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Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
@ dub, damn you for doing the same...and yes as much as I like the game you have some valid points. But still I enjoy playing it alot :) Each to his own I guess.

You are playing Burnout with a keyboard instead of a controller/gamepad ?
IMHO keyboard-input should behave in the way you describe as there'd be no way of controlling the cars (at speed) in this game.

btw : I wonder why you forgot to mention that no one ever drives these cars even though the bikes do feature riders ...
// ---
I'd have to say that as a full-price game Burnout:paradise isn't worth the money (or the high scores).
However the recently re-released version costs +/- 30 Euro, which is about the right altough I wonder why they didn't include all the extra content.

However having to sign into a second account just to play on-line is more than a little stupid. I guess that's the price MS had to pay to make sure that EA even bothered with on-line features for its games.

He uses a gamepad, he even included a movie of him playing.
The € 30,- Burnout pack includes all the updates. You just need to download them. (Or do you mean on the disk?)
And try GTA4 for pc you need 2324 accounts to get that running.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Xenosaga Ep 3 - 9/10

A fitting end to the series, almost a little sad to see it end that way but I hear rumors of the dev team making a ps3 tie in. One can only hope.


Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
Agreed! :D

It's an awesome game - they took everything that made Far Cry good, and enhanced it further. I know lot's of people don't like the fact that Crysis is so similar to Far Cry, but why mess with success?;)

The SCAR is also my favourite weapon. I love the look of it and the way it's so effective thanks to it's powerful hit and high clip capacity. The only problem with it is that you don't get much ammo, but if you conserve your ammo (best to only use semi-auto) you can make it last through most of the game. Every now and then you will find SCAR ammo in VTOL's when they land to drop off allies etc.
Indeed! However, I believe many people do not like that game that much, just because of the high system requirements. You know, it is really necessary to have a fast PC and these things are not cheap. Anyway, Crysis is the best looking game (in my opinion) and it is really worth to upgrade the PC to play this game. :)

Yup, SCAR rocks like hell, but you already mentioned it, the ammo for this weapon is a problem, in both games Crysis & Crysis Warhead. However, as you know in Crysis it makes a lot of fun to frag your enemies by melee attacks, isn't it. Otherwise, all the other weapons are great, too. :)

Crysis is an magnificent game!!! :)
Life 1/10

It's boring. Uneventful and dreadfully dull. The graphics are the best I've ever seen but it lacks good game play mechanics and there is a huge unbalance in it. It takes forever to save up enough money to do something adventurious and when you do have enough money, the damn computer throws something bad into your life (ie: car breaks down, parents die, house burns etc)

I wouldn't recommend picking up this game at all. What a waste.


Sep 17, 2004
Perfect Dark: 9.4/10

Still amazed on how the industry can't keep up with such a fashion. Simple of a game, yet entirely enjoyable to play with way more interesting plot and missions, hell, even multiplayer, than PD: Zero could ever get you.

I certainly saw it coming back in 2005. PD: Zero is a ****ing joke and should have never existed.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
I remember in Perfect Dark during the weapons training you can open the door via a glitch or something and throw knives into the spectator. I spent hours doing just that. :D


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Perfect Dark: 9.4/10

Still amazed on how the industry can't keep up with such a fashion. Simple of a game, yet entirely enjoyable to play with way more interesting plot and missions, hell, even multiplayer, than PD: Zero could ever get you.

I certainly saw it coming back in 2005. PD: Zero is a ****ing joke and should have never existed.

It may just be me, but ever since Rare went over to Microsoft, the games have been slipping. if M$ does indeed let Rare go, they should go back to Nintendo where they hit it big and stay.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I remember in Perfect Dark during the weapons training you can open the door via a glitch or something and throw knives into the spectator. I spent hours doing just that. :D

dude, yes.

you just described what me and my brother used to do all day long with PD64. it was either multiplayer with tons of extremely hard bots with golden guns or glitching parts of the single player game to kill AI or access off-limits rooms.

did you ever try fully exploring the airport level and Air Force One? there's some cool stuff to find if you wander around the Area 51 labs too. oh and in that alien spaceship that's underwater. oh and in the beach-front condo level. oh and in the underground DataDyne labs. oh and in the Chicago streets level.

oh my god just talking about this gives me hardcore nostalgia, I'm like foaming at the mouth. this takes me way back.
I'm gonna' have to go find my game pack and play through PD again. what a great f*cking game.






and you could even play co-op singleplayer or the kind where one person plays as Dark and the other person plays as one of the infinitely spawning enemies and you can try and sabotage them. good times.

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2001
East coast
Far Cry 2. 6/10

It started out pretty good! But then...it gooooot sooooo dreeaaarrryyy......

The usual shpeal of complaints apply. The most annoying thing for me is the all knowing, super accurate AI. God almighty!!!!

Still its a bit therapeutic to finally find that yokel who was hitting you so easily, run up to him, and empty a full clip from an m249 into his face. Idiot.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Half life 2 episode one: 7.5-8/10

I think this episode has a few memorable parts. (Mainly at the start of the game). There are a few "frigtening" passages, alyx seems to be more a help instead of a hinderance (hl2 helpers). But it gets repetitive. Too many zombies and antlions. I didn't really like the trainstation bit, but the ending was really impressive. Overall it's a good add-on.
Typical half life riddles, somewhat annoying at times (because they've been copied from previous hl games).

Half life 2 episode 2: 9/10

I've really enjoyed playing this one. It starts out real interesting, and I couldn't stop taking screenshots of the beautiful environments. (heck, I'm a slave to the screenshot key anyway). There's plenty of antlions combat this time, and it gets really gory :D
One part actually had me (nearly) shaking in my "boots". So to speak. Couldn't be happier. Exactly the thrill I'm looking for.
Alyx is even better this time, and I'm also full of praise for the vortigaunt (although, he' a bit of a nag isn't he?). Naturally, the riskiest missions are for teh freeman ;-), but oh well... who wants to stand idly by...
The white forest bit got real hectic, and it had been a while I got so fired up.
Bit of a dramatic ending, but I'm used to that by now.There's no way eli could've survived that, right? Right?
I wonder when episode 3 will be released. I'm interested.


Sep 17, 2004
Late reply but..

It may just be me, but ever since Rare went over to Microsoft, the games have been slipping.

It's not just you.
This is exactly how I feel about rare. They used to make awesome game, that if they'd still keep up the beat today they'd probably be one of the best game developers out there.

A few example of forgettable X360 games by Rare:

Perfect Dark Zero.
Completely irrelevant characters and themes to the original, failgroup going for a PD a la Conker. I knew it'd suck when the screenshots were released.

Nuts and bolt.
Stupid casual game that entirely focus on dumb vehicles in gimmick craps. (What happened to the good old Banjo & Kazooie)

Viva Piniata
Even your little sister doesn't understand it. Seriously, it's a boring game designed for Early childhood by the way it looks, that plays a bit like SIM and a RTS, no one wants to have interest in.
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Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
Street Fighter 4 9/10

A bad ass fighting game what else do I need to say...

Saints Row 2 8/10

Would have given it 10/10 if not for bugs but the game is so much fun the bugs can be ignored.

For me personally this game was far more entertaining than GTA 4 which was more story driven than fun factor driven.

GTA 4 you accidentally knock someone's umbrella over and all hell breaks loose (ok a bit exaggerated, but GTA 4 says no to having fun and doing stupid stuff like past GTA games)

SR 2 I went on chainsaw ramage cops did nothing... sure they came to stop me but they faced my chainsaw. Even when I got enough attention that the swat team came in it was so easy to evade them and still have fun.


Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
Half life 2 episode 2: 9/10

Definitely the highlight of the second HL generation in my opinion. Effective storytelling; quite a bit of 'chill time' (I really can't have enough chill time in an FPS, maybe it's just me) in which to interact with the NPCs; varied environments, enemies and combat (and I'll just mention the environments again because, uniquely for an HL game, they are GORGEOUS); memorable setpieces... the list goes on. It even feels about the right length for an episode.

I only have two criticisms - the Vortigaunts are ridiculously powerful (we'd never have gotten through HL1 if they were that deadly back then), and I found the final battle teeth-gnashingly hard. I haven't seen many other people complain about the end fight, but come on, I've been playing FPSs for well over a decade; some of which are reknowned for their high difficulty. If I'm having a hard time then surely something is amiss.
I don't know any way of making that last point without sounding detestably arrogant. :p
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Thread Killer.
Dec 26, 2000
Far Cry 2. 6/10

It started out pretty good! But then...it gooooot sooooo dreeaaarrryyy.....

Yeah so I am 52% of the way through this game and I go to save the game after using the bus. Game crashes to desktop... no big deal right? Just restart the game and get back into it... wrong. Upon crashing, the game proceeded to destroy my saved game and I couldn't access it anymore. Pissed me off and now I don't feel like beating it.


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
If it's absolutely must be the last game I played, then it is Battletoads. :D

That pause beat is catchy, have a listen.

Rating 10/10 xD


  • BattleToadsPauseBeatShort.mp3
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