Delays In PC Version of Tom Clancy's EndWar Due To Piracy

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New Member
Apr 1, 2008
I've become more tempted to pirate games, seeing how unfinnished most games are becoming.

I bought two copies of both UT3 and GoW PC for my brother, and I. Something I regret greatfully.:(


Da Bomb
Mar 3, 2006
Nvidia and ATI are probs cacking themselves at all this negative PC press. Whose gonna buy there cards if developers stop making PC games, or players move to console ? Ho hum.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Nvidia and ATI are probs cacking themselves at all this negative PC press. Whose gonna buy there cards if developers stop making PC games, or players move to console ? Ho hum.

Ummz, well considering their chips are in consoles as well I dont think they really care a great deal. They'll probably lose a bit of money but yeah, I think the biggest losers would be intel and amd, those guys make plenty in the business PC sector anyways.

Ive said in the past though that this double dipping is alittle tricky cause you dont know exactly where companies loyalties are, take MS for eg. They got a console but still make an OS for PC, although their PC publishing days have taken a turn for the worst even before all this talk of mutant space pirates :p
Mar 20, 2002
Chica Go
Visit site
Fair enough but excuse me if I dont trust you then! Its not like we know who you are anyway, for all I know you could be a random 360 fanboi trying to make a point thats a much smaller leap than me taking what you said as official without any numbers to back it up.

Infact alot of developers keep saying 5x this, 5x that but I have not once seen a developer quote the hard numbers. Now that is not a leap, the leap is taking what developers say as 100% pure truth official or not.

So I guess it doesnt matter who you work for, you (and your fellow developers) still havent proven a thing to the consumers.
What exactly do they have to prove to the customer? They make a game for a platform and customers either buy it or don't buy it. If it's not bought the developer loses.

People vote with their money and frankly the developer doesn't have to prove a single thing except that their game is worth buying. If the customer doesn't go for it then the developer failed.

Currently it sounds like the money is on the console end. They don't have to prove it to you. The customers who DO buy the games prove it for the developer with their dollar and hence that is why they sell it in that particular market.

It doesn't matter what you believe or what you feel should be proved. They have shown the proof by dropping out of the PC market because they don't care about it anymore....there's just not the money that used to be there.

(I'm not saying I am for or against it...just making a point)


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
You pirated the game first to "check it out" then you paid for it?

That still makes you a pirate.

Ever hear of game demos? You should be able to determine if you like a game or if your PC can play the game via a demo version of the game.

Steal the game and if you like it pay for a legit copy? These games are not shareware. You either pay for it or do not have a copy of the game. Anything else is piracy, and piracy is ruining PC gaming.


Please explain to me how the act of downloading a torrent damages the industry? I'm not talking about people playing illegal copies, I'm talking about the 'stealing' itself..

I've seen enough bad demos in my lifetime to know that often it's better to wait for release, better yet wait for the first patch, then download a full copy and try that.

I've seen demos that were absolute **** when compared to the actual game.
I've seen demos that let you try a whole 5 minutes of gameplay, and restrict all sorts of features of the game.
I've seen demos where the part of the game in the demo is THE ONLY FRIGGIN fun part in the whole game.

Demos say nothing.
Demos merely show if the development team has any marketing sense. They most often do not represent the full game at all..


I myself employ the system of
Pirate->try-> like -> buy.
Don't like->don't buy and delete pirate copy.

Technically it's illegal. I don't give a damn.
When you want to testdrive a car you don't get some kind of gimped version of it that only has 3 gears and can only drive for a couple of miles, after which it turns off.
So why should the same system apply to games?

The only negative impact my actions have on the game industry is me not buying crap games and regretting it later. To be honest, I can't really get myself to feel sorry for the developers in that case.
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Active Member
May 27, 2004
What exactly do they have to prove to the customer? They make a game for a platform and customers either buy it or don't buy it. If it's not bought the developer loses.

People vote with their money and frankly the developer doesn't have to prove a single thing except that their game is worth buying. If the customer doesn't go for it then the developer failed.

Currently it sounds like the money is on the console end. They don't have to prove it to you. The customers who DO buy the games prove it for the developer with their dollar and hence that is why they sell it in that particular market.

It doesn't matter what you believe or what you feel should be proved. They have shown the proof by dropping out of the PC market because they don't care about it anymore....there's just not the money that used to be there.

(I'm not saying I am for or against it...just making a point)

My point is Im sick of being told stuff without any proof to back it up, its not about me buying a game or not. If customers who do buy games are proving it to the developer then fine thats kewl, I just dont see why it should be some big secret unless they got something to hide.

Do you think Im being unreasonable in asking that 1 developer to state straight out for 1 multiplatform title the numbers sold for each platform? I dont think it is and it would go along way to helping people see piracy as a real problem on the PC platform. Instead they ***** foot around using %'s and silly numbers like 40million illegal hits which dont mean a thing to most people.

5x more on console oh so if I made a really crap game I might sell 50 copies instead of 10, whoopdeedoo! You see where Im coming from yet? Im actually trying to help the developers get their point across in a more informative manner, it'll also stop alot of the backlash since (despite what people think) there are alot of smart consumers out there.

And FYI a game that sells 8million copies on console should sell 1.6million on PC going by those 5x statements, thats still a ****load of money, piracy or not!~
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I use this website regularly but usually do not use the forum but, in this case, I would like to say something.
I'm not going to give an opinion on piracy or publishers. I'm going to give an opinion about games.
For me, the golden age of gaming was the 90s.
That's when graphics were "low-fi", but playability and fun were "hi-fi".
Today's games (with the exception of only a few) are the exact opposite: "low-fi" playability and fun, and "hi-fi" graphics.
I have a legit copy of UT3 (special edition) because it is a game that I like playing once in a while, and I know that I will be doing it for a long time.
Honestly, I download a new game once in a while just to try it, and find out that the bugs are so huge and so many that it is impossible to even play it. My question is: how can a publisher expect me to give them my hard earned money for a product that is not even finished? I've been very disappointed with PC games lately because of this.
Needless to say that these games are not even worth the space on my hard drive, much less my hard earned money.
Even if I hadn't tried them, I wouldn't buy them anyway. And even if I did, I would ask for a refund because I had payed for a complete and working game and in the end, I got a game that cannot even be played.
As for the games that actually work, they don't last long on my hard drive either because the playability factor is crap. After a day or 2, I always end up uninstalling them.
So, I find myself downloading some abandonware PC games and some arcade games (emulators) to even be able to play something I like. I actually prefer playing games that are between 10 and 18 years old, than the most recent ones.
The fun is lost in today's games. They are boring.
Today, we find ourselves playing a game, repeating the same old tasks over and over again, having a feeling of a constant "deja vu".
Games are supposed to be fun and casual. That's why I love UT. When I feel like playing, I just run the game, play a little and quit. I don't need (or want) to play for an hour or two of repetitive tasks, to get from point A to B, just to be able to save my game so I can quit.
I almost wish that PC game development would stop so I don't have to install a crappy OS that consumes more resources than the games themselves and install Linux, because, at least for me, being able to play (all) games is the reason I still use a MS OS.
Every entertainment industry as its own piracy issues.
Films get pirated I and don't see anyone stopping making movies.
Music gets pirated and I don't see anyone stopping making music.
When people really something, they are happy to buy it.
This reminds me of a South Park episode where the Jewish kid (sorry but I don't remember his name) had a band and stopped playing music as a protest to piracy, while Cartman (the fat kid), ignoring the issue (not knowing about it), just wanted to play and sell a million records to win a bet he made with the Jewish kid. Conclusion: People liked Cartman's songs and he sold more than a million records, while the Jewish kid didn't sell anything because he didn't play anything, worrying too much about piracy.
To conclude my opinion, maybe people buy more console games because:
1 - they don't have to upgrade their hardware constantly (they end up saving money);
2 - the ability to insert the game and play it, is more casual than wasting time to check the minimum system specs (always unrealistically low), not knowing if it will work for sure;
3 - console games actually work, as opposed to PC unfinished games that don't;
4 - console prices are much lower compared to a PC that is capable of the same performance (you need to have much more expensive hardware to get the same frame rates);
5 - legit buyers are not treated as criminals. They don't have a limited number of installs, after which, your game no longer works.

And if anyone else remembers anything else, feel free to add.

Thank you for reading this lengthy post. :D


Active Member
May 27, 2004
So all this talk of piracy killing PC is just made up? I can certainly see piracy having an impact but I think if you said straight out:

Hey 360 version of this game sold 4million copies and PC version of this game (including digital distribution) sold acouple of hundred thousand, all around the world.

People who pirate games like they come free with breakfast cereal might step back and go hey what the hell, we arnt getting any games and we are the reason why.

If alot of developers started to do it you could even total them and make it a real kick in the balls! Screamin pirate like theres a white whale out there every time a game doesnt sell well isnt going to get you anywhere.
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Active Member
May 27, 2004
Oh indeed but you can certainly show the difference in sales from platform to platform, for your own titles, on a world scale.

But hey, maybe it isnt pirates right and all this DRM, staggered releases etc is all for nothing and is only helping to kick a platform thats already down :p

I guess Im just of the opinion 5x doesnt have nearly the same impact as the full numbers, ofcoarse you got to put it out there where everyone can see. Hidden away on some forum such as buf isnt going to help, you need to show pirates and potential pirates what impact they are having.

If they see oh 4,000,000 vs 200,000 it might actually get acouple to rush out and buy some games :)
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Flyin' High
Aug 5, 2008
I'm no industry expert, but I would like to know how delaying a game's release prevents piracy, or is the direct result of piracy. The product gets pirated when it gets pirated, regardless of what day it hits store shelves, right?


New Member
Aug 30, 2004
The company I work for releases our AAA, award winning, multiplatform titles simultaneously on PC and consoles, we generally don't stagger our releases. The console versions still sell 5x as many copies every time.
You don't think that maybe that has something to do with the hundreds of millions that Microsoft and Sony put into advertising for high profile, high budget games on their consoles in what is likely an ultimately futile attempt to recoup the hundreds of dollars lost on each console sold? You think maybe if the PC version got even close to the advertising budget the console versions did, you'd be seeing similar sales across the platforms?


New Member
Mar 13, 2008
Saxony, Germany
I'm no industry expert, but I would like to know how delaying a game's release prevents piracy, or is the direct result of piracy. The product gets pirated when it gets pirated, regardless of what day it hits store shelves, right?

Totally agree - just look at this fine example:

Damn Pirates! Always building High End PC's to pirate PC Games... but wait - thats no PC Game its a 360 Game and that 3 Weeks before Release - cant remember when the last PC Game got leaked weeks before Release.

But i didnt want to burst anyones bubbles - "theres no rampant piracy on consoles, thats only on PC" <- keep telling that to yourself and everyone else and someday you might even believe it.


Da Bomb
Mar 3, 2006
I'm no industry expert, but I would like to know how delaying a game's release prevents piracy, or is the direct result of piracy. The product gets pirated when it gets pirated, regardless of what day it hits store shelves, right?

What the Ubi guy is saying, is that if the game was released on all platforms at the same time, many joint PC and Console owners may decide to pirate it for there PC, instead of buying it for the console. With no PC version at the console release, if they really wanna play it, theyve got buy it.

Then i suppose by this theory is that the PC people that really wanted to play it will buy it when it comes out, and anyone who pirates it really wasnt going to buy it anyway.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
and anyone who pirates it really wasnt going to buy it anyway.
This is the essence of why "wartourist is wrong" (and darkpulse for good measure :p).
Pirates pirate games, they don't buy them. Let the pirates do their stuff and stop blaming them for losing the wind from your sales.
The days were pirates plundered game retailers have long since past. The last occurance was back in 1883 iirc.
The pirate who doesn't pay for the game wont have it any other way, so you aren't losing sales on that guy at all, whether he plays the game or not.
Go find some new theory for PC gaming failure.


FraGGing your A$$ east to west.
Hm... I pirated Dreamcast games..... so now it's dead.
Hm... I pirated Ps1 games... That still did well.
Hm... I pirated Ps2 games... wtf, it's still going strong
Hm... I pirated Xbox games... Though it was a PoS
Hm... I pirated Xbox 360 games... That's still going strong.
Hm... I pirated Ps3 games... That's still going, if you call that going.
Hm... I pirated Nintendo DS games... That thing prints money.
Hm... I download PC demos and buy my games and build my own PC's... I'm now a pirate and I steal from the PC and force dev's to go console... wait, wtf??? 0.o