XMP great balance, BUT...

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Jan 23, 2004
Np's Houdini, I'm trying not to take sides, just give my honest opinion.

I have never really understood the fuss about gas grenades, sure a direct hit is hellah powerful, but so is a frag and incendry.

The sheer speed and movement you are granted in XMP should allow you to avoid the shot or boost out of the gas cloud in a split second.
Perhaps not a gunner, but that’s the whole point of having class based combat, some weapons more effective against certain targets e.t.c. It adds depth to the game and encourages teamplay. :)

I play tech allot, I use gas mostly to suppress or heard my target, rarely as a stand-alone weapon....
I find the techs that run around lobbing gas till they are out of ammo are often very predictable and easy to dispatch. :con:


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
hmm yeah i am trying to think of this... its something to do with the primary weapons... like while the sniper guy is all hitscan and the big guy's are all projectile, the tech has both hitscan and projectile functionality ... also the ranger has generally armor-bypassing attacks, while the gunner tends to hurt your armor, the tech has stuff that hurts and bypasses armor... i think the secondary fire of the shotgun and the duster goes straight through armor when they actually hit? not to mention the grenade launcher almost exclusively affect armor, or health.. i think, anyway...

tech and gunner - fire attacks (secondary shotgun for tech, flame grenades for gunner )
gunner and ranger - plain explosives(rockets for gunner, explosive grenades for ranger)
ranger and tech - umm hitscan weapons?

and oh if only when you hit someone directly with a grenade, they give this special 'shader' effect like theyre coated with the stuff the grenade was carrying... then that would make people accept direct grenade hit kills more easily...
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Jun 3, 2001
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Coomby said:
No, but I was talking about classes on an individual basis, not what classes make the best team. You cant say im wrong and youre right. Obviously im biased toward Rangers and Gunners and youre biased towards GAY Techs :lol:

You sound bitter because you've been 0wned by Techs and you don't have enough skill to frag them :lol:

Oh and i use all 3 classes, anyone who says Techs are overpowered does not have a clue how to use Rangers or Gunners at all.

Also, if you think you can take a Juggernaut out in 2 EMP shots, you're wrong, go try it.


Feb 14, 2004
I remember when I discovered the techs 2x hack ability. I thought to myself, "OMFOMF why would anyone want to use anything besides techs techs pwns they hax so fast!!!!!11!OMF!!1!1!one" I played tech EXCLUSIVELY for about a month afterwards. Then, out of spite for the snipers, I played as a Ranger, and was like "OMFOMF rangers are so fast!!! why would you not use a ranger?!?!/11" :lol: ...oh yeah, I play gunner sometimes too... :rolleyes:


Mar 9, 2004
Hahah.. OMFG look what I started, my posts are the greatest! They become to best flame wars ever! Really now, why do you guys care so much what I as an individual think? Do you love me? :fluffle:

Did anyone notice how my post was addressed to Brainiacus and only Brainiacus. I was talking to him, not you morons, with the exception of Ðetta and carmatic.

Tapeworm, if you want to play it that way, then:

You sound bitter because you've been 0wned by Techs and you don't have enough skill to frag them
Learn to read you ****ing moron.

Oh and i use all 3 classes, anyone who says Techs are overpowered does not have a clue how to use Rangers or Gunners at all.
Holy ****, again learn to ****ing read you ****ing idiot!

Also, if you think you can take a Juggernaut out in 2 EMP shots, you're wrong, go try it.
Your a ****ing moron. Did you go to school?

Hey Dead_Metal, ill fix your your avatar if you want.:B Remember you started the whole thing.

Oh no, Brainicus called Gunners meatballs, im so offended! :eek:

Coomby admits to writing in such a way to cause a mass flame war:clap: and admits it was fun:rockon:

K, really, I am sorry if I offended anyone.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Did anyone notice how my post was addressed to Brainiacus and only Brainiacus. I was talking to him, not you morons, with the exception of Ðetta and carmatic.

K, really, I am sorry if I offended anyone.

naah, dont worry, you didnt offend me! (hmm the first senseless post in this entire forum for me... )
Jun 3, 2001
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Coomby said:
Hahah.. OMFG look what I started, my posts are the greatest! They become to best flame wars ever! Really now, why do you guys care so much what I as an individual think? Do you love me? :fluffle:

Did anyone notice how my post was addressed to Brainiacus and only Brainiacus. I was talking to him, not you morons, with the exception of Ðetta and carmatic.

Tapeworm, if you want to play it that way, then:

Learn to read you ****ing moron.

Holy ****, again learn to ****ing read you ****ing idiot!

Your a ****ing moron. Did you go to school?

Hey Dead_Metal, ill fix your your avatar if you want.:B Remember you started the whole thing.

Oh no, Brainicus called Gunners meatballs, im so offended! :eek:

Coomby admits to writing in such a way to cause a mass flame war:clap: and admits it was fun:rockon:

K, really, I am sorry if I offended anyone.

I did not flame you. Your post above was full of flaming. I would suggest you learn to tell the difference between flames and someone disagreeing with you, and also drop whatever attitude problem you have.


Jan 3, 2000
My penis is bigger than your penis tapey. :mad:

Also I encourage you all to watch this while this thread is busy getting the old padlock.
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Jan 3, 2000


I'm something - But I don't know what.
Feb 13, 2004
uh, nothing is wrong with my avatar thank you. I like it as it is. And thats all that ****in matters when it comes to my avatar.
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