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Rico Heart

offline: 2000; online: 2005
Dec 26, 2003

Hello guys!

I've played a couple of hundred hours with INF in my early twenties. INF ruined most shooters for me. :)

Interstellar Marines has some of INF's merits, and I'm keeping an eye on it, enjoing some challenging coop games agains quite good bots. Today I looked at a suggestion gdoc for IM, and someone refers back to INF, linking this video:

Looking at the comments there, I got the impulse to check these forums and express my gratitude for INF to the devs and the community. Thanks guys, I will always be an INF person I think... weird.


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
There just has never been a better FPS than INF. It's still King.

Ground Branch is coming along though! The City map is quite nice. Hoping they will import more INF maps into it, though I saw Fat Marrow just brought back Road to Kandahar. Waiting for Border Town now!

Seeing how long it's taking to make Ground Branch, you can tell just what a Work of Art Infiltration was.

BlackFoot Studios should also take a look at some of the old True Combat maps to import in. I'm sure Coroner wouldn't mind, as it looks like he's through doing anything with TC.


Staying Alive.
Nov 25, 2001
Hong Kong
Hey guys! Cant believe that there is still some discussion here! I decided to check back in while downloading INF again to see what made it so great, was playing some ARMA3 just then but the feel is just different even if they have freeaim. Also been getting into playing around with reshade effects with old games lately, might post any results for INF to see if we can slap on some new paint on this gem (though i believe reading the depth buffer is considered cheating in a lot of games so this could be against bots only).

Logan: It's nice to see you here after all this time! I dont have my hopes up for GB personally, havent played it myself but it looks like Escape from Tarkov could scratch the INF itch if it had freeaim, their attention to detail is pretty amazing.

Just looked at the GB steam page, its gonna be really hard for them to sell if the game looks dated before release... and really no freeaim you might as well be playing insurgency or Tarkov.
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TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Hey guys! A lot of us are alive and well. Come over to the Ground Branch discord server.

Ground Branch is definitely going to take the place of INF, True Combat, and many other mods. Fat Marrow's over there making maps for them. And I think a couple of other old INF members are there as well. Hope you old INF modders and mappers will make the leap over too.

And of course they need players!

Also, if your an Urban Terror player, they've got an Alpha going on Unreal Engine now as well.

Just looked at the GB steam page, its gonna be really hard for them to sell if the game looks dated before release... and really no freeaim you might as well be playing insurgency or Tarkov.

At first, I wasn't so impressed either, but the graphics and AI seem to have gotten better this year. They also seem to have gotten more serious about it now, which was my big worry about them.

I was walking through the forest on their Depot map, and it was so realistic. SOOO much better than Arma. They're at about the level of generic True Combat right now, but I'm hoping some of the old modders here might whisper in their ears, and get us back the things that made Infiltration so realistic. I might try to port some of the old maps, like Toxic and Chemical Threat over. I'd ask permission, but almost everyone seems to have disappeared into the Sunset.
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You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Just thought I stop by and say Hi. I miss the old days of Inf and Ghost Dogs! Heck I am actually surprised I remembered my login and it hadn't been hacked.

While I haven't played in a bit, one game that I have had fun with is the PSVR "Firewall Zero Hour". I was playing nearly non-stop until the Coronavirus hit, then my Ex-Wife and Daughter moved in. That lost me the PSVR setup and the could not stand me talking at night [I can get quite excited in a game, even at 50+).

I hope you all are safe and sound in 2020.


Jan 18, 2005
Still see some of you guys in BF Hardcore! Anyone playing Tarkov these days? They're starting to make some gameplay decisions rather than realism but it really feels like a great successor to INF. PMCs going at it with their choice of loadout in wild detail.


Cannon Fodder
Aug 13, 2004
Ohio, Planet Earth
Hello all!

I was just stumbling around and found this place. Did some reading, had some nostalgia. It is really nice to see some old names still lurking about.

I play a bit of Insurgency Sandstorm and have been thinking of getting into Tarkov.

There hasn't been anything else for me that has quite filled the void that was left by Infiltration.

Hope you all are doing well in these crazy times!




New Member
Aug 1, 2008
Nothing has filled the void yet but I'm still optimistic one of us will make an Infiltrator clone someday.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Hi folks, maybe, maybe ... maybe I'll get myself to dig into UE5 (and the current 4.25) again... if the amount of spare time is actually enough. If some of our former INF team and/or community members are still around and really serious about getting something "real" started again ... my old E-Mail account is still active. I'm in need of regular kicks in my ... too, but with the impressions of UE5 on PS5 taking a huge amount of space in my mind with imagining INF in such environments, I'm actually quite sure to check out engine instruction videos (again) within the next couple months. Well, I don't promise anything, but before someone here starts a clone, why not start the real deal again?! ;)


New Member
Aug 1, 2008
Hi folks, maybe, maybe ... maybe I'll get myself to dig into UE5 (and the current 4.25) again... if the amount of spare time is actually enough. If some of our former INF team and/or community members are still around and really serious about getting something "real" started again ... my old E-Mail account is still active. I'm in need of regular kicks in my ... too, but with the impressions of UE5 on PS5 taking a huge amount of space in my mind with imagining INF in such environments, I'm actually quite sure to check out engine instruction videos (again) within the next couple months. Well, I don't promise anything, but before someone here starts a clone, why not start the real deal again?! ;)

If you're interested, I have a producer friend working on a title with many similarities in the same market targeting next-gen platforms with UE5. Drop me a PM.


New Member
May 6, 2005
nice to see Mr. Beppo here!

damn, i need to get INF to work properly with win10
GroundBranch is good and has active online gameplay but still cant hold a candle to INF in the realism department...
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