Having made a couple of codes for OFP, I kinda know how can someone feels when he heards "ehi, your code is crap! Do this and that and...", but that's the worst way to report a bug, because you criticize rather than help... :|
A poor mentality on the dev's side is as big a weakness as bad coding.
Telling people to ``shut the **** up'' is very unfriendly!
When someone puts a bug up me or has a problem with some of my co*k, I always spank them for wasting my time... And I think people who don't do me (Or even tell other people to **** me) have a serious libido problem.
Yes. That's how i learned to cope with critisism. After trial and error you learn how to be objective and respond professionally. The sooner developers learn that the better off they're gonna be. Critisism is only negative if you allow it to be....It's the same for any endeavor that requires a certain amount of skill and practice to master.
Zeep you work with music, I'm sure you've seen this when meeting other composers/musicians in your time.
Yeah, I was noticing that too. The ultra-zoomed IS view used by most shooters these days has gotten really old, particularly after playing BIA3, where not only do they zoom in too far, but they use a depth of field effect to blur everything in your view that's not immediately behind your ironsights. It also doesn't help that all of these games exhibit a huge lag time when going to IS mode and gigantic movement and turning speed penalties. Using your sights should not have the stick-up-the-ass tank-like feel of moving around in an early Resident Evil game.Do the aimed irons only look so big in the screenshots, or is there some kind of aimzoom? I definetly wouldn't want to fire a Kar98k that close to my eye. Also does it have freeaim?
Yeah, ARMA is the one title in this genre I have yet to try. Thinking of upgrading my cpu so I can try it out. That would also make Project Reality a lot more playable.I am surprised you didn't mention Project Reality. It has far more emphasis on realism and a robust MP community. My only real gripe with FH2 is how low the server population is for a relatively new, long- awaited mod.
I am currently downloading the latest version of Insurgency (HL2 mod) and it certainly bears mention in the realism genre.
Last but not least ArmA offers plenty of realism and there are plenty of mods in the pipeline for that game. Anyone who has followed OFP can appreciate what that community is capable of creating given enough time.
If you are broke Hidden and Dangerous is now a free game and offers plenty in the way of iron sighted goodness. H&D2 isn't bad either.
Personally I have been playing the latest version of Day of Defeat: Source and while not all of the weapons have a true iron sights view the rifleman class does and its pretty sweet. Fun, fast paced game. Reminds me most of INF as the other games mentioned generally deserve to played with a more deliberate pace.
I never forget where my "realism" roots took hold. Glad to see this forum is still up.
So this is where you are hiding? I guess nowadays everything is better than playing INFiltration (and worse at the same time).Rasalom hooked me up with cod4. The other night Crowze, Rasa and me had fun playing.