Rate the Last Movie You Watched

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Sep 17, 2004
Valkyrie - 7.6/10

It was good, but then my WWII history is lacking so I couldn't really replace anyone but Himler and Adolf really. Nice to know about this, I know these facts are irrefutable.

Seven Pounds - 7.6/10

Another will Smith movie, the movie was pretty much the entire film, but for some reasons it really take a huge part of emotion nearly to the point of dropping a tear. Those who cry easily will be good for a raining.


Apr 22, 2008
Behind the Great Australian Firewall
Dont ask why:

Kung-Fu Panda - 4.5/10

Visuals were OK I guess, but the rest of it was boring as all hell.

Bad martial arts cliche, Jolie pretending to be a hardcore kung fu master (****ing painful to sit through, especially without it being live action to focus on her tits instead), no real point to it.

It actually put me to sleep.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
It's all political. There's probably some secret society he's not a member of.

Well that and Hollywood just wants to appease the mainstream.

Like the year that Sidney Poitier got the Academy's lifetime achievement award, they gave best actor to Denzel and best actress to Halle Berry.
Neither of them deserved it when you look at the other nominees. But it was the year of honoring the darkeys :p


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Well that and Hollywood just wants to appease the mainstream.

Like the year that Sidney Poitier got the Academy's lifetime achievement award, they gave best actor to Denzel and best actress to Halle Berry.
Neither of them deserved it when you look at the other nominees. But it was the year of honoring the darkeys :p

yep Halle didnt deserve it, and Denzel should of gotten it for another movie at another time (cough*Hurricane*cough)

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Slumdog Millionaire - 8/10

You know what, I can't say much about it... I was pretty drunk throughout most of it. Beautifully directed though, and a nice happy ending. Very unique story. Well done.

The Wrestler - 9/10

God damn this was great. Impeccable acting, great pacing, and more of a focus on his life than actual wrestling. Depressing stuff though, but so real! No phony hollywood bs to be found here. One of the greatest movies of this year without a doubt.

edit - He's playing an NES wrestling game with some kid in one scene, and the kid starts rambling about how awesome Call of Duty 4 is. :lol:

Overall one of the best happy hour turned movie nights of my life. You guys need to see BOTH of these movies PRONTO. :)
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20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
Death Race

Critics are full of it. I enjoyed it, certainly not the best movie ever made but the story was surprisingly better than what I expected. 7/10
The Wrestler - 9/10

God damn this was great. Impeccable acting, great pacing, and more of a focus on his life than actual wrestling. Depressing stuff though, but so real! No phony hollywood bs to be found here. One of the greatest movies of this year without a doubt.

edit - He's playing an NES wrestling game with some kid in one scene, and the kid starts rambling about how awesome Call of Duty 4 is. :lol:

I've been curious about this one, and now must go find a stream. (Always been a wrestling fan, but from a different direction than most "fans". I respect the performers for what they are, physical, tactical, violent actors.

Gran Torino - 10/10. Totally surprised me how this movie caught my attention and held it 'til the end. My wife thought it was so adorable how Eastwood seemed to be playing a grumpy old version of me,.. except he's a ton more prejudiced. But his line about how he's "not the most likable person but he got the best woman on the planet to marry him",.. I fell in love with that line and I know it defines me as a husband. ;)

I also LOVED the undertones showing how much his family took him for granted, and how people can miss so much about the people they claim are their closest "family". I love knowing that kind of crap ain't gonna happen with me and mine.

Seven Pounds - 9.5/10. I gotta admit I love Rosario Dawson in anything. ;) Ahem, long story short I could tell what he was planning, and how much strength of character it took to even think of doing it, but I was surprised at the lengths he went to do it, even after falling in love again.

I wanna see the sequel though where he sees everyone taking his gifts for granted and he comes back from the grave to reclaim them. (I know there was a horror movie with that very plot, but google searches are tough to narrow down on horror movies without a known title, :mad:).
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Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
Blade Runner - 4.5/10, probably one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen (along with Titanic, 5th Element, 300). It feels like the entire movie is made in slow motion and got damn it's annoying, nearly fell asleep numerous of times.


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Pornstar A japanese movie about some guy that's wanting to die, I guess, so he messes around with yakuza people.

In the end the movie gives you no explanation on anyones motives. Some funny scenes but I couldn't recommend this one to anyone with a clear concious.


Apr 23, 2005
The Day the Earth Stood Still 5/10

Not a bad movie but there is a limit to how much one can make a virtue out of Reeves's blank-faced blandness.

The amorphous and never fully articulated threat of environmental disaster never had the same real and immediate threat that nuclear war had in the original and that fatally undermines this as a cinematic experience.

The explanation of GORT is on a par with FLaG for cheesiness.

The character dynamics are never convincing and the colour palette seems to have been chosen to mimic the B&W of the original.

The ending seems rushed and the movie just stops as though they creators didn't know what they wanted to do with the scenario that they had created.

All this complaining and yet I rate it as average?

Well, the first half is much better than the 2nd half and the components are well enough put together (with the exception of a surprising amount of dodgy back projection). There is tension at the start as the mystery unfolds but it all falls apart once the mystery is (mostly) revealed.

In some ways the movie did defy my expectations by putting in redundant scenes. We see the annoying kid playing some fantasy RPG (WoW?) on a laptop early on and normally I would expect that to lead to some amazing hacking skills being demonstrated at a later and crucial plot point but no, no use was made of it at all.

Rent it on DVD but don't bother going to the cinema to see it.


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
Gran Torino: 9/10
Just Excellent.

Clerks 1 & 2: 7/10
That donkey at the end...:eek:

The Dark Night (5th time): 9/10
This movie should get Oscars.

Not because they are the awards it needs.
But the awards it deserves.
It is not a summer blockbuster.
But the Best superhero movie made.
A example for all films.
The Dark Night.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Blade Runner - 4.5/10, probably one of the most overrated movies I've ever seen (along with Titanic, 5th Element, 300). It feels like the entire movie is made in slow motion and got damn it's annoying, nearly fell asleep numerous of times.

lol seriously, I thought Blade Runner was awful. Maybe I didn't understand it or something, but my friend and I wanted to commit suicide at the end of it.


New Member
Jan 24, 2008

I was legitamtely scared at a few parts, but other than that, it was more of a "thriller" then a "horror". My girlfriend was scared ****less though.

Oh, and guess who's fault it is that the dybukk escaped into the world? NAZIS!


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
The Dark Night (5th time): 9/10
This movie should get Oscars.

Not because they are the awards it needs.
But the awards it deserves.
It is not a summer blockbuster.
But the Best superhero movie made.
A example for all films.
The Dark Night.

It was really good, I'll give it that. Christian Bale makes a good Batman, I'll give it that. Heath Ledger was the best Joker ever, I'll give it that. But it's definitely not the best movie ever. It was above my expectations and definitely the best movie I saw in 2008. But I've seen better movies.

None of them about heroes though :D