Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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May 19, 2001
Visit site
Yeah cuz it basically has to render everything twice right?

Could it be faked by giving each map a very blurred 'environment map' sorta deal, masking the rendered image to the area of the scope and having the surrounding area scroll across this blurred image? Does this make any sense? It would have to be pretty much a blurred collage of images of the map just to get the general colors right :)

This wouldn't afford you any periphial vision, just a fake way of limiting the FOV of the scope and such... I get the impression that the mask used for the scope crosshairs should consist of a much smaller open area, but this would be very obvious when most of the screen is completely black... if there was some blurry background instead and, since we don't use a weapon model in this instance, a OFP style pic could be used to draw an out of focus gun model.

Another note, the gun models can used a masked skin on a two-sided segment can't it? Like have portions of it textured so that some areas are more translucent than others? What if the rear sights were simply a two-sided rectangle with a 'blurred' sight texture?

Pffff I dunno :rolleyes: Just throwing **** out there, I know the team has done a lot with the models, they are beautiful and I wouldn't want to see them changed any more than the next guy just an idea :D


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
Originally posted by JamesT

Although I haven't seen it myself, yurch has said that there is already a mutator for UT which can do that -- but drags performance a lot.
- I think he meant that mutator (I can't remember the name, but I have played it before but didn't reinstall it after I formatted my HD) that puts a zoomed view on the screen when you select the rifle... I'm thinking more like the current scope view we have now, placed as a moving texture inside the model of the rifle...


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
On the one hand, the UT engine could handle both scripted textures (e.g., the scrolling thingy telling you who's in the lead on some maps) and mirrors... on the other hand, those are on a map and not on an actor, hence my speculation regarding U2 instead of UT...


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
Yurch said that if you restart INF before you get a GPF you can go about 5 maps without crashing or disconnecting. I tried it and it worked. I think i went more than 5 maps before i crashed though.

Oh, and every time i tried disconnecting before a map change and reconnecting after i got a GPF.


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
Hey yurch, or Stormcaller, are you going to leave the server as TDM or are you going to use Keganator's mutator to put CTF or DOM on the server?

I don't mind TDM as much because there has been decent teamwork on AFA lately, even to the point where people have backed me up when i was laying prone to snipe. But it'd be nice to play something new against people.


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001

From my experience either I don't get a GPF for as long as I have INF running, or I immediately get a GPF upon the first map switch... if I disconnect and reconnect once in the former case I'll have to do that every time until I quit or get the GPF...


New Member
Oct 19, 2000
Camp Lejeune, NC, USA
40mm grenades

I have two requests regarding the 40mm grenades. The first one is to enable us to use the same grenades with either launcher. The second is that maybe we adjust the arming distance a little, or perhaps make it a server side option. I could be completely wrong here, but is arming distance really an exact science? Everywhere I've read seems to say "14-28m". It seems like vanilla Infiltration arms at about 14m and RAv2 arms at about 28m. What if we actually made it a random distance between 14 and 28 meters for each shot? Sometimes 28m seems excessively long in game (these distance estimates were based on the pistol range distances - I don't know how accurate those are) - there are plenty of spots where it seems to me that it would be safe enough to use but they can't be used with the new increased arming distance. I certainly don't feel they should be used in CQB, but perhaps some compromise (I prefer the idea of being able to adjust it server-side).
