What would you love to return to Envy from UT99

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What would you love to return to Envy from UT99?

  • 6-ball Rocket Launcher

    Votes: 27 31.8%
  • Enforcers

    Votes: 43 50.6%
  • Gunning a standing corpse with Minigun/Plasma rifle

    Votes: 38 44.7%
  • Disecting a Corpse

    Votes: 33 38.8%
  • Insane Skaarj Dodges

    Votes: 21 24.7%
  • The Ripper

    Votes: 36 42.4%
  • Single Dodge

    Votes: 28 32.9%
  • Liandri

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Michiel van den Bos

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Melee Weapons

    Votes: 26 30.6%

  • Total voters


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
It's hard to believe there isn't any "bloody gibbing" in ut2004... I mean, that's so much fun...

UT can get really, really dirty you know... but I'm not so sure about ut2004...


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Oh, so there is blood etc..

But you can't gib the corpses, right? From what I understand, what people have said, you can't right?

Hey, I'd try 32 godlike bots and instagib in UT and it'll also get very ...splashy.

I wonder....

How does it work, when you get shot in UT2004 instagib?

In ut, it's as if something "pushes" you to bits and pieces. A fierce electrical shock.

So, in UT2004.. do you simply "gib".. and that's it? Or is it as awesome as in UT?


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Only certain situations gib bodies in 2k4 and its VERY infrequent and don't really make sense. Like in UT if you hit someone with a full pack o' rox in mid air they willl fly apart like someone shoved a crate o' dynamite up their dumper. In 2k4 if you hit someone in mid-air with a full pack o' rox they will pretyt much just take a beeline for the floor and maybe bounce once. :( It's just not as satisfying. Yet sometimes a mid-air shock primary will gib a body... figure that one out. The gibs in UT seem relative to the damage you have done to the corpse with what type of weapon. In 2k4 it's more "random" and doesn't happen as often cuz they need to show off the ragdolls :(

The gibs are also mostly a shower of armor parts and sparks as compared to teh uber-bloody UT arms, legs, and heads a' flying style. It's just not the same. Hell when you headshot someone in 2k4 their head just sort of... goes away. I miss seeing that melon fly across the map.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
yeah, there are just generic gib pieces with a flesh texture, something like from the original quake... the ragdolls always have a pelvis, and its like a plastic toy figure where different limbs can go missing, but all you see are just these generic gibs flying off... the pelvis forms the center of the ragdoll, and often when you 'fully gib' someone you'd see their pelvis flying off somewhere , sometimes with a thigh still attached, amongst all the generic flesh bits


May 8, 2005
Things to return
1) All the old teams(especially Dark Phalanx, GORN!)(I've already recreated all the UT99 teams in my 2k4)
2) Mutators that let you replace weapons, such as a chainsaw mutator, an Assault Rifle mutator, an LG mutator, a pulse gun mutator, a ripper mutator, and a minigun mutator(to replace stinger). That way everyone is happy
3)a real sniper rifle, UT04 sniper is crap,LG is nice though
4) and of course some classic maps


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
Bring back the old Uwindows style menu system, or something similar,
also have interactive surfaces like doom 3 , so they can do the interfaces on the inside of vehicles in first person, but at high resolution


No one escapes us!
I hope the enforcers are as powrful as the UT99 ones, in UT99 it took maybe seven shots from an enforcer to take out someone, in ut2kx the assault rifle took maybe what felt like 30 shots, i suppose thats why they added grenades. it felt the same with the minigun, the old one took a few shells to take out someone and make em dance( i was making multikills with the old minigun!), the newer ut2kx minigun was worthless(I don't think I could make multikills with the newer version, all the ammo is wasted on one opponent!), hehe I never uninstalled the ut99 and the minigun rox in that version, too bad they didn't work off of that design. I must say the old sounds are also something lacking in the newer versions, the minigun and rockets sound sweet in ut99!


Jun 12, 2000
1) Took 4 shots from enforcer on a spawn, 25 damage per shot
2) UT minigun was seriously overpower in low/zero ping environments and it changed in order to balance out gameplay. It's not as strong in 2kx but it's just as useful in the right moments.

Plus i agree on sounds, 2kx has crappie noises ('cept combo boom).


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
bring back real time procedural texturing ie. fire tex
They gave unreal a unique visuals
esp when they were used for steam on the asmd and electricity on the shock cores.

Infact bring back animated ammo pickups from unreal 1