Yeah cuz it basically has to render everything twice right?
Could it be faked by giving each map a very blurred 'environment map' sorta deal, masking the rendered image to the area of the scope and having the surrounding area scroll across this blurred image? Does this make any sense? It would have to be pretty much a blurred collage of images of the map just to get the general colors right
This wouldn't afford you any periphial vision, just a fake way of limiting the FOV of the scope and such... I get the impression that the mask used for the scope crosshairs should consist of a much smaller open area, but this would be very obvious when most of the screen is completely black... if there was some blurry background instead and, since we don't use a weapon model in this instance, a OFP style pic could be used to draw an out of focus gun model.
Another note, the gun models can used a masked skin on a two-sided segment can't it? Like have portions of it textured so that some areas are more translucent than others? What if the rear sights were simply a two-sided rectangle with a 'blurred' sight texture?
Pffff I dunno
Just throwing **** out there, I know the team has done a lot with the models, they are beautiful and I wouldn't want to see them changed any more than the next guy just an idea 
Could it be faked by giving each map a very blurred 'environment map' sorta deal, masking the rendered image to the area of the scope and having the surrounding area scroll across this blurred image? Does this make any sense? It would have to be pretty much a blurred collage of images of the map just to get the general colors right
This wouldn't afford you any periphial vision, just a fake way of limiting the FOV of the scope and such... I get the impression that the mask used for the scope crosshairs should consist of a much smaller open area, but this would be very obvious when most of the screen is completely black... if there was some blurry background instead and, since we don't use a weapon model in this instance, a OFP style pic could be used to draw an out of focus gun model.
Another note, the gun models can used a masked skin on a two-sided segment can't it? Like have portions of it textured so that some areas are more translucent than others? What if the rear sights were simply a two-sided rectangle with a 'blurred' sight texture?
Pffff I dunno