What do you think of my first UT2004 Skin Dante?

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New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
I tweaked the Gold teamskin the old one was a recolour of Kurgan Original this one is retextured to make it look unclean and it is slightly darker also the yellow wrist guards have been givin a black edging to make it different than the skin:



New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
I decided to see if I could improve Kurgan's skin by adding a tattoo to his arms, Its a logo from FF7 Advent Children that I photoshoped into a brush:

What do you guys think of my first Brush?


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
Its not that that face needs alot of work the model is actually flawed for making a bald character because his head is designed with a ridge for his hair line the dynamic lighting was just shining on his hair(Lack of) and not his face so it created a difference in tone which is not normally there...

And I dont know how much you have been following my skins(Kurgan and Dante) but they are from Unreal 1 and the faces have been blown up 800% to fit on the models (Brock for Dante and Torch for Kurgan) so you can expect them to not be of the highest quality. I was asking about the brush on the arm not the detail on the face I would have posted a different picture, one of the head if I was asking your opinion on the head.

P.S remember that its my first attempt at making skins...
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Currently trying to mend my mind, etc.
Jul 8, 2005
Thanatos said:
I decided to see if I could improve Kurgan's skin by adding a tattoo to his arms, Its a logo from FF7 Advent Children that I photoshoped into a brush:

What do you guys think of my first Brush?

That design is sharp and easy to see the details. Looks good on him.

I'm working on a model that will have a bald head and a helmet that can be masked out. It will also ship with an SDK.

Mr. UglyPants

2007 never existed, it was all a dream.
Aug 22, 2005
Canada... eh
Thanatos said:
Its not that that face needs alot of work the model is actually flawed for making a bald character because his head is designed with a ridge for his hair line the dynamic lighting was just shining on his hair(Lack of) and not his face so it created a difference in tone which is not normally there...

And I dont know how much you have been following my skins(Kurgan and Dante) but they are from Unreal 1 and the faces have been blown up 800% to fit on the models (Brock for Dante and Torch for Kurgan) so you can expect them to not be of the highest quality. I was asking about the brush on the arm not the detail on the face I would have posted a different picture, one of the head if I was asking your opinion on the head.

P.S remember that its my first attempt at making skins...

oh so that explains it!


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
Yeah Slaughter has so many projects its no wonder that he forgets, I'm still waiting for Xanmk4 at the moment I'm playing using a XanMk 2 model (way better than that chunky Xan Mk3)

As you can see in this pic I have spent a while trying to get the head the same tone as the face I guess that was a bad screenshot choice in my above post:

I would like to see some of Slaughters Kurgan screens maybe I'll PM him...


Currently trying to mend my mind, etc.
Jul 8, 2005
Thanatos said:
Yeah Slaughter has so many projects its no wonder that he forgets, I'm still waiting for Xanmk4 at the moment I'm playing using a XanMk 2 model (way better than that chunky Xan Mk3)

As you can see in this pic I have spent a while trying to get the head the same tone as the face I guess that was a bad screenshot choice in my above post:

I would like to see some of Slaughters Kurgan screens maybe I'll PM him...

That looks about right, though it is a bit too shiny, but otherwise the color looks fine. Then again, maybe that's a trick of the lighting.


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
I thought considering I havent made any major updates apart from a few graphic tweaks, that I would show you a screenshot from my Lan Sever I'm Dante and my brother is Kurgan in this screen:


Currently trying to mend my mind, etc.
Jul 8, 2005
Ooooh, that's a great map! One of my favorites from the community. Nice pose for the characters.

Starry Might said:

Hey, have you considered recreating anybody else from "Unreal"?

Yes, please make the other characters, Thanatos.:crazydance:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Lopar-XL said:
Ooooh, that's a great map! One of my favorites from the community
Which map is that? Looks like I lack a little bit 0wnage-map-knowlege :lol:


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
That map is CTF-ColdFront_SE it can be downloaded here:

As for doing other Unreal 1 characters I may do there is Ash the Guard(I probably wont do him considering he has a baseball cap and a cigar in his mouth so It wont really be suitable to skin onto a ut2004 model), Sonya the mask wearing ninja female she may be suitable for mapping onto a short haired female from UT2004 maybe one of the Thundercrash team, the last Human one is Gina a rather butch looking female with her hair tied back she may be suitable to map onto Lauren's model.

And there is the Skaarj Gunner characters which are very different than the UT2004 skaarj:



New Member
Oct 21, 2005
Napali Meditation Room
Lopar-XL said:
Ooooh, that's a great map! One of my favorites from the community. Nice pose for the characters.

Yes, please make the other characters, Thanatos.:crazydance:
As you wish here is my latest WIP Sonya from Unreal 1:

Its in a rather early stage of production at the moment although I do like the Zip on her costume.I have Alpha Masked her Ponytail off Laurens head to make her with short hair...
As seen in this even older shot:

That was before I added the Zip effect and Recoloured her hair...

So what do you think?(Remember the top shot is the newest one...)
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