Ok, with no mini, and no LtG, what do you need a shield for? IH could come back, and that would be beyond awesome. They have to have it for melee at least.
Saying they are keeping the double jump is confusing, but if they at least limit it, then my faith in their community research is great. Namely because you say the community wants a different game, and as a majority, that may be true, but apperantly, they are paying attention to the hardcore unreal fans.
My evidence: The two things I've been preaching about most in regards to changes in gameplay for a UT sequel, is lessend movement stuff (namely removal of the double jump, though nerfing it could be acceptable), and a great reduction in the amount of hitscan in this game. No LtG, No mini, and no bouncyness looks like they've read plenty of what I've written. That gametype list reduces map types over all, something else I mentioned, though didn't want to lose BR (but as much as I can play it and have good games, it's not real loss). Less gametypes for me to play means more concentration on the ones that are there (mostly solution to a personal problem I have of wanting to be moderately good at everything as opposed to being really good at one thing).
Once again, despite mass scepticism, my faith and anticipation for this is as good as it ever is or was with previous sequels.
Call me a fanboi, but "Hail Epic."