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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Devil May Cry 4: 9/10

Simply amazing! The only reason it isn't a 10 is because I wanted to play another 10 levels lol

And The Savior as the last boss was kick ass fun!

well, there's 101 levels in bloody palace mode :D
I made it to almost through the sixth circle before ninja gaiden2 made me not play DMC4 anymore... shame. could've beaten the bloody palace with just some more playing.


Jan 20, 2008
Legendary Dark Knight difficulty + Turbo on the PC version is one of the best blast I ever played.


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Frets on Fire - 8/10

As long as you get your hands on a songpack (probably by torrents) youre good to go.
Also works with 360 wireless guitar, as long as you have the reciever.
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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Braid 7/10

Won 1600 MSpoints at a raffle so I broke down and bought Braid because everyone has been pissing their pants about how good it is. Yep, I really should have gotten Castle Crashers.

What's good

The puzzles: For the most part are really really good and interesting. 90% of them are logically constructed and not too hard to figure out. There were a few that were annoying and required a consultation of a walkthrough (note to Mr. Blow: a walkthrough is necessary for obscure puzzles like needing to go through the rest of a world, put together and incomplete puzzle find the ledge, move the ledge up EXACTLY even with the enemy and have the enemy walk onto it. Seriously, if anyone did that instinctively, I owe you a cookie.), but the majority were very fun and challenging.
Music:wonderful, very enchanting and interestingly varied.
Style: the hand drawn, trippy watercolors were very, very nice.

What sucked.

Brevity: It is a short game that I really have no interest in playing again. Perhaps I'll go through a few of the speed trials, but most likely not. The fun was in finding out how to solve the puzzles. Unlike Portal, there is no real reflex challenge to go with, so I don't really understand the desire, tbh.

Story: The story blows. Firstly, why am I sitting around reading text when the good lord invented voice actors for a reason? Second, while it's a cute idea to have the game end as it does, it is a childish idea. The "twist" meant that the gameworld had to be broken with impossible jumps and timing that made no sense. On top of that the reason was garbly gook and, yeah, the epilogue was lame.

Price: Simply put, this wasn't worth $15.

A lot of people compared this game to portal and I get why. They are both short, fun puzzle games. That being said, portal is by far the better, in my opinion, not the least of reasons is that the story is much more interesting and well put together. I don't really know why people got their panties in a twist about how great this game was. It isn't. It's a fun game and a very solid indy game that needs to come down $10.



With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
... bump!

Devil May Cry 4 - 8/10

Awesome! I've finished it once so far, but I can tell I'll be playing through it many more times. -2 points for the occasional frustrating parts and way too much backtracking.

Oh, and it's on Xbox360, btw.


Jan 20, 2008
... bump!
Devil May Cry 4 - 8/10
Oh, and it's on Xbox360, btw.

It's annoying that the console versions don't have a Turbo (a.k.a. game-fixer) mode.

Finished a GBA game, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. While it's short, the castle and monster designs deliver. And the gameplay too - lots of available skills through the souls.



Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
For a long time, I thought about the idea of buying this game, but I never was that much convinced to buy it. However, after many weeks of playing Crysis Warhead and Crysis Wars I was very impressed by the beauty of these games and the same was about Crysis. I got the games several weeks ago and since this day I didn't stop to play Crysis. The game did impress in all what I have ever believed, epic and massive story, environments, game play and visual effects and graphic quality. To be honest, Crysis is my new favourite game, it took some time to realize that. but it is true. Not only the different kinds of environments are marvellous, also the different game play moments, you know, you can use heavy tanks, or boats, buggies and so on and it makes a lot of fun to make fun stuff by using these vehicles. Also good, is the feature to pimp your weapon for each kind of moment. My most loved gun in this gun is the SCAR weapon, which you have from the game's beginning on. I also played Crysis on all levels through, so to speak, Delta I love most, because there the games is very interesting and exciting. Anyway, Crysis is a badass game like hell, but you need a very fast PC to play this game, but it is worth, really. I give the game a score of 10/10. :)


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Awesome bumpage

Xenosaga Ep 2 - 8/10
Yeah alot of people were turned off by the battle system, but I grew to love it. Was kinda turned off that they changed the VA's for half the characters, not to mention half the lines were spoken like everyone was high but it was pretty enjoyable. I should have an opinion on Ep 3 by the weekend as I am in the final area.

Silent Hill Homecoming - 7.5-8.0/10
The battle system felt a little broken. Dodging left would sometimes yield a right dodge and a slash to the face. What saved it though was the story and the somewhat surprise twist(I kinda had an idea). Overall even though an American development studio made it, it felt like Silent Hill through and through. Alot better than Origins. As for the music, I need not go on as its made by the same composer of the previous games. Grade A material.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - 9.5/10
Unlike previous Metroidvanias, this one was very linear, and some of the levels were cut and paste jobs of earlier levels in the game. But it was a nice change from having a 10 hour romp through the castle. Now its a 5'ish hour romp through mountains, swamps, a cave or two and some manors, followed by another 3 or so hours of castle. It was pretty good fun and could be the closest thing to Symphony of the Night since Dawn of Sorrow.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Crash Bandicoot 2 & 3:
So damn fun, a little easy but that didnt bother me. This series is one of my favorites now.
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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Sid Meyer's Colonization ... 7/10
I'd give 10/10 if it wasn't impossible to win at the lowest difficulty-seting in the game.
Best I've gotten so far is being able to survive until the time ran out, but that counts as a victory for the ff-ing king/queen.
Getting an army that's big enough to fight of the invasion and getting enough people to want a revolution in the first place is something I've not manoged to do.
Oh well ... just one more turn and ....


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Crash Bandicoot 1 (PS1)

This one is way harder then the other 2 Crash Games, but still really fun! 10/10


Feb 12, 2002
Burnout Paradise PC

Graphics are terrible in parts. (most parts)
Textures from 1999.
Collision is just terrible too. (atrocious for the bikes)
Crash "physics" are terrible.
Big jumps are boring and they all look the same. As do the crashes all look the same because of the terrible camera angles overly low FOV and due to the physics being "cut short".
Music is from 99 and terrible only surpassed by the crapness of the DJ.
Handling = super Mario Kart. "Handbrake" = lol
"Racing" = hold down gas
most restrictive "open" world ever
controls made for Parkinson patients
2 views - both bad
unspectacular and boring crashes and jumps :zzz:
(gets a 3 purely because of nice bike rider animations)

Alone the car racing stuff in GTA IV > this entire game.
Can't believe this POS has such a high Meta score.
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Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Don't you hate those 'I break up your post and I give my 2cents on everything' posts?

Burnout Paradise PC

(I'm playing the PS3 version..)

Graphics are terrible in parts. (most parts)
- The Graphics blow GTA's out of the water, no blur after 50 meters.

Textures from 1999.
- Textures just got updated in a patch.

Collision is just terrible too. (atrocious for the bikes)
- You're right there , the collision is kinda meh, there are moments where I clearly miss the object but still crash into it.

Crash "physics" are terrible.
- Crashes are awesome. No other game has them so detailed.

Big jumps are boring and they all look the same. As do the crashes all look the same because of the terrible camera angles overly low FOV and due to the physics being "cut short".
- The Cam always snaps to the same point on bigjumps, so yeh they look alike. But the bigjumps are just a small portion of the game (there's only 50 of them.) The Crash cam gets better as you get faster cars.

Music is from 99 and terrible only surpassed by the crapness of the DJ.\
- Music --> OFF. Use custom playlists / iTunes.

Handling = super Mario Kart. "Handbrake" = lol
- Arcade to the max!

"Racing" = hold down gas
- you forgot: 'and booster'

most restrictive "open" world ever
- Besides the many shortcuts there aren't many places you can go, but then again, it's a racer, not GTA.

Controls made for Parkinson patients
- Takes some time getting used too, but the twitchy controls help when you have the faster cars/bikes.

2 views - both bad
- Actually this is one of the few games where I can actually use both views. I normally only use the incar/bumper cam. I like both.

unspectacular and boring crashes and jumps :zzz:
Which game has better crashes ?

(gets a 3 purely because of nice bike rider animations)
Riders look nice, agreed.

Alone the car racing stuff in GTA IV > this entire game.

Can't believe this POS has such a high Meta score.
I can :p

The real fun of Burnout comes when you play it online. Racing around town with 4 friends is just a cool experience. And completing all the online challenges will keep me busy for quite a while :)


Feb 12, 2002
...not when I do it back at you

my counter :)

- The Graphics blow GTA's out of the water, no blur after 50 meters.
On PC this is a no-contest. (besides that I don't get this blur after 50 meters you speak of [watch videos further down])
From polycount to texture resolution to draw distance, there is nothing in BP that even comes close to GTA IV or GRiD. On the PC at least.
I might go do some screenshotting - but there is really nothing to argue.
BP textures aren't even seamless. Grass *stop* Road *stop*.
Polycount of models... again, no contest. GTA IV > BP. (remembering here that GTA has a ton more going on on-screen and still manages higher Polycounts)
Realtime reflections in both GTA IV and Grid. Don't think there are any in BP. (BP fakes it with a static environment map- back to 2000 we go)

Damage models in BP are much weaker than either GTA or Grid.
When I clip a rear view mirror it comes off or after crashes my doors will open or my bonnet will tear off in both these games. BP's damage model is static compared to either other games.
If I smack specific parts of my car the damage is there - skewed wheels etc. Not so in BP.

The physics in GTA allow for destroyable environments which affect the player. So if I drive into a plank of wood and then drive over it, my car reacts. Similarly if I drive over a tyre I hit in the previous round in Grid it makes my car react.
NOTHING like this in BP.

I don't see how you can be so nonchalant about the collision in this game, as having bad collision in a racing game is like having ****ty hit detection in a shooting game. Makes most of the game rubbish after that as it's such an important part of the game.

[Grid has a higher polycount on cars than both these games whilst having completely modelled and reactive interiors too]
Does BP even use specular maps? :p

BP's shadows are weak too. Low-Res and I don't think they are even real time (environment) as in both afore mentioned titles.
(Hard to compare Grid to BP in the way of graphics as clearly Grid's graphics are better, but it isn't open world)
(don't even start on my that BP graphics are better than Grids because:
- GRiD has "real" stresses on objects made of different materials (and it compared to BP doesn't stop the physics just because you crashed)
- GRiD has then entire car modelled insides and out - down to details that the air valves on the rims of the tyres are modelled in 3D
- GRiD has completely accurately modelled car interiors and higher polycount models for the exterior)
- GRiD has multiple real time inside mirrors which when cracked show multiple instances of the reflection, like it would in reality

- Crashes are awesome. No other game has them so detailed.
Yes, on PC there are a few.
Two games I've played. GTA IV and Grid. Gird's crash physics are miles and miles better than BP's. (see videos in sig)
There's no contest what so ever.
Not only that, but when you crash in BP it stops realtime physics and changes it to a partially pre-calculated path. (hence why the crashes are boring)
Not only does that take away from the how spectacular the crash could turn but, but it makes it look super strange as it takes away the "action -> reaction" part. :tdown: [vid of how crap physics, or lack thereof can look in BP at bottom of page]
Often crashes in BP won't at all mirror the impact speed and angle you crashed with o_O
GTA IV manages to be nicer looking, with higher polycounts and more detailed environments and still the collision is way more precise.
Not only that but remember that GTA IV is not a racing game, yet it beats BP in virtually every single aspect.

- Music --> OFF. Use custom playlists / iTunes.
Fair point. Probably the only one I agree with you on :)

- Arcade to the max!
Yes, I keep hearing that. But there's a difference between arcade handling and **** handling.
This is where the Parkinson thing comes in I mentioned.
Try this.
Drive a race and then just wiggle the directions quickly and press a couple of buttons. What happens?
NOTHING. It drives normally even though you're giving it strange inputs...

- Takes some time getting used too, but the twitchy controls help when you have the faster cars/bikes.
see above
In fact, I'm going to have to make a video of how funny it is that the controls are SO unresponsive.
There is a difference between "arcade controls" and plain unresponsive controls

- Actually this is one of the few games where I can actually use both views. I normally only use the incar/bumper cam. I like both.
But only 2!? Come on. That barely qualifies as even a choice. :)
Is there a shortage of oil and racing views I'm not aware of? ;P
Behind view is useless because there's too much car onscreen and the "inside racing view" is too low.
Now you're ****ed as if neither suit you... that's it.
"In-car" is a bit of a big word for a game that has no models inside the actual car. "on-car" maybe? :p

Which game has better crashes ?
GRID see links in sig.
GTA IV. See my YT channel for two crappy vids I put up.[1][2] (not to mention that GTA replays are toned down to speed up things taking away some effects and models which you have in-game and yet even with these omissions in the GTA replays it STILL looks better than BP)
And then you look at BP in action (this is with everything turned to max too) :doh:
Let's compare replays of all three games!
Oh wait, you can't!
Because surprisingly BP has no replays. (even though it's the simplest game out the three)

Riders look nice, agreed.
But you know, as actual driving physics the bikes in GTA are nicer IMO.

Alone the car racing stuff in GTA IV > this entire game.
Like even the checkpoints in GTA racing are done a ton better.

"Can't believe this POS has such a high Meta score."
I can :p
Actually me too. Crap games often get this kind of undeserved hype. ;P

The real fun of Burnout comes when you play it online. Racing around town with 4 friends is just a cool experience. And completing all the online challenges will keep me busy for quite a while :)
Yeah the online is just about acceptable (though it's pretty boring too) and the only reason this excuse for a racing game hasn't already been un-installed and used a coffee coaster.
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Feb 12, 2002
^ My question is are you comparing a game like Burnout to a game like GTA IV?
Isnt that like comparing a NFS game to Gran Turismo?
Just saying.
It is a little yeah and comparing NFS to Gran Turismo would probably have more validity than this comparison.
But we're comparing the graphical aspect of those games I would say more than the gameplay side of things. Plus I guess these are the games which we have played which are the most comparable. For me at least. I haven't played the likes of Midnight club yet - which I wish would come to PC :p and I haven't played the new GT or NFS yet either. (I really want to now, because I doubt anything could be worse than BP, for me)
And finally the racing aspect of GTA is somewhat similar to BP. At a stretch.
Also BP advertises itself as open world, free roaming racing like you've never experienced it before. So it's asking for it.

I also mention those three games specifically because I think if you're looking for a racing game there's much better than BP and if you're looking for a game where you can free roam and do giant stunts and crashes then there is also better.
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With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
I have Burnout Paradise for the 360. It's a great game, although I've grown somewhat tired of it since I've unlocked almost every ride.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Drive a race and then just wiggle the directions quickly and press a couple of buttons.
You are playing Burnout with a keyboard instead of a controller/gamepad ?
IMHO keyboard-input should behave in the way you describe as there'd be no way of controlling the cars (at speed) in this game.

btw : I wonder why you forgot to mention that no one ever drives these cars even though the bikes do feature riders ...
// ---
I'd have to say that as a full-price game Burnout:paradise isn't worth the money (or the high scores).
However the recently re-released version costs +/- 30 Euro, which is about the right altough I wonder why they didn't include all the extra content.

However having to sign into a second account just to play on-line is more than a little stupid. I guess that's the price MS had to pay to make sure that EA even bothered with on-line features for its games.
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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Numbers-wise this is a 10/10

Super Metroid still exudes excellence. It may have actually gotten better over time. Everything from the level design, controls, enemies, and atmosphere are done brilliantly. Shame on those who have yet to play it!