where o where have my buds gone

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[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
WALLEYE!! You crazy fookin Fish, glad your still about. Yea Death I have run into your AA Death Squad a number of times, sigh I miss the days of Unreal when it was point and Shoot, though I love 2.9 alot, there was something magical about those days, I know Vipe, Death, LB, Speck, CJ, Cosma, Nighthawk, JBE and Stump remember too. Well progress wins everytime. Hey Death no sheet BL is back huh.. man dont miss that spamming monkey.. Belly of the Beast got old after 2 minutes LOL. Sorry to hear your on Dialup Vipe, but then hsma's motto was be one with the lag was'nt it LMAO.


New Member
Aug 11, 2001
w0000000000000000000000t :eek:

Well, well, well.. Wonders never cease. I finally get to look forward to killing you again YAY! ICQ request has been sent. I will see you again soon biatch.
BTW the -X- boys have been invisible for far too long, time to drag em back!

[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
Bretai! Dude! Cant wait to have you "think" you can own me again. I auth'd you on ICQ. Dont forget I know all the maps WAY better than you.. for the time being anyhow :p

How's the weather up in my Favorite Town? I really have to come up there I miss Portland way too much to explain.

Meat Sac

New Member
May 30, 2001
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[SOB]bAd_ChIcKeN said:
How's the weather up in my Favorite Town? I really have to come up there I miss Portland way too much to explain.

You mean someone in my town let you in? That's it the border guards are fired! :lol: :lol:

Sup BC, long time no see.


[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
Sup Meat. Hows Raven Shield been treating you? Yep lived in NE Portland, off 53rd and Sandy actually, but that was back in 1990, though I miss it alot. Best town I ever lived in btw.

[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
and you guys can spot us Cali folks a mile away.. its in our speech and swager. And we will ask the merchants 3 times if the price is right on things we bought. "WTF what do you mean it costs .99 cents.. no tax?!" Oh and yes it does rain all the time, but folks in the PDX KNOW how to DRIVE in it, 75mph in the rain is a site to behold, especially here in cali where idiots slow to a walk when it drizzles :mad:

Meat Sac

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May 30, 2001
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[SOB]bAd_ChIcKeN said:
Sup Meat. Hows Raven Shield been treating you? Yep lived in NE Portland, off 53rd and Sandy actually, but that was back in 1990, though I miss it alot. Best town I ever lived in btw.

I haven't online gamed in a year or two now. Some of MUF is, not me however. If I game anymore it's Xbox. I am too busy sport-touring(motorcycling), raising my daughter and tending to my house, oh yeah trying to please the wife too. It's a full time job but someones gotta do it :D

Meat Sac

New Member
May 30, 2001
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[SOB]bAd_ChIcKeN said:
sweet! what kinda bike you race? Yep I am gonna have 4 kids here soon I feel your pain, hopefully I will see ya INF side when 2.9 gets here.

No racing, sport-touring is riding my bike (Suzuki V-Strom) more than 100 miles at a time, unllike the poser sport bike crowd hangin out at the local starbucks. I travel for a few days to a week or so doing anywhere from 300-600 miles a day (no freeways). It's a blast, I get to see lot's of great scenery and very nice twisty roads! I just did a 7 day tour through Canada, it was amazing.

Jebus, I didn't know you had 4 youngins. I have one (3 years old), how do you have time to do anything with 4?

[SOB]bAd ChIcKeN

Free-Range Pain the Ass
Feb 6, 2001
hey dap hows the penguin doing? Yep them was some good times..

Nice Ride Meat, but dont knock the Ducati, she is a wonderful machine, though not made for those kinda continuious miles :D. Yep a Wife and 4 kids (5 yr old, 3 yr old, 10 month old, and my wife is Due this December) keep me busy, not to mention a job that requires long hours, so I have removed all my blood and substituded it with MtDew and Expresso :p. Is that old castle like thing still up on that hill in NE portland? Man what a view up there, Mount Hood one way Mount St.Helens the other, Columbia lazily rolling by.. Yep Canada is a beautiful place too, I have been all on the West Coast of it..

Damnit I really miss NW :(


New Member
Oct 4, 2003
BC, I'm hurt. No mention of me at all? ;(

Viper, LifeBanes, surprised to see that you guys are still around!

I'll have to hand all your asses to you, HPB style. :D
-Minute Man