Wishlist for Next UT

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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
for the long hikes, just commit suicide (no not in real life) and you'll spawn alot closer to where the action should be...

anyway, yeah, ive been on the titaninternet32playerons server, and its thouroughly enjoyable to see good people playing good matches, all the regulars are competent and the day when i get excited to be first in a match on any old pub has looong past....


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
I think one of the biggest disapointments in UT200x after UT99 was that the roster of weapons was actually smaller...

The enforcers were taken out, and replaced by a crappy assault rifle.

The ripper was completely scrapped, instead of being tweaked and improved to make it more balanced, usefull, and popular.

Grenades were taken off the RL and nerfed for the crapssault rifle.

The only new weapons were specific to ONS and not available in DM/TDM/CTF.

The the next UT, the roster of weapons should be expanded, not reduced. The ripper should make a return, but this time balanced and improved so it plays a bigger role. The assault rifle should be ditched and replaced with the enforcer, unless a better spawn weapon is found. The grenade launcher from UC2 should be added to UT2005/6/Envy, because it's a great weapon and makes makes grenades important to Unreal combat again. There needs to be atleast 1 or 2 weapons which do something completely new but still can be integrated into regular DM/TDM/CTF gameplay. If one or two old incarnations like the stinger or dispersion pistols found their way into the game somehow, that would also add to the variety.

Granted, the more weapons you have the harder it is to cram them into the map. However, UT is all about it's unique weapons, so impressing players with newer, more innovative weapons and expanding the roster should be a priority. To avoid redundancy, not all weapons will be used all the time. Either only a small set of weapons would be included on each map, or a system for allowing the players to choose their preference of weapon, similar to UC2's system or a class system, would be employed. For example, players could choose between the enforcer, dispersion pistol, or even the AR. Maybe some maps would use link gun, while others a stinger.

Also, I want to see more attention to detail in the maps. In UT99, every map felt distinctive and hinged on some kind intruiging base concept or theme. In UT200x, sure, there are a few maps that are pretty cool, but a lot of them don't feel very distinctive, and many blur together. I want the next UT to have maps that are as distinctive as Deck16, Face, Pressure, Phobos, etc. Also, I want to see more of the classics return instead of being scrapped. If a map is good, there's no point in discarding it and replacing it with a new, mediocre one. Of course, there has been some critcism with this concept that when the gameplay changes from one game to the next, the play no longer suits the maps of the old game....well, if the play doesn' suit the map, and the map can't be modified (within limits) to adapt to the gameplay, then there is something wrong with the gameplay and it should be tweaked.

As far as gameplay, while I think wall-dodging is a great concept, I think double-jumping and dodge-jumping just made movement feel clunky, stilted, and akward. Have multiple levels of comitment to a jump or dodge is a decent idea, however, if you're going to have a "double-jump", have it be a "super jump" where pressing jump yeilds one big, fluid single jump, instead of an akward, stilted, partitioned, unnatural double jump. Also, I've notived the falling speed after jumping in UT200x and UC2 to be unnaturally sluggish. Unreal is not Halo, and players should not float and drift downwards like balloons after jumping. Regardless of the height or length they jump, players should fall to the ground quick, like the 250 pound sack of rocks they are.

I'm not sure exactly what it is, but something of the closed in, intimate feel of UT99's indoor maps was lost in UT200x. Even indoor maps seem to feature impossibly long, empty hallways, and the maps that are more closed in feel cramped for the gameplay. I'm not sure what it is (double/dodge jumping has been fingered) but whatever it is should be limited as necessary to return the tight, in-your face, wall-hugging, corner cutting feel of UT99. I'm all for expanding the options and methods of manuevering, but it should not require turning every DM map into a deluxe shopping mall.


New Member
Feb 4, 2005
If I am not mistaken, the whole premise behind Unreal Tournament is a deadly tournament (almost like a game show) watched by an audience [at least in ut2k4]. None of the UT games have felt anything like that. I would love to see more 'tournament' incorporated into UT. Maybe if they just provided a special game mode that incorporated an audience interaction system, I would be happy [that way all the hardcore-'dont-change-ut' people wouldn't be upset].

I would like to see some real changes/additions to the game too. Things like weapon balance and double jumping could simply be tweaked with updates/patches. I really don't want UT2K4 with better graphics and another game type or two. I would like to play a new game.

I also think that the weapons need a massive overhaul. The assault rifle is pretty useless. All you hardcore "the assault rifle is a deadly weapon if you know how to use it"-people can cry until the cows come home. It is an automatic airsoft gun. Every other gun is useful to some extent.
I could go on and on. The basic ideas behind most of the guns are great. They just need to feel more like guns. None of them sound or feel powerful to any extent.

To me, the whole idea of starting with a crappy gun and having to find a better one, in death match, is pretty ridiculous. If there were some system by which the longer you survived, the better the guns you could get, it would make some sense. But, as it stands, if you walk 50 ft. to your left, you might get a bio-rifle. Walk to your right and you might get a rocket launcher. It's just distracting. Players should just start with a descent weapon -maybe each spawn point could have a designated weapon.

:lol: Anyway, this ended up being a lot longer than I wanted to be. At any rate, change the game to my liking or die :chainsaw:
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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
The assault rifle is crap. The enforcer was great because it was still decently powerfull if you could aim well. Dual enforcers made some sense, and gave you a pretty good degree of power for a decent degree of skill if you picked a second one up. The assault rifle just has crap power and crap accuracy. Dual AR's is a ridiculous concept, and just gives the player more spamming power. Also, I would rather have a dedicated grenade launcher that you had to pick up but was powerfull, than spawn with weak grenades,

I would rather the AR be replaced with an enforcers again. However, if it stays, then there needs to be some way to be sure of some hits with the primary fire. Either the overall spread should be reduced, or a first-shot-accuracy/recoil system should be emplaced so repeated single shots or bursts will hit, but full on spray spreads wildly. There should be enough ammo pick ups that after prolonged survival, you are actually likely to have grenades on hand when you need them, rather than having emptied your supply the first time you were caught without another weapon, and having been unable to re-supply the entire time since then.

Honestly though, I'd rather just have a grenade launcher and an enforcer.
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BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
THe should just make a better bio rifle,
the spider mines don't need a launcher just make them like hand grenades that sprout legs when you throw them. Replace all the funny targeting devices with one painter for all
devices ion cannon,bomber and spider mines. every body spawns with this device and control of superweapons will involve capturing a domination style point that respawns after a while just like the pick up for them. that be alot simpler

the should replace the enforcers with a much better more powerfull version of the assault rifle for conquest and ons.


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
the tekken slow motion idea is actually quite good,
maybe they could even put in 'highlights of the match' function that records all the best kills, stunts and awards and replays them in fast and slow motion and add effects


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Here are some things I would like to have (back) in UT2k7 (or however it will be named *g*):

1. Cool revisions of the already included chars, UT(99)-Chars and some new would be really cool. And there are some extremly well done skins from the community here, such things should be included too. Same counts for the Maps.

2. Don`t take away the MiniGun! Double Enforcers sound good, but the weapon strength should be well balanced!

3. Double Domination is still a boring gametype (in my opinion), the "classiC" version was really cool, maybe it should have a comeback...

4. 4 Team-Battles should also find there way back in the game, 4TDM is just more fun than TDM.

5. The statistics in UT(99) in the ngstats-prog were great! Well, of course there where too much infos, but it`s still intresting I think. Data could be saved via difficulty-level (in botmatches). One Bot shown 6 times is not so good *g*. And plz more than 64 places ;)

6. There should be a more motivating SinglePlayer-Mode. I know it is designed for online games, but with a few RPG- and managing-elements this could be great!
e.g. start in the DM-League, joining a team/clan (not beeing team-leader!),get on top of a clan (or create a new one), hire teammates, let them improve or hire better ones, boost your atributes (which you start with eg 50% of the normal value), and so on, there are many possibilites :) For that reason there should be many diffrent bots (point 1) for many diffrent teams and not simple DUP-bots.

7. Bring back the Announcer saying the names of the chars, I loved that in UT2k3!

for the moment I`m out of ideas *g* but maybe someone has another?


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
gregori said:
something more like the ut99 hud would rock,
tthe ut2k4 hud was to gaudy,

Or possibly different hud designs for different charaters/species
i'd be happy with that
Diffrent hud styles for diffrent char-classes or teams sounds like a great idea! But it should be fully customizeable for custom skinpacks *g*


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Beeing able again to give orders to the bots before the game starts would also be cool


New Member
Oct 19, 2004
Should they anyway go with the freeze-scene at the end of a match, could they please freeze all objects (karma, instant hit graphics, other weaponfire). I did sometimes do that with "playersonly" command, and sometimes i got some real cool screenshots...

Could they stop removing weapons? Make a list of "official weapons for this release", who is redone, and is the weapons mainly used for this game. But (as with a few of the weapons and actors in U1 -> UT) let the other weapons, unchanged or changed if they got the time, be accesable to mappers.

Not split the character selection into races, but teams.

Make it possible to, in a botmatch, to select whole teams. Like when playing CTF 4vs4, i select that Thundercrash should be my team (i will be assigned 3 random bots from Thundercrash), and the enemy is the Necris Blade Maiden (4 random bots from them).

Let most weapons do more damage. Play with the UTClassic mutator from time to time, it IS more fun.

Keep the minigun, but tweak it a bit more. In UT i always prefered the minigun before the 'link-gun'. It felt like they did the same damage, but it was easier to keep the gun on target, and it felt like the victim became slowed done a bit.

Add a few custom deathanimation before the ragdolldeath hits. Like the 'standing and shaking' while hit by a minigun and dies, or when your head is missing, while the body didnt get much momentum, let him stand and try to "feel his head" before falling over.
Not every time, of course. Let there be a bit randomness, and a few conditions that has to happen...

Limit the translocator even more (most players probably going to disagree with this).

Of course; four teams! Not necessarly any maps, but supported by the gametypes and the skins (like UT99). And that i say without ever having played it four teams...Just liked to give my character the green skin in DM.

I missed the local UTStats. Using OLStats when playing in UT2004, and enjoy life 4.2% more :) .

When playing onslaught, i want to be able to get home again when i have lost my vehicle by a deserted, but closed node. Maybe having an translocator always stationed at the homebase? Or make vehicle lockpickable? I dont care, i just want HOME!

Make a long jump actually dangerous. I dont have count on how many times i have taken no damage from a jump from Torlan tower.

Make shields at 100 the default shields, while shields at 50 an xtrathing on a map. Like in UT.

Make the pickups better looking. A rotating holosymbol just dont look as cool as an actually medkit to pick up. Same with big shields (armor) and small shields (pads). Again, maybe make them optional for the mapper (classic style/modern style).

Which leads to my next point; more for the mappers...even if its never used officially ingame, include it.

One of my other ideas in another post: able to do a few new dodges when ducking.

Last: What is it they did with the perspective in UT200X that made every look and screenshot feel "wrong". I just never seem to find the right FOV...

A bit longer post than i planned, one idea just seemed to remind me of another idea i have had...


Jun 12, 2000
gregori said:
Have that skull symol for the frags too! thats way better,
once the hud is kept nice, simple refined___ but not plain either, visually cohesive and all that lark!
You're talking crap. \o/

1) UT hud had more going on than the 2k4 hud and was not as refined.
2) what bloody skull thing? You want it cleaned up and crap added back into it?


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
edhe said:
You're talking crap. \o/

1) UT hud had more going on than the 2k4 hud and was not as refined.
2) what bloody skull thing? You want it cleaned up and crap added back into it?

I can live with both variants, but the hud should definitaly more customizable. As prior mentioned team-huds, classic-version-huds and the opportunity to make whole custom ones *g*


Jun 12, 2000
You can customize, remove and add standard elements. Anything else and you'd be fowl of most cheat programs.

Your point stands though, being able to play about with the HUD is fun, whether changing it's colour, size, opacity, organisation or even simply removing it - it's the kind of thing UT has had and should have.


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
HUD in ut99 is much nicer looking, there aren't 50 million colours in it for weapons logos or all that cr#p, it was mostly all one colour ,not gaudy.Having a skull for the frags is just plain cool,
i hate that sh#t with all the numbers for spread and frags mixed up as it's not immediately obvious what your score is when you start playing the game