its a button that centers your view ;) you can almost kill everybody in the map without great chances to hide against thos flying bullets.

in fact i don't think you know anything about unreal/tiurnament otherwise i can't explain myself why you talk such crap about a 1on1 where both fighters hide behind boxes... that's maybe a CS 1on1... but in unreal the game is always moving, the one who is moving faster/ is moving more is almost the winner of the match. Campers are almost dead if they stand still for more then 10 seconds...

unreal tournament is: you can run but you can't hide...


Oct 28, 1999
"It's easier to turn the redeemer off than placing it in a map. Therefore having a redeemer in a map is it's advantage! Learn to think logycally, my friend"

where is the logic? :|

"And who told you that something is not allowed? Please, give me a break, is this a kindergarten? Powerups add spice to the game and let you live a little longer."

the add some spice to a just for fun match
but we are talking about hardcore stuff, dont we?

"Grow up, man, get a life!"

are you some joke man, or are you really serious?
i am not sure since I read this comment


Hardware brushed
May 28, 2000
Alexander: You sir, are a complete idiot. You are by far one of the most moronic human beings i have ever met. All you do is make a fool out of yourself. I suggest you leave this thread and change your nickname immedietly.

That is all.

(Tobad there is no retard smiley in this forum)


Hardware brushed
May 28, 2000



The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Originally posted by @kuma
fucking classic

someone archive this thread for future generations to laugh at :D

make it a buf classic! but than akumas and my post should get deleted to keep it natural...


Ready to play Duke Nukem?
Dec 20, 2001
First to DavidM:
I'm not going to explain you what exactly logic IS, (it would be hopeless). Your arguments are too shallow and are not worth commenting. Still I'll tell you something not new about the redeemer. Have you played CTF-Faces? I've seen lots of crazy stuff going on there that make this map so popular even now! Did any one server remove the redeemer? What happens if they'd do that.
Also the servers let the weapons stay because they don't want see a bunch of people running around with enforcer nailing each other where 24 people are playing on a map made for 6. Think about it.

Now some people are defending DavidM, because to them he's become an authority for making tons of maps. I respect that and want to note that I have nothing personal against them all. :)

I've put more than 3 solid statements why this map deserves existance. And people like Hourences and DavidM are just throwing their cheap weak comments about why they don't like it, which they wrote without even (important!) trying the action first.
Their comments look like this: "I don't like cars. They're noisy, poluttant, expensive and totally useless. The world should get rid of them". To which someone who loves cars and have been collecting them from 1949 would probably say:"Hey kid, why don't you take your bycicle and go back to school and stop spamming the newsgroups, especially when the topic is "The recent descoveries in Mars exploration", or something.

So stop discouraging people from trying something new and let the people decide themselves what they like and what they don't.




Oct 28, 1999
someone give this guy a tv show :D

why do you even post your map here if you dont allow us to say bad things about your map?


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
Visit site
Alexander dont let The Man put you down - you're right about the mindeless drones who hang on DavidM's every word, fuck em because YOU'RE BETTER THAN THEM

that map looks like it's a lot of fun in much the same way Thorns or DM-Hydra is. The problem with these so called leet mappers and their hangers on is they cant see the wood for the trees and they forget that maps are there for PLAYERS not MAPPERS

David has a lot of growing up to do, he clearly only likes his own maps and has even said some nasty things about unreal2. Jealousy is a terrible thing.


Ready to play Duke Nukem?
Dec 20, 2001
Anyone can say he's a "hardcore player", but how did you figure that out for yourself? Have you participated in competitions? Making the maps alone doesn't necesserily make you a hardcore player.
Somebody told me something about "not having enough traps" on the map or something. In cool games like Duke3d and Half-Life you have the tripbombs and pipebombs, that let you create your own traps. There's so much more you can do in those games! If only I had the HalfLife CD, I'd probably never visit this forum.

