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sniper apprentice
Jun 25, 2001
Originally posted by ecale3
what i have a problem with is that IRL a .50 cal sniper rifle can hit targets out to 1500m or so. You couldn't even see a targetat 1500m with the Robar's current zoom. Or are we assuming that we are using a scope with a lower magnification to better fit the environment we are in?

well, anyone know if the magnification is anywhere near as powerful as it should be?
In real life a 12x scope is quite suitable for aiming up to 1500m.

When you sit in front of your computer, your monitor, it's not the same thing.

In real life, how big do you see a man 100m away from you?

In game, how big do you see a man 100m away?

And look at the following picture. This is an insolvable problem. If you want a man 100 away looks the same size in game as in real life, your monitor can only give you a quite small FOV; in game you have a 90-degree FOV mapped onto your monitor screen, so things looks smaller than in real life.


New Member
Jun 18, 2000

When using the mutator in a LAN the clients cannot connect to the game. It gets to the connecting stage but never enters the game. Any ideas?

Keep up the good work!!


May 19, 2001
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Two things,

1. Would it be too much to change the standard FOV to be proportional to the average distance/area with a computer monitor? The current FOV is so wide it makes seeing things at a distance unreasonable difficult, and also affects the 'feel' of the game because of the slight fisheye effect. Perspective shouldn't be affected within in the FOV of our monitors, only getting toward peripheral vision.

The obvious trade off here is that it tips the balance between proportional FOV and lack of peripherial vision, and unrealistically limits being able to see things to our sides, but a slight modification could have a decent effect I think. Sometimes when rounds end and your screen was 'zoomed,' it drops the crosshair and you walk around with a tightened FOV... of course a very extreme situation, but it had an element that made me think that narrowing the standard FOV a bit could be as enveloping as it is limiting.

What do other people thing?

2. Could an additional boundary be added to objects so that if your weapon is in a certain radius of walls/boxes/etc it is 'steadied?' Then introduce more 'wobble' or 'drift' or whatever is implemented to weapons so that there is more motivation to use cover and stay close to walls in addition to making aim a bit more realistic... I especially want to see these increased for people leaning, so that you have to get close to a wall to lean around and shoot, trying to avoid the still common 'invisible man' effect.


May 19, 2001
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Oh, for grenade throwing (this just came to me a second ago), implementing some kind of 'follow-through' effect for throwing grenades.

You toss the grenade, then any mouse movement immediately following affects the vector of the grenade. Whip the mouse to the left hard as you are throwing it, and it curves sharply to the left... a more gradual movement adds a slower arc. Applied maybe as a slight 'guided' effect like the alt disc fire in Unreal 1? Of course the direction could not be reversed in anyway in midair... would take some big getting used to, but with practice might have a cool effect.


New Member
Jun 18, 2000
Never mind, did start to read this thread from the beginning and lucky me the solution was given by the man on the first page allready :)

Will test it later though


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
Well couldn't you solve the distance problem by zooming WAY in. For example having the smallest zoom increment on the robar equal to it's current max. The FOV loss due to such an extreme amount of zoom would also make it harder to snipe. Then have the PSG's zoom about equal to the robar's current max. Thus creating more specialised sniper weapons because of the extreme hit you would take to your FOV. It would also give you a realistic range advantage over non-dedicated sniper rifles.


sniper apprentice
Jun 25, 2001
Haha, look at another hot thread bitching about the ACOG. Oh well, basically we are talking about the same thing.

Now let's get down to the business.

You want the scope show a similar-sized visual effect as in real life? That is a really good point. But what about other people whose weapon is not a scoped one? What about a guy who has a 21" monitor versus a guy who has a poor 14" monitor? What about a guy who sits 10cm in front of his monitor versus a guy who sits 60cm in front of his monitor?

The 3 questions above is something "policy" problem. I have no answers to them, and there is no any "correct" answers, either. It all depends on the team's decisions.

And let tell you something more. If things on the monitor look as big as in real life, I won't use RC50 or PSG-1 in game. A 4x powered Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight is more than enough for anyone to aim a target at 400m; currently, how many maps require a 400m shot ( or more exactly, give you opportunities to fire a 400m shot )? Fewer than 3, if any. If things on the monitor look as big as in real life, good soldiers like Stormcaller or Tiffy will own you and dominate ExtremePrejudice with their bare iron-sights.


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
that's not what i mean. I'm just talking about the zoom being extreme. Yes the ACOG would be sufficient to shoot 400m, but you would have a severely restricted FOV. In other words you couldn't see jack running with the scope up because you would have the PSG's current FOV with the ACOG. I'm talking making sniper weapons more specialised so they are not the do-it-all that they are now. Think about how the robar's FOV narrows as you zoom in. Now imagine if the current FOV for when the robar is fully zoomed in was almost halved. How many pople would carry the robar on kazakstan if the current max zoom was the minimum zoom.


Don't Flinch
Jun 1, 2001
New Zealand
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I don't know if it's just my configuration, but using rav2 that AFA uses on some maps my Robar loadout is missing the robar. Is there some setting where if a maps a certain size the robar is removed? Also, when I start on a map, for a lot of my loadouts I am holding a nade as my weapon instead of my primary.

p.s. could someone post whcih version of ra the servers are using?


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Dec 11, 2001
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hey yurch i duno if it was posted already somewhere.....
but when you press 1 it switches to knifefirst..... instead of nades if you have them YUCK
it would really save time and my ass if i could switch right to nade with pressing one like it used to be =)