yes they should concentrate on an unreal3 sp.
its for sure many unreal fans are awaiting this.
though how to know about the marketing strategies and calculations of a company?
in the case of an unreal3: the characters in unreal2 were looking beautyfull ...exept of the skaarj
i wish more "living atmosphere" like in movies..5th element,starwars..scenarios come to mind.wonderful landscapes.i would not mind to stop and explore arround.
dont need a huge arsenal of weapons.they just should be unique.
new alien races.also maybe characters fom previous sequels?
imo no need of to much,ctf,ons should be enough as addition.
plus Epic should start a "make something unreal" competition again.
and include the winning mod on the cd.
for ex.: if i would buy the next unreal i would like to have a nice different gametype/mod like unWheel on it.