Asia Carrera's buttkicking 1.4Ghz neon rig!

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Da RicK

Stubid newpie
Apr 26, 2001
Next to Santa
i really hate those people in chats that go like
He! Any horny chicks out here?

Anybody hot?

Hi, I'm a guy with 35" <censored>, who wants some?

They TOTALLY piss me off! i just hate'm and i wanna kick'm, really hard

Warm Pudgy

Feb 18, 2001
what i think is really stupid is in yahoo chat some guy will make a chat room named 15-18 year old lesbians
and there wont be a single fecking girl in there and it will be just a bunch of guys asking 'are there any hot girl?' or 'hot m/18/ar pic on profile' :D

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
Originally posted by NYGrrrl
lol you guys are the best... ya talk about b00bies all day but as soon as you get a verified sexy fragalicious grrl that plays ut you just talk about her crooked floppy drive or doubt she plays ut at all... :rolleyes: :)

grrls, we really cant win yaknow... when i play ut and post on a few forums, ppl just ask how come i never chat with them... if im online, im playing ut thats why! and on the rare occasions i do chat, ppl all of a sudden wanna cyber it up or question who you are... (and you guys pretending to be grrls dont help this either and we know who ya are :sigh: ) and then ya wonder why women use asexual aliases to post and play and continue to wonder where all the grrls are at! ;)

at least being successful in her career, asia carrera can come 'out' as a player... not all women can do that, youd be surpised how many dancers are game players (and yea, fps game players)...

major grrlie props asia! :) :tup:

Oh, I have no doubt that she plays. I imagine she plays well to boot. Mostly though, I don't care if a porn actress plays UT, I just want to know why that damn floppy drive is downside-up and perched at such a peculiar angle.


Originally posted by krYstAl|BuF
Somebody tell me when the "were just lusting over the hot chick" thread slides off the end of the [page]
Hot chick? (No 0ffense, Asia) In order for a "chick" to be hot, she'd have to make me swoon at the site of her on any sunday morning before she gets out of bed.
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ok, ok, i wasn't going to say anything, but since this message board seems to have the nicest, most tolerant posts i've ever seen regarding my status as a 'geek pornstar', i'll venture out of the shadows for a second to answer the mystery of the 'upside-down, angled floppy drive'. the clear case was sent to me as a gift from steve at along with a mobo, chip, and RAM (not installed). the case was a bit of a mystery to me, because it was literally just an empty shell - no drive racks, no power button, no racks for power, nothin'. there was no manual, so i just took my best guess as to how to install everything. after a little trial and error, i got it all working to my satisfaction except for the damn floppy. i could not get the damn racks to line up with the pre-drilled case holes no way, no how, until i finally just flipped the thing upside down and at an angle as you saw. i probably just made some stupid newbie error, but it works, so i'll leave it for now. as a geek do-it-yerselfer from day one, my motto has always been "if you can't get it to work the proper way, just get it to work, period." so there you have it! :)


Mar 29, 2001
Manchester, England.
lol, sounds fair enough (happy now Liz? :D ). I like the remote control power switch (how does that work?), it would be funny if it was rigged up to some kind of car alarm. :tup: :D

Terminal {DTH}

Originally posted by megabitchgoddess
my motto has always been "if you can't get it to work the proper way, just get it to work, period." so there you have it! :)

i LOVE that attitude lady. :tup: :D sounds a lot like me ;) :p

question tho: arent you the Slighest bit concerned about the neon lights heating things up even more? what did you put in there to compensate for the greater heat generated by the lights? and what gave you that idea in the first place anyhow? :cool:

Terminal {DTH}

not much no, but that they do at all is the point, and if she has her rig on for long periods of time like i suspect it WILL add up. Most rigs have problems enough with heat buildup.
examp:had an MB burn up on my in my "normal" rig once and recon she took the issue into account. im curious as to How she did. :)


Dec 8, 2000
Im actually going to agree with Kyrstal and saph here..

Some people need to find a hobby (like looking for a gf :))

Tis a nice comp tho.. but then, compared to mine, anythings nice.. :(
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