Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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You have to put some of this in perspective. I may as well do it anyway, mind you :p.
The auto hip, was in the first (offline) version of RA, it was taken out because of problems with online code. What was the feature that you liked from the other one? The ability to stop running by aiming your gun? I may be able to keep both, if that is what you are thinking of.
And as for the stanima-on-bulk, im weary of doing that. 20-15 bulk people will be the same bullet-dodging supermen from 2.86...
and you can carry, what.. and AK and two-three clips? Thats all I use for my main loadout, if I drop my pistol and nades.


sniper apprentice
Jun 25, 2001
This idea is great; in that thread I've also mentioned about "pulling the trigger very carefully and steady", and this idea represents exactly what I wanted to say. I know this technique is very important for accurate shooting.

I say apply this to every gun.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
WOW!!! Where did this guy come from!

How about this yurch:

Make it for each weapon, but only on semi auto. if you put your bullet delay in, you'll probably wait some x number of miliseconds to send the bullet off. If the mouse button is still down after that number of miliseconds, assume that they 'waited' for the shot and launch the bullet then with the normal shot ballistics. If the mousebutton isn't down after that many seconds, assume that they didn't wait, move the weapon by a random factor, then shoot ala normal methods.

For burst or full, just assume the second part; add a slight random factor and fire.

Hmm...DAMNIT YURCH, PUT IT IN NOW!!! And if you do, I promise to make a DM retrieve-the-objective gametype ;)


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Originally posted by Keganator
Make it for each weapon, but only on semi auto. if you put your bullet delay in, you'll probably wait some x number of miliseconds to send the bullet off. If the mouse button is still down after that number of miliseconds, assume that they 'waited' for the shot and launch the bullet then with the normal shot ballistics. If the mousebutton isn't down after that many seconds, assume that they didn't wait, move the weapon by a random factor, then shoot ala normal methods.
Im not quite getting that. Anyway, I got a system that I think is pretty workable in the other thread.
On a side note, bulk is almost perfect now. I finally ironed out the wierd bulk problems that plauge the weapon reclassing.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Originally posted by Loko Draucarn
and you did set it to remove robar clips, right?
You know what, its funny. Ive been trying to get it to do this on and off, and I still can't. Something wierd. Ive messed with it a whole lot today, but still can't. Im gonna leave it be for now.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Ok, heres rav2 so far.
The bugs it may have Im gonna leave for now, theres nothing gameplay killing in there anymore.
Its time to put the aim in realaim.


Aug 7, 2001
Originally posted by yurch
D.Turtle made an awsome suggestion in this thread:
I want it. Give some opinions on it - it certainly is a cool idea.

Yurch I am going to kill you...
Don't even think of coming home for Christmas if you do this. Better yet, I'm coming to your school on Wednessday, I'll just hunt you down then.

But seriously man, haven't you made my job hard enough as it is? Why don't you start bugging some other people other than snipers (and when I say snipers i mean REAL snipers, not the pussies who carry a robar and another primary weapon)?

As for my real arguement, if you were slowly pulling back the trigger, wouldnt you be pulling back the trigger as you lined up the shot, not after the shot is lined up? Can't you theoretically hold the trigger half pulled for as long as you want, if you have the strength? For God's sake man you already make even prone sniping hard enough. You're just making an un-rewarding job even worse.

If this goes in I may have to be an anti-RA activist, as much as I hate to say it.

Ok, Yurch has calmed me down, but i still dont like this that much. I am, however willing to try it...for now. You all be happy to know Yurch will still be alive come wednesday.
Last edited:


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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post 500! whooo!

Nut, yer job isn't un-rewarding, snipers often make up 40-70% of kills in the large maps - even when only 20% actually carry the sniperrifles.
Perhaps we should just condense the hold-breath into the triggerpull, like this:
No hold breath =>normal.
Hold breath => the longer the alt-fire is held, the more 'stable' or 'accurate' the shot becomes.
This would be alot less complicated to use and learn, at least. It also gets rid of the potential wierdness of having a shot go off when you release the trigger.

Its too bad inf isn't real.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I know some of these ideas are far-fetched, at times. Bear with us on those - they will either be hacked into something useful, or will be dropped. Don't bitch about something I haven't even put in yet. I would much rather see some creative input instead. I, and a few others jumped at that particular idea because it could possibly represent a BIG part of shooting - trigger disipline, I suppose you could call it. The idea is not without its merits.
And no, I am not against snipers. I am not against any particular breed of players, at all. But you saw what I did to the 'rushers'.
I envison this mutator as an aiming mutator. Thats why it still bears the mark of "realaim". Because, I see shooting in inf, in EVERY case - far too easy as of now. I am not targeting snipers in general. I have another idea planned for a while now that will make the forward rifleman wish he was hiding in the back sniping.
All in due time people. If you don't like it, tell me how it could improve.