The only good UI was the UT2k3 one, IMO.
ITTA, UT2KX was virtually perfect, if it's not broke don't fix it!
I'm reasonably satisfied with the UT3 UI now though.
I'm not even going to get into the shock of the initial release. (let me just say it was a shame and i'm sure it had a price in the form of the loss of a good amount of followers, between that; poor voice acting ((the demo dude constantly ranting about nonsense)) steep performance requirements, weak online integration and such i feel those factors turned many away who never bothered to look back - thankfully much of this has been addressed in patching, unfortunately a little late though and leaving other existing issues unaddressed) - You know i'm not a UT3 basher, just say'n.
It'd be nice if they would release another or a final patch. - Not holding my breath though.