i have now gone back to unreal tournament 99,,cuz the servers there are packed with people

and UT3 aint ,,its empty,but we all know that,.
so if the people at EPIC stepped into the section here in forums were the classic Unreal titles are,they can see what people want from the game
i say=F**CK graficsetion,,,who cares about all the shiny crap
what i think people want is a game that feels awesum to play
JUST like UT99,without miami vice colours,,just a pure fast game
this is just my 2 cents of it all,,i might be wrong
But the classic unrealtitles section always have more viewers then the UT3 forum,,and the one with most people in it,,is Unreal tournament 99
so it sort of speakes for itself.

cheers on u all