What would you love to return to Envy from UT99

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What would you love to return to Envy from UT99?

  • 6-ball Rocket Launcher

    Votes: 27 31.8%
  • Enforcers

    Votes: 43 50.6%
  • Gunning a standing corpse with Minigun/Plasma rifle

    Votes: 38 44.7%
  • Disecting a Corpse

    Votes: 33 38.8%
  • Insane Skaarj Dodges

    Votes: 21 24.7%
  • The Ripper

    Votes: 36 42.4%
  • Single Dodge

    Votes: 28 32.9%
  • Liandri

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Michiel van den Bos

    Votes: 30 35.3%
  • Melee Weapons

    Votes: 26 30.6%

  • Total voters


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Less usx abuse would be nice. DP kinda well covered the "already got it" phase I was thinking about posting. Outside of that, I kinda like some of the stuff being lost from UT.

If anything, I think my UT Goo, Flack, and Shock back would be nice. When goo was slow, and lofty. When you actually had to "hit" someone with flak bombs, and couldn't play "splash them to death with almost hits". Or when moving combos were actually difficult, and there was less beam spam.

Single dodge covers so much stuff too. It should enable them to return the classic "player scale", the base foot speed, and the old mapping styles.

What I do miss the absolute most though, is the sounds. More specifically, your range of hearing. I remember when I could damn near know everything that was going on in my zone by sound. Now I can't stand on decks sniper perch, and hear a guy charging rockets beind the box near the close 50a.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
i dont see the following options

a) "Feint"
b) "Jump Boots"
c) CTF-Thorns
d) DM-Deck16
e) Loque
f) Warcow
g) Nali
h) The old way of telefragging


I actually had a long list of ut-comebacks written out but I was only restricted to 10 items when writing this poll. Among the ones that you have mentioned, I would love Loque to return. On a UT series dodging issue, do bots have a faster recovery time, say when dodging from side to side then human players? I first though that it was a keyboard problem but now I'm not so sure.


Jun 12, 2000

It was fun to land flak shells amongst people fighting and blow up players and corpses too, the riddled look of the maps after fights was part of the atmosphere, bullet holes, plasma scorches, rocket splash damage, deemer splash damage, blood stains everywhere.. that's a big part of what 2kx missed.


New Member
Oct 19, 2004
AMmayhem said:
Just sounds period need to be improved. I remember hearing items and players spawn a whole lot more clearly than I do in 2004. Even vehicles spawning don't make a sound, what's with that?

Okey? When i for the first time used my 5.1 surround, whenever i stood with my face against the enemies base in Torlan, i could hear them and their vehicles spawn, and when they took the cars and raced over to get the first nodes as quick as possible...


Que hora es?
Apr 3, 2005
empty_other said:
Okey? When i for the first time used my 5.1 surround, whenever i stood with my face against the enemies base in Torlan, i could hear them and their vehicles spawn, and when they took the cars and raced over to get the first nodes as quick as possible...

AbZolutelly TruE


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
-AEnubis- said:
What I do miss the absolute most though, is the sounds. More specifically, your range of hearing. I remember when I could damn near know everything that was going on in my zone by sound. Now I can't stand on decks sniper perch, and hear a guy charging rockets beind the box near the close 50a.

yeah, you'd think that with more powerful sound extensions and technology (eax 4 etc etc) theyd be able to make nicer sounds but oh well... the levels are bigger, but the sound has the same range, although you can hear the redeemer from an infinite distance away... i wish that the sound would be done properly more, as in you can hear the thuds of rockets from other rooms in a deathmatch level, or the thuds of tank shots from the other side of an onslaught level, and no part of the level would feel isolated and stuff especially in places like the spawning of torlan and stuff, you should be able to hear distant low-frequency sounds ,possibly with a delay applied to simulate the speed of sound ...the sound of gameplay should be the sound of ambience, and all the levels will have a realistic, warlike acoustic feeling... like, having more range like this shouldnt hurt, especially when we can have 64 sounds simultaneously or more, at least most of us should have by 2006...

i just dropped in on a game in primeval just now, and i can hear alot of unrealistic, high-frequency sounds , like the explosion of rockets and stuff... it just doesnt sound convincing, im sure that things like eax 4 should be able to make them sound alot more realistic than this...
Last edited:


The Grudge Master!
Nov 20, 2004
Behind you biatch!!
Bring back teh gibs! I'd like to see people get smeared around the place after a delicious shock combo, or a well placed flak primary. Also, a nice blood spary from a nice shot would be cool.

Also, I'd like the return of those bunny hopping bots from ut99 as well, provided good target practice as well as a laugh.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Actually, I can't run eax, because I think my sound card is heat damaged, as was every other component in my machine recently, but when I did try it, it was a world of difference. The problem is regular 16 channel stereo. It totally blows, when it didn't in UT. I didn't need eax then, and I do now, which creates a "skill gap" in tech.

Did you know the goo has a "charged sound"? It constantly bubbles when charged. I notice it 15% of the time my goo is charged, and never heard it on anyone elses gun before. Rocket loads, and fired cores are the big ones though, not hearing them kills me... literally.


Jun 12, 2000

Spot on 'nubis. I've 'hated' the sound in 2kx compared to UT, in UT you could hear everything that was going on, rocket charges, goo loads, flat lobs, shock #2 fires and in 2kx you simply CAN'T. I don't care too much about EAX so i've had it on and off and either way i can turn around to someone who's been standing right behind me charging r0x which i just couldn't bloody hear. That would NEVER happen in UT as you'd hear 'em a mile off. And yes it's killed me hundreds of times because i'm not expecting a stack, i can't hear 'em load so that is a Major gap in sound. Same with goo - i've been whapped by that a few times when i'm sure in UT the 'sucking' goop sound would've been heard.

The Sounds need to be sorted out like that before applying fancy shizzle. People shouldn't have to have 5.1 surround systems to be able to figure out where people are coming from, i managed (pretty damn well) in UT with just stereo headphones, so that's part of the unreal tech that's gone down the ****ter.

Oh yeah, and for the love of god give the goo it's own bloody sounds, instead of flak cannon ones... OVERSIGHT? I DARE SAY IT SIR.

Aye, and what the hell is with telefrags that don't gib :con: ....


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
edhe said:
Same with goo - i've been whapped by that a few times when i'm sure in UT the 'sucking' goop sound

Oh yeah, and for the love of god give the goo it's own bloody sounds, instead of flak cannon ones... OVERSIGHT? I DARE SAY IT SIR.

Aye, and what the hell is with telefrags that don't gib :con: ....

What.. the googun hasn't got its own set of sounds in ut2004 :con: ?
Flak cannon sounds ???

What, no gibs after a telefrag :con: que ??????

gades said:
Also, I'd like the return of those bunny hopping bots from ut99 as well, provided good target practice as well as a laugh.

Bunny hopping hehe... yeah, enabling jumpy behaviour is good for a laugh :O)


Jun 12, 2000
Bio pickups are same as flak afaik (except for the weapon), and maybe it's my settings, but i don't see gibbage on telefrags, which is really rather sad.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
You guys are mean. No one is voting for insane skaarj dodges. Nah, you guys rock!!