Originally posted by me2
Someone gave me the URL to this thread, which I passed along to Asia. She did take a look and was flattered by the responses.
Hey me2, thanks for passing the url to Asia.
Asia, that's a really cool case. Ever thought of making a business out of that casing? You can call it the "Asia Carrera Neon Case"!

Maybe you can pre-assemble the ACNC with a power supply, a pair of neon lights and some pre-drilled holes and slots so that you can sell them. Since your free time is limited, perhaps your friend (the supplier of the case) could assemble the power supply and neon lights for you, and you could add some personal touches like the Asia Carrera label, autographed casing etc.
Both of you could share the profit. You can start by selling them though your site, in small volumes. Once your business picks up, you can sub-contract the assembly to a 3rd party company can just let the money flow in without doing anything. If you're really lucky, later on a large PC-related company may be interested to license your product (to use your name/label) and sell them on a mass scale. That's where the big money comes in - royalty.
Its just an idea.