Stuff you just bought thread V2

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dea ex machina
Jan 20, 2008
Norwich, England.
How would I know how old you are and why would I care? It doesn't change my feelings about the tattoo, which is what I spoke of, not you. That you have other tattoos is again of no significance to the discussion and again, how would I know? Hughes Marques? Obtuse.

As for my being rude, I disagree. Rude might be to discuss you personally or to comment on your still reading (and being so inspired by) teen fiction at 30, but I commented only on the phrase (and also not about getting/having tattoos in general). I don't care who you are, how old you are, what you read or how many pictures you have on your body; the expression is lame IMO, and since it was you who brought it up here, it is fair game to comment on. I didn't judge what you do or who you are, just the sentence.

Essentially, you are off of your own topic here. Let's discuss the phrase, not you, ok?

I'm a long standing forum member, it's not exactly difficult to figure out I'm not in my teens, or that Hughes Marques is another forum member. Do you actually pay attention to anything on the forums? Regardless Carbon, it's all very passive aggressive, isn't it? You may not be insulting me directly but it's very much implied. The phrase 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' rings true here... but maybe I should get that tattoo'd on myself too. ;)


I did a Carbon and got new glasses. It's like going from SD to HD when I put my glasses on. Hooray for the gift of sight.



Mar 29, 2001
Manchester, England.
Please tell me you say, 'Hello to my little friend' everytime you get it out :)

Oh yes, in the most (un)convincing Al Pacino voice ever!! :minigun:

Had to buy this today & as the tumble dryer belt snapped:

It was such a bargain as it came with free bloody knuckles, a shed load of expletives and very nearly a free divorce. Also my son's arm now makes him look like a self harmer, lol.

Also, four of these Li-on 14500, relatively cheap and not the best out there but they do what I need them to do well enough:


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Thanks Igoy! It took about three hours once we nailed the design down (I'd mapped it out pretty much myself, but it needed tweaking to actually look good).


Apr 9, 2004
South Carolina
I was going to buy a white xbox one (sunset overdrive bundle) because there was one left in stock across the street, but I waited a couple days and now it's gone. :( Not coming back in stock anywhere, and its sold out everywhere. Kind of wish I had gotten it, especially cause it's now being resold for ~$150 above asking price.


What I did just buy was a new control pod for my ~6 year old z2300 speakers.



Dec 14, 2010
I don't know who this Hughes Marques is, but he sounds like an insecure, creepy peeping tom guy with no life whatsoever.

Since I wanna stay on-topic today I bought a three-pack of this:



Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
I'll stay on topic as well.

I bought some ties. I got a couple job fairs lined up so getting my dress game tightened up. I'll post pics when I get home from work.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
the last thing I bought was 2 tickets to see LeBron James kick the Nuggets ass.
view from our spot:


and video I took @ halftime.
the Broncos Demaryius Thomas was sitting courtside and came out to try and do the behind-the-head half court shot. then LeBron and friends take the court again for a moment. my girlfriend laughs at my inability to hold the phone steady...



Apr 9, 2004
South Carolina
Was it to replace a faulty original controller or is it an upgrade, if the latter, any noticeable difference & in what respect? I have a couple of sets of Z4's which are quite similar & I'm using one of them to drive my Senns.

Replacement...Original one had been cutting out a channel unless I fiddled with the wire a lot, I eventually cut it off to splice a new one but that didn't go over so well.

I haven't gotten it yet, I'll update when I do.


Altiloquent bloviator.
Mar 23, 2013

the butthurt is strong with this one.

We use the words we know I suppose.

There is no sense trying to oppose a female on a hugely male-dominated forum who after facing rational (and non-personal) opposition to her idea resorts to deflection and accusation, then follows with a 'cute' photo of herself under some weak pretense.

What can you do? Maybe BU is a place where women can come to enjoy the fruits of inequity? Seems so with charming truths like this coming out:

I live with a young woman who sucks my dick, I don't need to white knight for Igoy.

I said my opinion on the topic of her tat, and now that it has become both childish and personal, I take my leave. Win the battle but lose the war; at least I am no hypocrite.
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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
I bought some brushes and a set of the basic colours aquarel. I've been drawing mainly with a black ballpoint pen (and it's tons of fun, the details you can add to a drawing!) and colored pencils (staedler, but I'm also searching for the prisma kind.. More expensive but the possibilities...!)

I'm having a good time =)


dea ex machina
Jan 20, 2008
Norwich, England.
My photo was of my glasses.

Enjoy yourself.

Why are you being so pedantic Carbon? You appear to be the only person here who's getting uppity.

I don't know who this Hughes Marques is, but he sounds like an insecure, creepy peeping tom guy with no life whatsoever.

:lol: Sorry dude, I was reciting your name from memory and we've not had a lot of interaction on the forums before. Thanks for keeping it in good jest though.

There is no sense trying to oppose a female on a hugely male-dominated forum who after facing rational (and non-personal) opposition to her idea resorts to deflection and accusation, then follows with a 'cute' photo of herself under some weak pretense.

What can you do? Maybe BU is a place where women can come to enjoy the fruits of inequity? Seems so with charming truths like this coming out:

I said my opinion on the topic of her tat, and now that it has become both childish and personal, I take my leave. Win the battle but lose the war; at least I am no hypocrite.

You answered your own sentiment; there is no sense trying to oppose a female on a hugely male-dominated forum. But not because of white knighting, but because you're kind of being a tool for no apparent reason. You can dress it up as you like, but you were being indirectly rude. But it's fine, you're new, all the newbies seem to think they're going to make friends by being an ass to me. You'll discover in your own time that I am charming. And again, long standing.

And no need for the quotations. I am fucking adorable.

EDIT: The last thing I bought was a sandwich. And very nice it was too.
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I have balls of Depleted Uranium
Mar 15, 2005
Waco, Texas

Not interested in getting into the middle of this argument especially when I haven't been following it but having drawn nearly 100 tats for people by now, let me spin some perspective from my own experience on the initial regret notion. The ones people tend to regret are those that they apply no thought too. Like SO's names and/or faces, tats picked off a wall or out of a book, or tats received while drunk. Also poorly done tattoos but for entirely different reasons. Of course the regret aspect may not even play into things anymore for all I know. So moving on...

I bought frozen strawberries and blueberries, fresh bananas and kiwis, and strawberry yogurt. I tossed them all in the blender and made a damn tasty smoothie... and a mess. But it was worth it. Much better then some other methods of getting antioxidants.