Wishlist for Next UT

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New Member
Mar 28, 2005
I think the UT99 rocket launcher was hilarious.

Turn a corner and have 5 rockets bouncing your way.

Oh lord. Booooom!!! Ahhh good times.


I didn't break it, you did
Feb 15, 2004
Bot_40 said:
UT rl was nice but 6 rockets = too many. 3 is better. But the dual use (rockets vs pipe bombs) was very nice, just what you need for tricky situations when you just know someone is coming round the corner.

I must say I am VERY concerned about the canister gun or whatever it is going to be. The absolute worst thing epic could do imo is make primary fire fire whatever, and secondry fire change ammo type (which is what I expect they are thinking - they are trying to cram grenades+spidermines+googun into 1 weapon?). When I'm in the middle of a 1on1 battle with someone shooting me in the face I certainly don't have time to be flicking through 5 ammo types then missing the one I want by accident. I want a weapon with 2 basic fire modes, a primary fire that works one way, and a secondary fire which works another.

Have you tried the Chaos UT2 mod yet? It has a few weapons with multiple ammo types, one of them being a grenade launcher. It still has 2 fire modes, and a seperate key to swap between them. I didn't find it too hard to get used too though. By the way, I believe CUT2 defaults that ammo type switch to the z key.


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
I know what I don't want to see.

Hand loading ammo. And limiting the number of weapons you can carry.

I don’t like those games where you have to throw a weapon down because you can only carry 2 or 3 weapons.


Not biased
Oct 30, 2002
Planet Earth
iron12 said:
I think the UT99 rocket launcher was hilarious.

Turn a corner and have 5 rockets bouncing your way.

Oh lord. Booooom!!! Ahhh good times.

See. Fun times had by all.

"more like UT" makes this possible.



New Member
Jan 31, 2004
i think theyre trying to make it like that multiple grenade launcher in unreal 2, or something... secondary fire changes ammo, imagine how sucky that can be....

"more like UT" could also mean that rockets are loaded by default and wont fire until you let go of the trigger... 2k3 and 2k4's rocket launchers are like quake or something, instant fire rockets...
wasnt there a trick that you could do with the grenades that you got from the old rocket launcher?or were they just known for their spamminess and were removed...


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Vedanth Salian said:
Reply to jafo
1) I didnt mean like make X weapon too powerful in one gametype & too weak in other gametype. I just meant the subtle changes for example shield.
No one will notice 'subtle' changes and the ones that might actually notice & give a damn rarely play multiple gametypes, so why bother ?

Remember : this game is aimed at the 'casual' player aka Joe Sixpack. It certainly will never be aimed at the kind of gamer that tends to remove all the fun in the game by reducing the game to a series of carefully calculated riscs.

Besides : modifying/mutating weapons has been the easiest thing to do in the Unreal-series of games since mutators were introduced.

In UT2004 all weapons are fun to play.but in 1vs1 ...
There is no real 1vs1 gametype in UT. There never was one and probably never will be either. As a result weapons were never 'balanced' in this type of environment to begin with.

// cannister-gun
From a weapon-design/programming point of view this type of weapon makes a lot of sense. Why waste resources and create 3 'different' weapons (grenadelauncher, goo-gun, spidermine-launcher) that are the same except for the ammo ?
Even in their tactical use they are identical (setting traps, firing at opponents behind cover, area-denial).
Besides : how many maps would feature more than one of them anyway ?

You'd even get a decent base-class weapon that can be extended for a variety of ammo-types with very little code.


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
When you play a 1vs1 match the game should replay the winning shot in slow motion, Tekken style.

So if you win the game by blasting someone with a shock combo, it shows it slow mo.

If this is possible please implement this in the next UT, Epic please.

I’m sure most of the winning shots would probably be boring but some would be pretty cool. Head shots and what not.


Hug meh
Sep 17, 2001
In the darkness
That could be a good idea, although it could also be seen in regular deathmatch as well. Would probably be more interesting than just freezing everything, although the motionless models can be cool to look at from certain angles.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
showing the winning shot / goal in an automated replay would definitely be a nice feature, because such a thing can only mean that the demo-recording-feature works and can be mutated to do other fun stuff ...


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
According to the Beyond Unreal Link it says the double jump is back. If "envy" were tobe more like the first UT why would they have this? It should be a server controlled option whether you want double jump or not.

my 2cents


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
BooGiTyBoY said:
I dont want my gooper being mixed with another gun :(
it's my fav next to my beloved shield-gun/impact hammer, which is probably going to be replaced with something non-pogo-stick-like.

* buys boogityboy a drink.

O Goo Gun, we hardly knew ye... :(


Jun 23, 2004
I don't see how the double jump is going to take away from the original feeling. It would add more to melee battles. Double jump doesn't take away from the "in your face" part of UT everyone rants about, imo. Go into a demo server and see the pro double jumpers own with rockets and flak. Demo servers have a lot of close proximity action.

However, the dodge-jump makes it a rare coincidence to see someone charge a hitscan whore with rockets or flak in a wide open area. The main reason is because once you start your dodge jump towards an opponent they'll know exactly where you are going to land and if you don't have shield up you automatically get headshotted or flak shards in your face even because of the fast weapon switching, and if you run at them and strafe enough at the same time to throw off their aim, they'd just jump dodge backwards. If they made the run faster and made the dodge distance considerably farther then the distance you would go by running the duration of time it takes to double tap a key and moving in the air then it would make the dodge still worth using in an aggressive way. Maybe they should stop people from dodging backwards too but I don't know how they'd do this. Perhaps, when executing a dodge the longer the duration you keep your xhair in the direction your dodge was in the farther your dodge will go. But it might make the dodge feel too awkward.

I personally enjoy being able to dodge jump around large levels. And the intricacy of dodge jumps makes it an even more fun for me. But if the dodge-jump is taken out and levels are built to facilitate the regular UT dodge and made smaller to inhibit hitscan whoring at long distances, the DM matches might be more fun, and we'll get to see all the pretty polygons on those ue3 models.

But one thing that makes the double jump really annoying, is those stupid character animations for them. I hope when they said they were getting rid of the "bounciness" they meant they were making the character animations less ridiculous. Seeing characters flip and do somersault acrobatic crap can be real intimidating to someone new to the game. I force Gorge because I don't like any of the smaller skinnier models that falsely represent their hitbox. I think the movement system would be less intimidating to beginners if they included a simple AS-trials map explaining to them all the basics to moving around. It really wasn't that hard. Another thing I'd like to see them do in the future is to provide more documentation for how the game really works, not through the manual but release information on the internet. I've no idea how the headshot system works. If it isn't as simple as hitting a character in the face then don't say it is, or atleast make models represent their hitbox correctly.


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
One thing I'd say to the first poster - The way forward is bigger maps and more players.

Playing in a 16 a side team is totally different to 8 a side.

For 8 a side - a single player usually turns the tide of a game (outside clans that is)

With far larger player counts, it is a lot less spammy and considerably more tactical. One player is far less able to dominate; and a good player by himself cannot win a game.

If any of you haven't played a 32 player game against good opposition - try it.

Titan or Cain's lair, when there are 5-6 regulars <clr> 's or .T32's around. You'll see what I mean.


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
@ what Rhirud said.

Maybe it's true. I like big games and enjoy playing on Titan, but there are faults with the gametype on big maps. For example if you are attacking a node and lose your vehicle, then the game changes and the node becomes locked, so you find yourself on foot with a long hike to get back to a friendly node and the action. This happens to me a lot on big maps like Dria and Apocolypse (and even medium maps like Severence).
Also, not every server is populated by a lot of people all the team, which means sometimes you are faced with playing a huge map with just a few players..and that's not a lot of fun for me.

Most ONS clan matches and tourney's are 6v6 or 3v3, and I would argue that 3v3 on Frostbite ot Torlan (3v3 maps have different node layout's and vehicle spawns) is everybit as enjoyable as 16v16 on Apocolypse or Surripere.

I think large games and big maps ARE the way to go, but I hope Epic keeps in mind the popularity of small games and includes some appropriate maps.
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