XMP great balance, BUT...

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PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
oh forgot turret farms used properly are grate

i had one of like 30 turrets the other night and some dumbass was kindenought to put more out is a stupid place so i just kept taking them down and moving them to the node LOL

i was like 3rd from the top and only acctuly killed 1 persion with my MG LOL

god i love farmin :p


I'm something - But I don't know what.
Feb 13, 2004
Can it just be said that the skills are varied based on the player, I mean look at the tech, he can be great in either defense or assault, it depends on the player, the ranger can take out ppl at long distance and also sneak in to bases, Gunners can take out tanks and people in a fight. Everything depends on the player. Personally I liked playing as the tech first cause I liked using the Duster (for those who actually played U2) and never really ever bothered with the Gas nades, though I did use em once or twice in my XMP experience. I have been working on being a top knotch Ranger lately for being in a clan so :p - yeah. Gunners are friggin cool btw.


Mar 9, 2004
My two cents:

It is completely illogical and ill-conceived for a gunner with 500 shields to be killed by one lame Tech Shotgun Char. Comon, look at what the gunner is wearing! Gunners can survive Juggy hits sometimes! WTF? Also, really now, how could gas possibly hurt Gunners as much as it does, one direct shot kills em. If that doesnt do it, a skilled tech can spam enough gas to kill most of his own team aswell. :lol: What, they forgot to make those monstrosities of suits Gunners wear air tight?

Aswell, the Techs electrical grenade is too powerfull. It blows up Juggys in two hits, Raptors with one, and destroys mass amounts of deplayables with one shot. Techs can also pick up other Techs deployables and redeploy them as thier own, this needs a fix! Oh ya, I forgot, Atari fired Legend so the game will never be fixed. :mad: Funny thing is, they continue to sell the U2XMP version in stores for 39.99CDN. :mwink:

I play Ranger and Gunner just to take pleasure in killing gay Techs. :lol: When I play a Tech, I own. I continually get scores over 10k and people saying 'stop gassing', or 'Your lame', etc. I have 6 gas grenades, why not use the most overpowered weapon in the game as my primary weapon? When I run out of ammo, Ill surely find an ammo resupply station.:D For me personally, Tech is the easiest class to play and score points with, therefore making them the least challenging, which makes them the most boring to play. Rangers and Gunners are challenging, making them the most exciting class to play. A truely skilled Tech, that can evade Rangers sniper rifle and Gunners rockets, can be almost unstoppable. Thankfully these players are fairly rare to come across.

2nd best speed+ one shot kills+ best vehicle and deployable destoying weapons+ fastest hack times+ deployables = most overpowered class in game.

P.S. the contents of this post are highly flammable


Mar 18, 2004
Just some things.

The contemplation of the class system usually brings about a ton of debatable things to discuss. I honestly find the advantages and disadvantages of each class relatively well done, but I do have a couple of grudges with the Tech, as many people do, but I am not fanatical about it at all.

I do agree with Coomby whenever a gunner gets killed in a single shot by a shotgun secondary fire up close, because I have seen gunners get hit point blank in the forehead with a rocket and survive, and I find that relatively strange in comparison to the char shot. :lol: In most cases you will probably not get instantly killed by the shotgun char if you are paying attention, although some people like to abuse it and char the living hell out of you so you can stay blind until you die. :rolleyes: I usually get killed by that whenever I am hacking and the Tech sneaks up behind me; no big deal to me, but can be quite irritating. I get them back anyways. ^.^

The gas can be avoided in more opened areas, but when the time comes that gas starts filling up claustrophobic areas, than that can be a major crippler, but can be avoided, but I think its power is alright when it is not "spammed." = o DThe good part about it is that it does not screw up your vision too bad, I guess. The EMP grenade seems to be totally fine. They clear up turret farms pretty well and do great against vehicles, which makes sense to me, because I would think Techs would have the best means of destroying deployables and machinery.

I am totally fine with the hacking speed; someone has to be good at it. It makes sense that the Tech would be. I only be a Tech at the beginning of most matches just to hack the hell out of everything early or if my team is short on energy and deploy points. I prefer Gunners for combat. I use Rangers for artifact mad dashing and nothing else because my system cannot pump out enough frames to aim well and my ping normally prevents me from making solid shots.

The other classes seem well rounded to me. I just prefer Gunners because of their blast radius and power as well as unlimited ammo and good defense and Tech assistance. Everything else seems fine; perhaps the Techs can be a tiny bit reduced in power, as far as the charring goes.

The key, from how I see it, is using the classes when at need and when at best, not just sticking to a class fetish and staying as one. :)


New Member
Feb 17, 2004
Coomby said:
My two cents:

It is completely illogical and ill-conceived for a gunner with 500 shields to be killed by one lame Tech Shotgun Char. Comon, look at what the gunner is wearing! Gunners can survive Juggy hits sometimes! WTF? Also, really now, how could gas possibly hurt Gunners as much as it does, one direct shot kills em. If that doesnt do it, a skilled tech can spam enough gas to kill most of his own team aswell. :lol: What, they forgot to make those monstrosities of suits Gunners wear air tight?

Aswell, the Techs electrical grenade is too powerfull. It blows up Juggys in two hits, Raptors with one, and destroys mass amounts of deplayables with one shot. Techs can also pick up other Techs deployables and redeploy them as thier own, this needs a fix! Oh ya, I forgot, Atari fired Legend so the game will never be fixed. :mad: Funny thing is, they continue to sell the U2XMP version in stores for 39.99CDN. :mwink:

I play Ranger and Gunner just to take pleasure in killing gay Techs. :lol: When I play a Tech, I own. I continually get scores over 10k and people saying 'stop gassing', or 'Your lame', etc. I have 6 gas grenades, why not use the most overpowered weapon in the game as my primary weapon? When I run out of ammo, Ill surely find an ammo resupply station.:D For me personally, Tech is the easiest class to play and score points with, therefore making them the least challenging, which makes them the most boring to play. Rangers and Gunners are challenging, making them the most exciting class to play. A truely skilled Tech, that can evade Rangers sniper rifle and Gunners rockets, can be almost unstoppable. Thankfully these players are fairly rare to come across.

2nd best speed+ one shot kills+ best vehicle and deployable destoying weapons+ fastest hack times+ deployables = most overpowered class in game.

P.S. the contents of this post are highly flammable
First, fire and gas nearly completely bypass shields, just like the sniper round does. So a gunner doesn't have 500 shields, no, the gunner has 100 health just like the other classes! Shields apparantly do not function versus fire or versus gas, and it could be assumed all actual 'armor' being worn by the classes is as much heat-resistant as the other and they are all equipped with the same non-functional (non-existant?) gas mask.

Second, an EMP grenade does not instantly kill a raptor nor does it take two hits to take out a jugg.
Raptor: 2 EMP grenades
Harbinger: 3 EMP grenades
Juggernaut: 4 EMP grenades
Of course, that applies to the vehicles at full health. I always play tech, I love EMP grenades and I love trying to blow up vehicles. Those numbers are a fact. Mass amount of deployables are only taken out when the enemy is stupid enough to cluster them up real close. Space em out further than the average length of a raptor and no single grenade will scratch two turrets. As for picking up eachother's deployables, there are worse things out there. For example running over your own team's mines, teammates 'borrowing' your vehicle and driving off as you were hacking that deploy point (only to have enemies spawn), and teamkilling.

Gas grenades are powerful, and as you said, 6 shots. I've tried hanging around resupply points and gas everyone, but there was always some flamethrower wielding gunner sneaking up on me or some other tech handing my ass to me up close with the shotgun. Gas grenades are balanced by their ammo, and if you take away the limited ammo by camping a supply node, you effectively take away the player's ability to be mobile and therefore create a sitting duck. Any gunner could camp a health and shield node with their supply packs and also be near invincible versus common weapons. If techs are so powerful and therefore not exciting, then don't play them. I agree with you that I can score the highest playing as a tech, just because they are the most versatile and can do a bit of everything. Being able to do that just makes them more exciting, because I'm not restricted to just sniping or falling asleep behind my computer because the meatball moves so damned slow.

2nd best speed? Wrong. Raptor moves quicker. Harby also moves quicker. You can't ignore the vehicles except on maps where they are not present.

One shot kills? True. Same applies to various other classes. Ever received the average grenade to the head as a ranger or tech? You're dead. Only meatball survives. Hop into a juggernaut and anyone has one shot kills, well, except maybe against meatballs. Surely the tech has the best ability to one shot kill, but he needs to get close and the enemy needs to be pretty much moving in a straight line or standing still.

Best vehicle and deployable destoying weapons? I'd say a gunner has the tech beat. A gunner can fire more rockets while I run out of grenades and have to use the shotgun or MG. Also, techs cannot destroy vehicles camping far away or up high, because their grenades are ballistic. Both rangers and gunners can fire shots which do good damage against vehicles and carry far in a straight line.

Fastest hack times? Correct, that's what techs are good for.

Deployables? Yup, they're powerful. But the gunner's mines are equally strong, if not stronger.

Most overpowered? Do you see all clans playing their matches with 100% tech teams? Nope, you're wrong. The best team has a good mix of all three classes.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Brainiacus said:
Most overpowered? Do you see all clans playing their matches with 100% tech teams? Nope, you're wrong. The best team has a good mix of all three classes.

Very true. Have a look at some of the posts in this forum with clans looking for new players. Most are looking for gunners and rangers. I admit the tech is the best all round class, but using all of them will give you the best team.


New Member
Feb 17, 2004
No, Juggernauts do not have weak spots. If your jugg died in two hits than you must either not be able to use basic maths (1, 2, 3, 4 -- as opposed to 3, 1, 4, 2) or something else is hitting your tank at the same time. I dare you, go onto an empty server, play a tech, run up to any tank and try to kill it with two EMP nades while the tank has freshly spawned. Impossible.


Mar 16, 2004
fireball said:
I've seen EMP nades destroy a Jugg in two hits (I should know, I was in it at the time :p). It was at full health. Apparently different areas on the vehicles take different damage but I have yet to find the Jugg's "weak spot."

Maybe you just didn't see the other hits? lol


I've been described as hot, videogames..
Dec 30, 2003
Colorado Springs
theres not a big enough difference between the weapons of the classes anyhow, by upping the rangers/gunners hack speed, u would be removing one of the very few uniques of the classes.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
i think all classes are balanced just fine. no need to change anything.


Jan 23, 2004
Moreover the ranger needs the hack speed the most because he is at the highest risk if enemies spawn while he's hacking the deploy -- his only benefit is range, which he gives up during a hack attempt.

An adept ranger is equally deadly at any range. & lets not forget speed and the ability to heal yourself!

Not to mention a rangers ability to kill any other class at full HP in under a second. (without the range limitation of the shotty's alt fire)

He is certainly not an underpowered class. :p


I've been described as hot, videogames..
Dec 30, 2003
Colorado Springs
thanks for concreting my notion that there isn't enough differentiation between the classes in XMP. I never thought i'd get that support inside the XMP forums. thanks :)


Mar 9, 2004

First, fire and gas nearly completely bypass shields, just like the sniper round does. So a gunner doesn't have 500 shields, no, the gunner has 100 health just like the other classes! Shields apparantly do not function versus fire or versus gas, and it could be assumed all actual 'armor' being worn by the classes is as much heat-resistant as the other and they are all equipped with the same non-functional (non-existant?) gas mask.
My point exactly, completely illogical and ill-conceived. :eek: It would be logical that the Sniper rifle shot armor peircing rounds tho. :)

Juggernaut: 4 EMP grenades
I've been blown up with two sometimes at full vehicle health. I doubt your numbers are facts:boom: and im pretty sure vehicles have weak spots, ill test it to find out.

Gas grenades are powerful, and as you said, 6 shots. I've tried hanging around resupply points and gas everyone, but there was always some flamethrower wielding gunner sneaking up on me or some other tech handing my ass to me up close with the shotgun. Gas grenades are balanced by their ammo, and if you take away the limited ammo by camping a supply node, you effectively take away the player's ability to be mobile and therefore create a sitting duck. Any gunner could camp a health and shield node with their supply packs and also be near invincible versus common weapons. If techs are so powerful and therefore not exciting, then don't play them. I agree with you that I can score the highest playing as a tech, just because they are the most versatile and can do a bit of everything. Being able to do that just makes them more exciting, because I'm not restricted to just sniping or falling asleep behind my computer because the meatball moves so damned slow.
Gas is equivelent to the BFG in Q3.

2nd best speed? Wrong. Raptor moves quicker. Harby also moves quicker. You can't ignore the vehicles except on maps where they are not present.
Actually I didnt realize Raptors and Harby's were classes that could be played? Maybe im wrong since all of Brain's information are well checked facts.:B

One shot kills? True. Same applies to various other classes. Ever received the average grenade to the head as a ranger or tech? You're dead. Only meatball survives. Hop into a juggernaut and anyone has one shot kills, well, except maybe against meatballs. Surely the tech has the best ability to one shot kill, but he needs to get close and the enemy needs to be pretty much moving in a straight line or standing still.
Techs are the only class that has one shot kills against ALL other classes. 1 shot MG,second fuction against ranger at full heath full shields,dead. 1 shot up close SG char, any class, dead. 1 shot SG upclose against ranger, dead. 1 direct EMP grenade to ranger, dead. 1 well placed gas grenade, any class, dead. Rangers get: 1 headshot grenade to ranger or tech. Gunners get: 1 headshot to ranger with rocket and mines. Notice anything uneven here? Again I didnt realize a Juggy was a class that could be played?

Most overpowered? Do you see all clans playing their matches with 100% tech teams? Nope, you're wrong. The best team has a good mix of all three classes.
No, but I was talking about classes on an individual basis, not what classes make the best team. You cant say im wrong and youre right. Obviously im biased toward Rangers and Gunners and youre biased towards GAY Techs :lol:


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
umm the 'tank health' thing might be an issue, i have been on servers where people can bask in 5 whole seconds of turret fire (roundhouse, raptor, swingarm, etc etc) , and seemingly not get harmed at all... some servers tweaked the relative damages of some stuff, maybe your particular server has a bias towards vehicle destruction?

i think that there are lots of subtleties in xmp that many of you have pointed out, like tech can drop deployables that drain team energy and the overpowered low-ammo gas grenade... and how the tech specializes in elements that make xmp what it is, like a faster hack speed and having the most powerful anti vehicular weapon... matches where nobody became a tech felt distinctly bland and generic, then again so were matches where there were all techs... but when your in a game , and you have techs on your team who you hardly see action with , or you are playing as one, the effect of techs are not so obvious, but xmp works by making it show if all the techs are on one side of the team and the other team was filled with the 'classical' roles and if everyone is playing properly...
hmm maybe if we can look up the stats for xmp , and see which class gave people the highest score... that is, if score counts more than plain kills or team wins...


I'm something - But I don't know what.
Feb 13, 2004
Coomby, no beating around the bush, you just made this fact too damn obvious - your an idiot.


Mar 9, 2004
Dead_Metal said:
Coomby, no beating around the bush, you just made this fact too damn obvious - your an idiot.
Dead_Metal:rl: ,dude your the ignorant name calling idoit, im poking fun at Brainicus :lol: Its all in good fun. Dont respond to things you dont understand, jeeez!!.


Feb 1, 2004
I do feel that the Tech has the best of all three worlds. Great hacking speed, good run speed, and the best damage of all three classes. When im not in the mood for aiming, I choose a tech :rolleyes: . Here's a quote from gamespot's review of XMP: "The tech acts as the basic soldier and engineer, carrying easy-to-use weapons like the assault rifle and shotgun, as well as kits for deploying force fields and automated defense turrets."[They cant sue me for using a quote from thier site can they? :eek: ] I agree with this, with the ranger taking the most skill to play and the Gunner coming in a close second.

[OT] Speaking of balance though, I have been playing BFV and damn that M60 is just viscous. Nothing like running around Rambo style :minigun: :D . That needs a good fixin' ;) .
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