Less usx abuse would be nice. DP kinda well covered the "already got it" phase I was thinking about posting. Outside of that, I kinda like some of the stuff being lost from UT.
If anything, I think my UT Goo, Flack, and Shock back would be nice. When goo was slow, and lofty. When you actually had to "hit" someone with flak bombs, and couldn't play "splash them to death with almost hits". Or when moving combos were actually difficult, and there was less beam spam.
Single dodge covers so much stuff too. It should enable them to return the classic "player scale", the base foot speed, and the old mapping styles.
What I do miss the absolute most though, is the sounds. More specifically, your range of hearing. I remember when I could damn near know everything that was going on in my zone by sound. Now I can't stand on decks sniper perch, and hear a guy charging rockets beind the box near the close 50a.