Asia Carrera's buttkicking 1.4Ghz neon rig!

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Nov 24, 1999
Dude I could link you to hundreds and hundreds of pics with hot naked chicks in front of computers so that doesnt prove anything. As I much as I would like to, I still dont believe it hehe.

Angel of Dath

found this on her page:
Hobbies and Interests - I haven't had much "free time" in years, and I pull all-nighters about twice a week just to stay on top of things, because my pornstar career and my buttkicking website are both fulltime jobs that I refuse to let anyone else handle for me. But whenever I can sneak some time to myself, I like honing my skills in Photoshop, upgrading and tweaking my computer hardware, and having friends over for 'Unreal Tournament' fragfests on my LAN.

thats one LAN id like to be invited to:D

Da RicK

Stubid newpie
Apr 26, 2001
Next to Santa
i like this one


just because she smiles...

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Ok, when I first saw that crooked floppy my impression of the system was that the the HD, CD and floppy drive were floating in some kind of clear gel suspension/coolant substance. Then I saw the other view of it, and the case by itself.



Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
Rhis gal seem to be very smart, attractive of course and the best : Simple.
Her best sexy suit she has is her smile. Just look a her face and you can bet she's is nice gal.
I respect her for her choice of job. Not that easy.

About her computer, a friend of mine did something lke that on only one power supply and of course => THe power supply died.

/Me and some other wonders if she tried Infiltration ! If she post in Infiltration OT I would have a huge work load to keep thing in control but she will be the queen there ! :D


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
Originally posted by Kray
Wouldn't the neon light heat up the inside of the casing?

Yes of course. Maybe the kind of neopn used for that purpose is not so heat emmiting but, the neon will certainly not freeze the inside !


New Member
Nov 1, 2000
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To answer Liquid_Sin: Yes, Asia really is a geek, and an adorable one at that. I will wager my testicles on it. In addition to some of the other URLs posted, I have some video interviews of her at .

To TWD and his post "... and I have seen her in chat on the old ETG server in channel #utgames, where she can be found frequently.": To the best of my knowledge, Asia doesn't chat at IRC servers. Her chats are pretty much limited to the java-based chat room on her site. When free time becomes available, she'd rather be playing UT than chatting about it.

Someone gave me the URL to this thread, which I passed along to Asia. She did take a look and was flattered by the responses.


(you can drop by Asia's chat room and verify my identity if you're so inclined and over 18)


New Member
Nov 1, 2000
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Originally posted by C.Chan
why don't see get some liquid helium to cool it :p

Well, liquid helium does have a temperature of around 4 K, as opposed to liquid nitrogen at 77 K. However, for cooling a radiant device, you want to absorb as much thermal energy as possible.

The enthalpy of vaporization for He is 0.083 kJ/mol. That is, one mol of He will absorb 83 joules of energy in transitioning from liquid to gas. Conversely, the value for N is 2.79 kJ/mol. So, liquid N can absorb nearly 33 times more energy for cooling purposes. While the cold gas (4 K for He, 77 K for N) can also contribute to cooling, the gas phase is not efficient for thermal conduction.

Thus, even though liquid He costs much more and is harder to physically handle, I contend that it offers no advantages for cooling over the cheaper liquid N solution.



PH34R TH3 WAnk??<br><img src="http://markwsucks.ho
Mar 17, 2000
yipes, asia read this thread? so she knows i was asking to borrow thongs from her.... crap.... oh well, i guess it isn't the first thread where it has happened :D hell, troll even gave me one of hers, along with that bright pink miniskirt, oh so long ago in a thread long dead :)

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
Originally posted by me2

Well, liquid helium does have a temperature of around 4 K, as opposed to liquid nitrogen at 77 K. However, for cooling a radiant device, you want to absorb as much thermal energy as possible.

The enthalpy of vaporization for He is 0.083 kJ/mol. That is, one mol of He will absorb 83 joules of energy in transitioning from liquid to gas. Conversely, the value for N is 2.79 kJ/mol. So, liquid N can absorb nearly 33 times more energy for cooling purposes. While the cold gas (4 K for He, 77 K for N) can also contribute to cooling, the gas phase is not efficient for thermal conduction.

Thus, even though liquid He costs much more and is harder to physically handle, I contend that it offers no advantages for cooling over the cheaper liquid N solution.


Well, that's all fine and dandy, but it still doesn't explain the inverted, cockeyed floppy. ;)


And that IS the real me2 if you guys have any doubts.

Thanks for stopping in me2, and welcome to BuF!

This calls for truffles....
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