Hey Morety, welcome the Dude,
Don't Hassle him and don't be Rude.
Skum just got him to play UT,
So please welcome the newest newbie.
As I looked around the clans,
New members have been added to AOC's Plans.
Blender, Ruiner, EliteWarrior, WatchDog and DangerDude,
Altogether that spells BREWD!
The clan of Carpe Imperium,
Is now in such a decorum.
They were in such a Bliss,
But now they have lost spammer DopeFish.
As today we have two new Puffers,
I would to welcome HeLiCon and Kaz as the new members.
Hope you hold the PuF name true,
Don't be a llama or we'll come and spank you.
I'm at work on this Independence day,
For I am Canadian so that's OK.
I don't feel bad, I don't feel sad,
Because I know Ruiner's at work egad!
Clan ]LoL[ has joined Teamplay.net,
First match with SOB so place your bet!
I bet on SOB because their good,
Clan ]LoL[ is new and I hear their quite Lewd!
That's not to say that ]LoL[ is bad,
I've played with them and my *** they had.
But they need more practice and need more scrim,
Or else they shall face the Reaper called grim.
So we shall scrim, all clans of PuF,
To help each other, no this is not a bluff.
Ci, AOC, LoL and MUTTS,
Lets get together and then we shall kick BUTTS!
That's it for me, my poem is done,
I'm going home now and have some FUN!!
To frag once more in the land of UT,
But first, I shall have to take a pee.
-Dodge Bunny Dodge!