World Trade Center

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Terminal {DTH}

I know a LOT of you hate me for a certain news post I placed at UTUG. I wish you'd have the balls to vote on my thread over at UTUG Forums/General

for myself, and probubly a lot more of us here i can unequivicly say that it ISNT a matter of gonads: rather, we just dont care about your poll posting there.
even less now are going to be likely to after the bout of diarea of the mouth you spouted here.

FYI- it IS possible to state your openions and views without it being so glaring negitive and crude.


Not Just Your Ordinary Cod
Sep 12, 2001
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Originally posted by Deathbliss
I know a LOT of you hate me for a certain news post I placed at UTUG. I wish you'd have the balls to vote on my thread over at UTUG Forums/General - it's entitled "If you are angry with me please read" or somthing along those lines. Not thinking too clearly right now, don't care about those who dislike me for whatever reason. I just wanted to bring up a few points:

1. Bombing suspected terorists - killing their families and loved ones puts us in the same shoes as them - we are then no better. This will also not change ANY terrorit's mind. The survivors will go off and plan another attack - with renewed vigor.

2. Vengance is certainly reasonable at this point, but it's also certainly quite stupid. The best course of action is to prove by our actons that we as a nation are not as bad as these terrorists THINK we are.

3. Training for "Project Infinite Justice" AKA "Project Infinite Stupidity" or "Project Infinite Bloodshed" has begun. I need not state here the obvious implications.

4. People die - PERIOD. Hopefully some bad ones bit the dust in this attack, and some good ones are now in a better place.

In conclusion - Nuclear War? So what? I either die of radiation poisoning or I am incernerated upon impact. Either way I die, and anything is better than here - ANYTHING.

- Deathbliss

P.S. For the person that said somthing along the lines of "...****ed up world..." I have a news flash for ya - it's already that way. Been that way for a while.

Man who pissed in your post toasties.........since you have all the answers and everything is stupid to you.....WHAT DO WE DO?....

I don't think bombing the terrorists families has been voted on yet...
:rolleyes I believe the only place we plan on bombing would be osama bin chicken**** box..and his "TERRORISTS TRAINING CAMPS".....

And it really doesn't matter how we handle this situation the people responsible for this will always hate us....just for the way we live........Umm remember they think we should all live the way they do......

I agree that this won't change the terrorists minds about any other type of a strike.. but it may change a few...or put any attacks off for some time....

Bottom line....we have to do something....the terrorists will not go away on their own.......



frog steering expert
May 6, 2001
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you're being very foolish, deathbliss. some people enjoy life, and i'm sure you realize that. regardless of how you feel about your own life, don't be so childish and assume others feel the same way. furthermore, have some respect. no matter what you think, there's no need to make such crude statements.

it seems almost as if you enjoy being depressed. either way, don't share it.


UT Engineer
Apr 9, 2001
If you took a page from my book-

In otherwords if everyone realized that life is stupid and futile you wouldn't be alarmed every time a building is destroyed - terrorists or not. I'm definitly NOT foolish - I'm cold and practicle.

- Deathbliss
Last edited:

Terminal {DTH}

In otherwords if everyone realized that life is stupid and futile

if you REALLY feel that way then why not just End your pitiful existance? you certainally wouldnt be missed HERE.


Not Just Your Ordinary Cod
Sep 12, 2001
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I guess he is one of these bleeding heart people who thinks he lives a terrible terrible life.......everything is a big black pit......

He really doesn't make any sense..... in his first statement he says "1. Bombing suspected terorists - killing their families and loved ones puts us in the same shoes as them - we are then no better. "..........then he says this..."I'm cold and practicle"....

Now to me those two statements just don't go together.........

But anyways........


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Originally posted by L_S
Dont know if anybody posted this pic before, but it is pretty amazing. Just look at that crater and the radius of soot covering the surrounding buildings.

Roll your mouse over this one to get a before and after effect..

Wow. That second picture doesn't look real.....

I won't even respond to Mr. Bad-Feelings over there...


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Deathbliss, i'm only going to say this once:
You'd be crying for your mommy as well if you'd be shot down...

Ladies, pansies.. you have a big mouth. that's it. Met your type before.

So long sucker


UT Engineer
Apr 9, 2001

Well I TRIED my best but it's no use, sometimes people don't get the message. Yes, I will agree that these statements I've been making regarding this attack are at times full of "poison". Let's see - as to being cold and practicle - comparing an earlier statement that too was written in a cold and practicle manner. You think I really give a **** about these terrorists? If they had hurt a mamber of my family it'd be awefully hard to stand by my statements. If I managed it it'd be a cold and practicle response. Also at this point I should retract an earlier statement. I haven't been shot in my life - from what I understand the pain is something awefull. So I can't honestly say how I'd respond if shot - if shot AT I THINK I know how I'd respond but again I haven't put myself to the test. Consider my judgements towards you and my earlier statemnets withdrawn with my apologies. The point I was trying to make would help you to handle this situation better - so far nobody's been able to grasp it. Oh well I'm not very good at being helpfull anyway. All I can tell you is that currently I feel no fear - only depressionm - despite the attempts of BillyBadAss to scare me. They are laughable at best - I wonder when anyone will understand I simply don't care what happens to me. Well if BillyBadAss is able to get his hands on me and make good his psuedo threats then maybe someone finally will. I just feel sorry for the poor bastard. Anyhow I was trying to get you all to be sop shocked out of your current rut of thinking you'd be able to detach yourselves from teh situation and look at it a little differently. I'm sorry I failed - one day someone will figure me out - until then well what can I expect? It's not like I ever claimed or wanted to be normal and completely understandable. I think at this point I'll leave this thread-

No promises tho-
- Deathbliss
Jun 12, 2001

Originally posted by Super_Cod

Bottom line....we have to do something....the terrorists will not go away on their own.......

There is a theory that the terrorists only attacked because they didn't like something that America was doing, and that if America stopped doing it then everyone would be happy.

/me tries to find example on the net
/me finds one

So for me at least, this bombing does not set any battle lines. It serves instead as a reminder that, as the Auden line has it, those to whom evil is done do evil in return.

Aticle at


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Taliban soldiers, every soldier in the Jihad, is willing to die for the cause, their beliefs.
I'm surprised this little fact doesn't seem to scare you. ah well...


Grey Pilgrim
Feb 2, 2000
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OK To the therory that WE are doing something that pisses them off and if we stoped they would leave us alone.
Read your history book
That kind of action is called apeasement and it never works. Some of the great Heros of that line of thinking include Nevil Chamberland of Great Brittan. The fact is that its all about conditioning

Lets look at it like this. I am hungary and in a room with a button that says "DO NOT PRESS" If I press a button and food apears I will Assume that is what brought the food and Press the button when I am hungry again.. I have been taught that button=food

OK now lets aply that concept to world polotics.
An organisation is unhappy with a Nations Activities.
That Organisation Blows up some buildings and kills a large number of civilians. That Nation then ceases their actions. What have we taught that Organisation? We would teach them that Killing civilians through terrorist acts lead to them getting what they want. So what happens when they want something else? They use the Behavior that they have learned.

How do you end this behavior? By Negative reinforcement whenever the Behavior takes place. On a Global scale this means Military operation. This can also mean Economic sanctions BUT those would be irrelavant in this cricumstance as we are not providing Negative reenforcement to a Nation with set boarders and populations. Other forms of diplomacy are all but useless as well as one can not have an envoy with out a Nation to send it to.
When Diplomacy fails, The only recourse a Nation has is force of Arms. It is part of the understood sequence of events that has been with us since the dawn of civilised man.

I also think that Many of you have a distorted view of what this war means. You are assuming the kind of war that was fought against the Nazis or the NVietnamise. That kind of Warfare may very well take place in Afghanastan as US troops Reenforce Northern Army Advances. But The Real War the President refers to, After our inital wrath is demonstrated, will be a more of a policy of actively persuing and neutralising Non-Government Terrorist organisations that threaten the USA. This kind of War will be fought Behind the scenes with almost no visability to the public and inclued Black-ops taking place inside and outside the boarders of the US.
Prehaps you will hear about a suspected terrorist who is found mysteriously dead one morning, Or how some camp in North Africa was discoverd to have been left aparently abandoned one day. Prehaps the leader of some radical militia group will suddenly dissapear in Montana.

There are many reasons to be afraid in the comming years, but Nuclear war is most likely not one of them. I know that there will come the cycle of retaliation. And that I may one day be one of those innocents that is killed by a car-bomb, Or drown in my own lungs when poison gas is released on a subway. But, know this. The more desperate the attacks get, the more we have them on the ropes. IT will get worse before it gets better, The REAL test of a generation is weather or not we are willing to tollerate the Bad times ourselves so that our children can enjoy the good.


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
Some people in the world have no moral beliefs. They just like to argue or complain.

Before September 11th, people were upset that America wasn't doing enough to stop the Afghan Taliban regime for crimes against humanity. Now, people are upset because America WILL do something.

True, it took a sad and terrible event to make America proactive. I understand each person is worried about HOW America will conduct themselves, but I am confident we will succeed.

The Taliban has around 300,000 dedicated soldiers, who are willing to die. However, recent intel showed that over 50,000 of these "willing soldiers" fled Afghanistan. Then we have the opposition. They currently have 15,000 people fighting the Taliban (maybe more). Don't be too naive to believe that everybody in Afghanistan is a willing participant in the Taliban regime. When push comes to shove, you WILL see many of these "willing soldiers" run or surrender (remember Iraq?). This war will have many fronts.

Calling this a war is too general. A war is not only fought with weapons, but also with political strategy. Don't misunderstand me. The political strategy will be backed up with weapons and an invasion force.

The invasion won't consist of 200,000 mindless troops jumping into the heart of Afghanistan. If you truly believe that, then you really need to stop watching TV. Even the news media is talking about the difficult terrain and how that will hinder our efforts. I don't have the specifics about what strategy the military will use, but I'm sure they are looking into everything, including the terrain.

On a different subject, allow me to move your minds from the "War" and back to the Taliban. These people are not brave fighters for a religious cause. They are cowards. They rape young girls, kill women and unarmed men and use terrorists to make them look more powerful. No, I'm not talking about NYC. I'm talking about what they are doing to the Afghan people! It is now that the Taliban should be dismantled and eradicated from Afghanistan.

The Taliban supported Bin Laden and (I'm totally positive about this) knew about his plans to hit NYC. Even if Bin Laden left Afghanistan, the Taliban are still co-conspirators to the NYC tragedy. By supporting Bin Laden and his terrorist organization, the Taliban are just as guilty.

If the U.S. and their allies wish to make the Taliban an example to other countries that are or will support terrorists, then so be it. Once the extremist view the world's resolve to punish terrorist and their supporters, then terrorist acts will minimize (note, I didn't say "disappear"). Don't believe me? Study how terrorism works.

The hardest terrorists or terrorist organizations to find are the ones who receive state support. The easiest ones to eradicate are the ones that have no state support. So, what does this mean? Well, if another terrorist act occurs, then these terrorists and their organizations can be hunted down and brought to justice with ease.

It will take this "war" to ensure that another war will not be needed to hunt down and bring to justice those who use terrorism as a self-serving medium to promote their cause.

Terrorists have a fluid agenda. Once they receive positive results, they WILL find another reason to bomb and kill. And since terrorist receives the Taliban's (Afghanistan) blessings and support, you can bet terrorism will use more deadly methods.

The Taliban in Afghanistan needs to be the example to other terrorist sponsor states. Again, terrorism won't go away. But they won't receive full state support. Without full support, the money, the resources and the replacements become scarce. Even now, you are witnessing many "terrorist states" retract their support for certain terrorist groups. The threats and demands placed upon the Taliban in Afghanistan have produced small, but important, results.

Whether or not you agree with this war, it is necessary to try and stop such actions from happening again. This war will have many fronts and not all of them will be in the battlefield. People will die, both allied and Afghani, but they will die by choice.

The woman lying in the street, covered head to toe, begging for food is more willing to die to free her children, than to have them grow up under the Taliban's rule. That sounds harsh, but it is true. The allies will make every attempt to prevent collateral damage, but the Taliban are known to put innocents in harms way. So, if you read about women and children dying from a missile attack, take it with a grain of salt


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Don't take this the wrong way deathbliss..
I also have this .. thing.. about life sometimes.. and yeah sometimes I really hate society..and all those dumb ****s walking around ..
BUt.. :/
It really serves no purpose to actually shout at people who you don't know... Cause they're not to blame for your misery right?
I felt the same like you a couple of years ago.. and i'm 24.. turning 25 in november.

I can tell you this though.. most people would've become nuts if they would've switched places with me for a week.. I can't tell you why, cause no one would understand. I'm not putting on a show here, nor do I want someone to pitty me or ..
I don't need that.
I manage. I don't take it out on others anymore. Why would I.

YOu wanna be suicidal? You're sure about that? Well then that's your problem. See, I don't really know you do I, and If I say something that might offend you, I really couldn't have known right?

Sure you could be making faces behind your screen now or maybe you're swearing and calling me an idiot and "what the **** does he know..?"...

You can flame me, or .. do whatever you want..
this is all I have to say to you :I
It's your life.

..I'm not trying to help you, cause I know you DON'T want any help. Otherwise you wouldn't be raving against the other pufers...

But I can tell you this though.. I've seen the darker regions of my mind, my own being.. and I didn't like it :hmm:

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
On a more respectful note... mom bought a $4 USD magazine-like thingy detailing the WTC and Pentagon attacks, with primarily photos.

And, on a more personal note, Deathbliss: a lot of people on these forums right now would just as soon see you leave than have to read another one of your bits. If you've left, good. If not, you should.
Jun 12, 2001
I am quite happy with a behind-the-scenes fight against terrorism.

But what I'd heard was that the public would not be happy with a battle that they couldn't see and that might take years.

They hate us because we don't live our lives the way they do. They think it is evil that women can go out in public etc...

Well, maybe. But not what I'd heard.

More random quotes from that article:

Lebanon's 300,000 Palestinians suffer not just from poverty and exile but from a range of discriminatory laws aimed at making them emigrate. They are explicitly forbidden to work in virtually any qualified profession, and a recent rule now also makes it illegal for "stateless aliens" to own property.... Some families are now into their fourth generation in the camps.'

[edited to be short]
I can tell you that I first heard of the WTC and Pentagon bombings, I was on a demonstration against the arms trade. They were announced by a CND speaker. There was silence at the news of the WTC. However, when the Pentagon attack was announced, I am very ashamed to say that there were sporadic cheers. The details of the attacks, in particular that the planes were hijacked commercial airliners full of passengers, and the death count, were unknown to us. That's no excuse for cheering; but this example shows how deep roots of anti-Americanism on the Left. The protesters cheered the Pentagon attack because the building is a visible symbol of American military might and domination - a domination we on the European Left see as evil.
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